Rita Almeida develops her groundbreaking work in tissue engineering and personalized medicine. Her advice to young researchers: "Let yourself be amazed by a good result, by something positive you achieve."

Success for Computational Spectroscopy Team in Securing Beamtime at ISIS TOSCA
The beamtime application was led by Mariela Nolasco, with the team including Ph.D. student Simão Pandeirada and his supervisors, Andreia de Sousa and Paulo Ribeiro-Claro.

Gabriel Pinto appointed as the Communication Coordinator for the MPI Network
Gabriel Pinto highlights that the goal is to expand the reach of this innovative technology and create collaboration opportunities across Europe. He also notes that CICECO is the only Portuguese institution with access to an MPI scanner, which strengthened his candidacy for NexMPI.

Water-Based Bioceramic Resin upgrade additive manufacturing techniques
This formulation allows the production of biomedical devices with high geometric complexity and shape fidelity, primarily for use as biocompatible and customized bone substitutes. These substitutes are gradually absorbed by the human body, leading to the formation of new bone.

New methodology enables the production of microparticles from human platelets
Researchers João Mano, Maria Clara Gomes, and Catarina Custódio have developed a methodology to obtain microscopic particles (microparticles) from proteins extracted from human platelets.

BetterBone team celebrates double success at diamond light source
The BetterBone project, led by Ana Gil from the University of Aveiro and supported by FCT, is a collaboration between CICECO and researchers from the University of Coimbra, led by Paula Marques.

Ionic liquid-based technology optimizes prostate cancer diagnosis
A team including João Coutinho and Mara Freire has developed an ionic liquid-based technology that enables the simultaneous extraction, purification, and concentration of a prostate cancer biomarker (prostate-specific antigen, PSA) from urine samples.

New measurement of temperature featured on Journal of American Chemical Society
Research developed by Professors Luís Carlos and Carlos Brites has achieved international prominence by starring on the cover of the most recent issue of the renowned scientific journal Journal of the American Chemical Society. The study represents an innovative milestone in the measurement of temperatures on a nanometric scale under conditions of extremely high magnetic fields.

Plastic 360 Workshop brings together over a hundred participants
On December 6th, the Plastic 360º Workshop brought together academia and industry to explore the latest advances in polymer recovery, recycling, and sustainable management. The event, organized by CICECO researchers Ana M. Ferreira Takahashi, Ana Barros Timmons, Andreia F. de Sousa, and Nuno Gama, gathered 110 participants.

CICECO partners in interdisciplinary Workshop with CESAM and LAQV-REQUIMTE
On November 25th, researchers from CESAM, CICECO, and LAQV-REQUIMTE gathered under the theme “When Chemistry meets Biology: (Eco)toxicity of Biodegradable Polymers and Nanomaterials.”