Fuelled by the current pandemic situation (and while in confinement), a group of Researchers from the Department of Chemistry and belonging to CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials (Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Flávio Figueira and Ricardo F. Mendes) and LAQV-REQUIMTE (Susana S. Braga and Jéssica S. Barbosa) Associated Laboratories, gathered to give an answer to the pertinent question:
Can Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) change the landscape of Virus sensing?
This group of researchers firmly believes so, and gathered the most recent developments in this area in a review article published in the prestigious journal Materials Today, which was highlighted as the main cover of the journal. In this review the researchers showed how MOFs can be incorporated in tools capable to respond in severe virus outbreaks, as the one the world is currently enduring with COVID-19.
MOFs are porous materials with high surface areas for chemical interactions as well as low fabrication costs. The combination of these materials with biological recognition units is considered an important first step towards the development of new point of care sensors capable of fast user-friendly detection of viruses.
The information reported in this article describes how MOFs can be used in virus biosensing and provides an insightful tool for future research. The authors believe that the high impact of this work will surely initiate a discussion on the subject in the scientific community, and anticipate novel and imaginative methods in the upcoming years to test a problem that right know presents itself as a very serious “world-sized problem”.
Article Reference
Virus meet metal-organic frameworks: A nanoporous solution to a world-sized problem?
Flávio Figueira, Jéssica S. Barbosa, Ricardo F. Mendes, Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz
Materials Today, 2021, Volume 43, March, Pages 84-98
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