Insertion of iron oxide in calciumsilicate gel-derived materials


Samples of the composition of 10Fe(2)O(3)center dot 10CaO center dot 80SiO(2) were prepared by the sol-gel method and heat-treated in different atmospheres. They were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy. In the heat-treated samples in air iron is present up to 1000 degrees C in form of hematite and as Fe3+ in the tetrahedral sites. A wide range of hematite particle sizes was observed, the average size increased with heating temperature. At 1000 degrees C wollastonite was observed, at 1200 degrees C tridymite was formed and all the iron was incorporated in hematite. A heat-treatment at 500 degrees C under reducing conditions led to poorly crystallized maghemite and at 700 degrees C to metallic iron and fayalite formation.




Chemistry; Nuclear Science & Technology


da Silva, MGF; Waerenborgh, JC

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