Infrared and THz Soft-Mode Spectroscopy of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Ceramics


We performed a study of the temperature dependence of the dielectric response of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) ceramics for the whole composition range in a wide frequency range by means of Fourier transform infrared, time-domain THz, microwave and low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy. Room-temperature spectra of the paraelectric dielectric response were compared with the results of first-principle simulations within the effective Hamiltonian approach with a good semi-quantitative agreement. It is shown that in the paraelectric phase away from the transition temperature, the complex THz soft mode, consisting of two overlapping heavily damped oscillators, fully accounts for the low-frequency dielectric properties. However, close to TC additional central-mode type dispersion, apparently caused by the pre-transitional polar clusters, is to be expected in the microwave dielectric spectra.



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Materials Science; Physics


Ostapchuk, T; Petzelt, J; Kuzel, P; Veljko, S; Tkach, A; Vilarinho, P; Ponomareva, I; Bellaiche, L; Smirnova, E; Lemanov, V; Sotnikov, A; Weihnacht, M

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