Identification and use of white clayey deposits from the area of Tamra (northern Tunisia) as ceramic raw materials


White clayey geomaterials were collected from northeast of the Nefza region (northern Tunisia). These deposits belong to the Mio-Pliocene molassic basins (basin of Tamra-Sidi Dris, Boukhchiba) and Oligocene Numidien in the area of El Aouinet. Analysis by X-ray diffraction showed associations of halloysite and kaolinite (Tamra), kaolinite and illite (Aouinet zone) and mixed layers, kaolinite and feldspars (Boukhchiba zone). Semi-industrial processed bricks showed promising characteristics and were visibly free of defects. Ceramic tiles had a bending strength that met the required standards but water absorption was somewhat high. So, to achieve higher quality, optimisation needs to be carried out in the formulation of batches or in the processing conditions. Finally, the incorporation in whitish sanitary-ware glaze formulations generated smooth coating layers that showed the required strong brightness and were free of defects.




Chemistry; Geology; Mineralogy


Moussi, B; Medhioub, M; Hatira, N; Yans, J; Hajjaji, W; Rocha, F; Labrincha, JA; Jamoussi, F

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Thanks are recorded for the support of the CTMCCV (Centre Techniques de Materiaux de Construction de Ceramique et du Verre - Route de la Cagna - 1009 El Ouardia, Tunis - Tunisie).

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