Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidative Potential ofAloe veraon the Cartap and Malathion Mediated Toxicity in Wistar Rats


Aloe verahas been the most useful medicinal herb in the world since ancient times due to its vast biological effects. The presence of high content of bioactive compounds makeAloe veraa promising complementary and alternative agent in disease prevention. The effectiveness ofA. vera-based medicines against pesticide toxicity has never been evaluated. It was therefore envisaged to develop anA. vera-based strategy to protect the non-target animals from adverse effects of the pesticides. This article illustrates the ameliorating effect of aqueous extract (AE) ofA. veraleaves against the cartap and malathion toxicity. To evaluate the protective impact ofA. veraagainst cartap (Ctp), malathion (Mtn) and a mixture of both pesticides, the animals were divided in eight groups, each containing six rats: Group 1- C (control), Group 2- AE + C, Group 3- Ctp, Group 4- Mtn, Group 5- Ctp + Mtn, Group 6- AE + Ctp, Group 7- AE + Mtn, Group 8- AE + Ctp + Mtn. Wistar rats exposed to Ctp, Mtn and Ctp + Mtn, displayed significant change in body weight. It was observed that the WBC level increased significantly in Mtn and Ctp + Mtn challenged groups. The contents of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in serum increased expressively in the Ctp, Mtn and Ctp + Mtn challenged groups. Rats treated with Ctp, Mtn and Ctp + Mtn displayed significant alterations in the levels of antioxidative indices (MDA, GSH, GST, GPx, SOD and CAT). Significant alterations were recorded in the activities of AST, ALT, ACP and ALP in Ctp, Mtn and Ctp + Mtn challenged groups. The histopathological results of liver supported the biochemical data. The pre-treatment of rats with the aqueous extract ofA. veraleaves significantly protected them from the toxicity of pesticides. These results suggested thatA. veraextract may be used as a promising natural agent for the management of pesticide induced toxicity.



subject category

Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health


Gupta, VK; Kumar, A; Pereira, MD; Siddiqi, NJ; Sharma, B

our authors


This research was funded by ICMR-New Delhi, grant number: SRF/02/2018/SBHSR.

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