Desenvolvimento de novos compósitos de matriz metálica e termoplástica


NANO-SIM 3D project is divided into two areas with different lines of research and aims the development of new nanocomposite materials based in metallic and thermoplastic matrixes. One of the areas of research is based on the development of new formulations, incorporating metallic matrix nanocomposites, for the production of innovative new molding components using additive manufacturing techniques. The other area of research intends the development of thermoplastic components using polymer matrix nanocomposites, this will allow the development of innovative new thermoplastic parts optimized in their most critical features. The solutions to be implemented in the scope of this project will be in the frontline of future applications in a wide range of industries (e.g., mobility, packaging, houseware, etc.). With an overall investment of 3.793.894,69€, this project is co-financed under Portugal 2020 Program in 3.037.303,13€ from European Regional Development Fund. NANO-SIM 3D project is a three years project, from December 2018 to November 2021, with Simoldes Aços as promoter, Simoldes Plásticos and CICECO from Aveiro University as co-promoters.


José Martinho Marques de Oliveira


Simoldes Aços


Simoldes Aços, Simoldes Plásticos


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