Ana Paula Mora Tavares

Investigador Auxiliar


Ana P. M. Tavares graduated in Chemical Engineering at Estadual University of Rio de Janeiro in 1997, and completed a two-year MSc degree in Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2000. Tavares completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering at University of Aveiro in 2006. In 2007, Tavares received an Honourable Mention from the "Companhia União Fabril" (Portugal) for the scientific standards of her PhD thesis. In 2021 Tavares received a contract in the "Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support - 3rd Edition, refa 2020.01867.CEECIND", CICECO/UA. From 2006-2014 Tavares was a Post-doctoral fellow and an Auxiliary Researcher at LSRE/FEUP. In 2014 Tavares changed the host institution, and moved to CICECO/UA as a post-doctoral researcher, and since 2017 Tavares is an Auxiliary Researcher at the same institution. Tavares published ca. 57 SCI papers with +1500 citations, an h-index of 25 and ca. 100 co-authors. Her publications also includes 1 encyclopedia entry, 10 book chapters and + 60 abstracts in international conferences. She also filled 2 national/international patents. Tavares participated in 11 funded R&D projects, being the principal investigator in 3. She participated as jury member of 21 MSc and 10 PhD theses (some of them outside Portugal), and acting as committee member in the evaluation of academic degrees and research grants. In the last five years, she has been focusing on producing cutting-edge research and on publishing in high IF journals, such as Green Chem (IF 9.405), Chem Eng J (IF 7.01), ACS Sust Chem Eng (IF 6.97), J Colloid Interf Sci (IF 6.361), Sep Pur Tech (IF 5.107), Int J Biol Macromol (IF 4.784), among others, while being the corresponding author in >20 publications. She has been acting as a referee of multidisciplinary journals, such as Front Bioeng Biotech, Biotechnol Adv, Biotecnhol Proc, Sci Rep, J Chem Tech Biotech, J Mol Liq and Chem Eng J. Currently, Tavares is the PI of 2 funded projects i) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031268 (239564 Euros), in collaboration with UNESP, Brazil, and FEUP, Portugal); ii) IF/01634/2015 (50000 Euros) and is team member in another funded project, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030840 (1739647Euros). From March 2017 to July 2017 A. Tavares participated in the COHITEC training program in technology commercialization. This program supports the valorization of the knowledge produced at Portuguese R&D institutions. The program has two main objectives: i) assessing the commercial viability of the products or services that can be obtained from the science / technology proposed by participant researchers ; ii) inducing entrepreneurial and technology commercialization skills in the participants. The pedagogical capacity is supported by teaching tutorial classes of Fundamentals of Chemistry I and II at FEUP (2008-2014) and by teaching laboratory classes of Biochemistry I, Chemistry I and Microbial Biotechnology at UAVR. She has supervised 2 post-doctoral researchers, 1 international Intership PhD and 10 MSc, 25 BSc and 2 ungraduated Erasmus students. The current supervision activities include the supervising of 5 BSc, 5 MSc (2 outside UA), 2 PhD students 1 PhD reseacher contract. Her research scientific interests include proteins, enzymes, ionic liquids, biomolecules purification, aqueous biphasic systems, fermentation processes, enzyme immobilization, nanomaterials, and biocatalysis for organic synthesis and enzymatic reactions. These scientific interests are developed with the goal of improving society standards, by providing innovative and sustainable processes and products.

Supervisões em Curso


A ERA dos insectos (InsetcERA ( Investigação industrial e Estudos de viabilidade))

ParticipanteIndustry National
A Agenda InsectERA visa fomentar a economia circular e alavancar o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, processos e serviços, com base em I&D e inovação, com elevado valor acrescentado e incorporação de conhecimento e tecnologia, permitindo responder ao desafio da transi&c...

