Cathode ray tube glass waste was used to produce glass foams by a powder sintering route. The glass waste powder was mixed with small amounts (5 and 8 wt%) of coal fly ash, which acted as foaming agent, and the compacts of the mixed powders were heated at different sintering temperatures in the range 600-800 A degrees C for various dwell times (30-120 min). The effect of the different processing conditions on the microstructural characteristics (porosity, pore size and pore size distribution), mechanical resistance and thermal conductivity of the produced foams was investigated. The volume of pores tended to increase with sintering temperature and time, and glass foams (with a porosity higher than 50 %) were only achieved after sintering at 750 A degrees C. The average pore size increased with sintering temperature and dwell time, and pore growth was particularly accentuated at 800 A degrees C, where coalescence of the pores occurred, with a consequent decrease in compressive strength. Selected combinations of the sintering temperature, dwell time and foaming agent led to glass foams with a satisfactory microstructural homogeneity, which exhibited mechanical strength and thermal conductivity values similar to commercial foams used as thermal insulating materials.
subject category
Chemistry; Materials Science
Barbosa, ARJ; Lopes, AAS; Sequeira, SIH; Oliveira, JP; Davarpanah, A; Mohseni, F; Amaral, VS; Monteiro, RCC
our authors
Prof. Fernando Castro for supplying the CRT glass and chemical analysis. Financial support by FEDER, COMPETE 2020, QREN, PT2020 and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Projects references: UID/CTM/50025/2013, M-ERA.NET/0010/2012, RECI/CTM-CER/0336/2012, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027465, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007679, UID/CTM/50011/2013).