26 September 2023

New research on Egyptian Blue has been highlighted on “Science Highlights at ISIS” website. Researchers from CICECO and ISIS created a new model of cuproriviate, commonly known as Egyptian Blue, through experimental and computational methods.The work, led by Mariela Martins Nolasco and Mariana Coimbra in collaboration with Researchers from CICECO/University of Aveiro ( Inês Martins, Sofia M. Bruno ,Paulo J. A. Ribeiro-Claro, Pedro Vaz) and with the Principal Instrument Scientist Svemir Rudic from ISIS Neutron and Muon Source was recently published in the ACS Journal CrystalGrowth&Design in the special issue "Lattice Dynamics”
Through a holistic computational and spectroscopic approach, a better understanding of the structure-property correlations in Egyptian Blue, a cuprorivaite pigment, was achieved. In-depth analysis of Egyptian Blue used Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to provide the structural dynamics of Egyptian Blue that cannot be obtained via other spectroscopy techniques, presenting a unique understanding of the pigment structure. Periodic DFT calculations were also performed, and it is the first time that the Debye temperature and heat capacity of Egyptian Blue has been reported which is fundamental to understanding how Egyptian Blue would function as part of a device.
This team of researchers obtained access to TOSCA neutron spectrometer available at ISIS – a mega infrastructure with pulsed neutron and muon source in the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's leading research centers in chemical, physical, life and material sciences that can be accessed by researchers around the world through a competition for neutron beam time allocation .
It is important to highlight that, in this context, a workshop will be organized on November 17th, led by researcher Mariela Nolasco and professor Paulo Claro, with the aim of understanding how to apply for Neutron Beamtime and be Successful. The objective is understand what and where are the international neutron facilities, how to apply for neutron beamtime, building a 2 pages proposal and do’s and dont’s of a successful proposal. There is a practical training too, to write your proposal, and a certificate of the course.
Professors are Dra. Maria Paula Marques, Coimbra Univ. (former member of the evaluation panel at ISIS), Dr. Pedro M. D. Vaz, Champalimaud Foundation (former Instrument Scientist at ISIS) and Dra. Mariela Nolasco, Aveiro Univ. (experienced user, winner of “ISIS impact award 2021”). The targuet audience is Ph.D and Master students and professors and researchers aiming to apply for neutron beamtime in large international facilities. For more information contact Dra Mariela Nolasco.
The article, published in the ACS Journal CrystalGrowth&Design in the special issue Lattice Dynamics” is:
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