Anticorpos de aves com elevada pureza e estabilidade como biofármacos alternativos no combate à resistência antimicrobiana (antYmicrob)

ParticipanteIndustry National
O projeto antYmicrob ambiciona aumentar e validar à escala pré-industrial um processo de purificação desenvolvido para anticorpos imunoglobulina Y, e validar o processo com ovos hiperimunes para bactéria Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), assegurando a atividade, estabilidade e não toxicidade dos anticorpos obtidos por ensaios...

Desenvolvimento de nanomateriais sustentáveis para a purificação de fármacos anti-leucémicos (NanoPurAsp)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Desenvolvimento de plataformas eficientes e de baixo custo utilizando líquidos iónicos para a purificação de biofármacos de ADN minicircular que codifica p53 com aplicação em oncologia (PureDNA)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
O cancro é a segunda causa de morte a nível mundial, sendo um fator crítico em termos de saúde e economia. Numa era de uma sociedade envelhecida, estima-se que a prevalência de cancro aumente, com projeções de 28,4 milhões de novos casos até 2040. Os custos diretos relacionados com o tratamento de cancro atingiram €103 biliões em 2018, dos quais...

Melhorias na obtenção de vacinas de ARN mensageiro utilizando líquidos iónicos e processos integrados de produção-clarificação (mVACCIL)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Melhorias no bioprocessamento de proteínas recombinantes utilizando líquidos iónicos (IL2BioPro)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Projeto de Investigação Exploratória: Ana Paula Tavares (IF Ana Paula Tavares)

CoordenadorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Ionic-liquid-based approaches to improve biopharmaceuticals downstream processing and formulation

Almeida, C; Pedro, AQ; Tavares, APM; Neves, MC; Freire, MG

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a platform for Immunoglobulin G attachment

Almeida, MR; Barros, RAM; Pereira, MM; Castro, D; Faria, JL; Freire, MG; Silva, CG; Tavares, APM

Pristine Multi-walled carbon nanotubes for a rapid and efficient plasmid DNA clarification

Ferreira, P; Riscado, M; Bernardo, S; Freire, MG; Faria, JL; Tavares, A; Silva, C; Sousa, F

A flow-through strategy using supported ionic liquids for L-asparaginase purification

Nunes, JCF; Almeida, MR; de Paiva, GB; Pedrolli, DB; Santos-Ebinuma, VC; Neves, MC; Freire, MG; Tavares, APM

How does dilution affect the conductivity, the propensity to aggregate and the biological activity of enzymes?

Roque, C; Andrade, E; Duarte, L; Costa, M; Tavares, APM; Madeira, PP

Integrated platform resorting to ionic liquids comprising the extraction, purification and preservation of DNA

Dinis, TBV; Valente, AI; Tavares, APM; Sousa, F; Freire, MG

Supported ionic liquids as customizable materials to purify immunoglobulin G

Capela, EV; Bairos, J; Pedro, AQ; Neves, MC; Aires-Barros, MR; Azevedo, AM; Coutinho, JAP; Tavares, APM; Freire, MG

Unveiling the potential of deep eutectic solvents to improve the conformational and colloidal stability of immunoglobulin G antibodies

Dhiman, D; Marques, ASC; Bisht, M; Tavares, APM; Freire, MG; Venkatesu, P
2023, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 25, 2, 650-660.

Towards the sustainable extraction and purification of non-animal proteins from biomass using alternative solvents

Kopilovic B.; Valente A.I.; Ferreira A.M.; Almeida M.R.; Tavares A.P.M.; Freire M.G.; Coutinho J.A.P.
2023, RSC Sustainability, 1, 1314-1331.

Efficient Extraction of the RuBisCO Enzyme from Spinach Leaves Using Aqueous Solutions of Biocompatible Ionic Liquids

Ana I. Valente, Ana M. Ferreira, Mafalda R. Almeida, Aminou Mohamadou, Mara G. Freire and Ana P. M. Tavares
2022, Sustainable Chemistry, 3, 1-18.

