Heterogeneous catalysis
Green oxidants
Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares - Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)
Universidade de Aveiro (UA); Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FE/UP)
Incorporation of a dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex in a Zr-IV-based Metal-Organic Framework and its application in catalytic olefin epoxidation
Neves, P; Gomes, AC; Amarante, TR; Paz, FAA; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, IS; Valente, AADichlorodioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes bearing oxygen-donor ligands as olefin epoxidation catalysts
Oliveira, TSM; Gomes, AC; Lopes, AD; Lourenco, JP; Paz, FAA; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, ISDesulfurization of model diesel by extraction/oxidation using a zinc-substituted polyoxometalate as catalyst under homogeneous and heterogeneous (MIL-101 (Cr) encapsulated) conditions
Juliao, D; Gomes, AC; Pillinger, M; Cunha-Silva, L; de Castro, B; Goncalves, IS; Balula, SSCobalt aluminate nanoparticles supported on MIL-101 structure: catalytic performance investigation
Granadeiro, CM; Karmaoui, M; Correia, E; Juliao, D; Amaral, VS; Silva, NJO; Cunha-Silva, L; Balula, SSSynthesis, Structural Elucidation, and Catalytic Properties in Olefin Epoxidation of the Polymeric Hybrid Material [Mo3O9(2-[3(5)-Pyrazolyl]pyridine)](n)
Amarante, TR; Neves, P; Gomes, AC; Nolasco, MM; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Coelho, AC; Valente, AA; Paz, FAA; Smeets, S; McCusker, LB; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, ISInvestigation of a dichlorodioxomolybdenum(VI)-pyrazolylpyridine complex and a hybrid derivative as catalysts in olefin epoxidation
Amarante, TR; Neves, P; Paz, FAA; Valente, AA; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, ISSiW11Fe@ MIL-101(Cr) Composite: A Novel and Versatile Electrocatalyst
Fernandes, DM; Granadeiro, CM; de Sousa, PMP; Grazina, R; Moura, JJG; Silva, P; Paz, FAA; Cunha-Silva, L; Balula, SS; Freire, CNovel polyoxometalate silica nano-sized spheres: efficient catalysts for olefin oxidation and the deep desulfurization process
Nogueira, LS; Ribeiro, S; Granadeiro, CM; Pereira, E; Feio, G; Cunha-Silva, L; Balula, SSPhosphotungstates as catalysts for monoterpenes oxidation: Homo- and heterogeneous performance
Balula, SS; Santos, ICMS; Cunha-Silva, L; Carvalho, AP; Pires, J; Freire, C; Cavaleiro, JAS; de Castro, B; Cavaleiro, AMVSynthesis and characterization of CpMo(CO)(3)(CH2-pC(6)H(4)-CO2CH3) and its inclusion compounds with methylated cyclodextrins. Applications in olefin epoxidation catalysis
Gomes, AC; Bruno, SM; Tome, C; Valente, AA; Pillinger, M; Abrantes, M; Goncalves, ISMonovacant polyoxometalates incorporated into MIL-101(Cr): novel heterogeneous catalysts for liquid phase oxidation
Granadeiro, CM; Barbosa, ADS; Silva, P; Paz, FAA; Saini, VK; Fires, J; de Castro, B; Balula, SS; Cunha-Silva, LSandwich lanthano-silicotungstates: Structure, electrochemistry and photoluminescence properties
Juliao, D; Fernandes, DM; Cunha-Silva, L; Ananias, D; Balula, SS; Freire, CAn efficient oxidative desulfurization process using terbium-polyoxometalate@MIL-101(Cr)
Ribeiro, S; Granadeiro, CM; Silva, P; Paz, FAA; de Biani, FF; Cunha-Silva, L; Balula, SSUse of MoO2Cl2(DMF)(2) as a precursor for molybdate promoted hydrolysis of phosphoester bonds
Tome, CM; Oliveira, MC; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, IS; Abrantes, MHybrid layer-by-layer films based on lanthanide-bridged silicotungstates and poly(ethylenimine)
Fernandes, DM; Juliao, D; Pereira, C; Ananias, D; Balula, SS; Freire, CFinanciadores