Nucleic Acids Stabilization with Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents

In Noureddine Abidi and Julia Shamshina (Eds.), Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids
Almeida J.S.; Capela E.V.; Tavares A.P.M.; Freire M.G.
2023, Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids, 181-218, Nova Science Publisher Inc..
ISBN: 979-888697873-5; 979-888697635-9

Microbial Enzymes in the Bioremediation of Pollutants

In Inamuddin, M.Phil (Eds.), Bioremediation for Environmental Pollutants
Flávia F. Magalhães, Maria I. Bonifácio, Ana M. Ferreira, Mara G. Freire and Ana P. M. Tavares
2023, 1-37, Benthan Science.
ISBN: 978-981-5123-53-1

Anti-Cancer Biosurfactants

In Springer (Eds.), Microbial Biosurfactants
Flávia F. Magalhães, João C. F. Nunes, Marília T. Araújo, Ana M. Ferreira, Mafalda R. Almeida, Mara G. Freire, Ana P. M. Tavares
2021, 159-196.
ISBN: 10.1007/978-981-15-6607-3_8

Recovery and Purification of (Bio)Pharmaceuticals Using (Nano)Materials

In Bentham Science (Eds.), Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques Volume: 4
Ana P. M. Tavares, Márcia C. Neves, Tito Trindade and Mara G. Freire
2020, 58-93.
ISBN: 978-981-14-0510-5

Biomedical-related applications of functionalized nanomaterials

In Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain (Eds.), Handbook of Functionalized Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications
Mafalda R. Almeida, Márcia C. Neves, Sergio Morales-Torres, Mara G. Freire, Joaquim L. Faria, Valeria C. Santos-Ebinuma, Cláudia G. Silva and Ana P.M. Tavares
2020, 205-230, Elsevier.
ISBN: 9780128167885

Purification, characterization and clinical applications of therapeutic fungal enzymes

In Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia and Shashi Lata Bharati (Eds.), Research Advances in the Fungal World: Culture, Isolation, Identification, Classification, Characterization, Properties and Kinetics
Mafalda R. Almeida, Ana M. Ferreira, João C. F. Nunes and Ana P. M. Tavares
2020, 273-320, Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-53617-197-6

Laccase Properties, Reaction Mechanisms and Applications: An Overview

In Amanda Harris (Eds.), Laccase: Applications, Investigations and Insights
Ana P.M. Tavares, Cláudia G. Silva and Ana M.R.B. Xavier
2017, 1-26, Nova Science Publishers Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-53610-556-8

Biotechnology in Pulp and Paper Industry

In Shishir Sinha (Eds.), Biotechnology Volume 12: Bioprocess Engineering
Ana P. M. Tavares, Ana M. R. B. Xavier, Dmitry Evtugin
2014, 191-212, New Delhi , Studium Press LLC.
ISBN: 1-626990-27-1

Application of Oxidative Enzymes in the Treatment of Industrial Effluents

In Masood Ahmad (Eds.), Biotechnology Volume 11: Biodegradation and Bioremediation
Ana P. M. Tavares, Ana M. R. B. Xavier
2014, 191-212, New Delhi , Studium Press LLC.
ISBN: 1-626990-26-3

New Generations of Ionic Liquids Applied to Enzymatic Biocatalysis

In Jun-ichi Kadokawa (Eds.), Ionic Liquids New Aspects for the Future
Ana P. M. Tavares, Oscar Rodríguez , Eugénia A. Macedo
2013, 537-556.
ISBN: 978-953-51-0937-2

Ionic liquids: alternative reactive media for oxidative enzymes

In Alexander Kokorin (Eds.), Ionic Liquids: Applications and Perspectives
Oscar Rodriguez, Ana P.M. Tavares, Raquel Cristóvão and Eugénia A. Macedo
2011, 499-516, Rijeka, IntechOpen.
ISBN: 978-953-307-248-7

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