A ERA dos insectos (InsetcERA ( Investigação industrial e Estudos de viabilidade))

Industry NationalPartner
The InsectERA Agenda aims to foster the circular economy and leverage the development of new products, processes and services, based on R&D and innovation, with high added value and incorporation of knowledge and technology, allowing to meet the challenge of the green transition towards environmental sustainability. The Agenda c...AM2R - Agenda Mobilizadora para a inovação empresarial do setor das Duas Rodas (AM2R (Novas ferramentas de metal duro aplicadas à indústria de duas rodas))

Industry NationalPartner
The Mobilizing Agenda for business innovation in the Two-Wheeled Sector aims to operationalize the intervention in priority areas in the value chain that will allow the transformation of the national production profile and the development of a new specialization profile in the sector to leverage its competitive position in the internati...EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (1))

Industry NationalPartner
The ECP Pact assumes itself as an integrative and transversal proposal for the Ceramics and Crystal sectors, oriented towards its critical factors of competitiveness and aiming at an improvement of the international positioning.Focusing on 4 core thematic areas - energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital ...EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (2))

Industry NationalPartner
The ECP Pact assumes itself as an integrative and transversal proposal for the Ceramics and Crystal sectors, oriented towards its critical factors of competitiveness and aiming at an improvement of the international positioning.Focusing on 4 core thematic areas - energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital ...EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (3))

Industry NationalPartner
The ECP Pact assumes itself as an integrative and transversal proposal for the Ceramics and Crystal sectors, oriented towards its critical factors of competitiveness and aiming at an improvement of the international positioning.Focusing on 4 core thematic areas - energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital ...FAIST - Fábrica Ágil, inteligente, Sustentável e Tecnologica (FAIST)

Industry NationalPartner
FAIST – Fábrica Ágil, Inteligente, Sustentável e Tecnológica has as its main goal to provide and train the footwear area with innovative technologies, processes and sustainables materials, increasing the capacity to respond to market requirements and make the portuguese footwear and ...From Fossil To Forest (FF2F (Paper with barrier properties))

Industry NationalPartner
This Innovation Pact is aimed at developing cellulose-based packaging and products to replace fossil-based plastics. In this context, it comprises the following six work packages: (1) high yield pulp and brown paper; (2) paper with increased mechanical strength; (3) paper with barrier properties; (4) biocomposites; (5) paper sensors for...From Fossil To Forest (FF2F (Biocomposites))

Industry NationalPartner
This Innovation Pact is aimed at developing cellulose-based packaging and products to replace fossil-based plastics. In this context, it comprises the following six work packages: (1) high yield pulp and brown paper; (2) paper with increased mechanical strength; (3) paper with barrier properties; (4) biocomposites; (5) paper sensors for...GreenAuto:Green innovation for the Automotive Industry (GREENAUTO)
Industry NationalPartner
The GreenAuto Agenda aims to transform the national automotive industry, in the context of the current transition to low emission vehicles. To this end, it proposes the creation of technical and operational conditions for Stellantis Mangualde to start the production of a new light commercial vehicle (LCV) in Portugal, namely a battery electric l...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP2 - Desenvolvimento de novos e avançados (IoT) esquentadores de água quente sanitária, como antecipação da transição energética/eletrificação da economia))

Industry NationalPartner
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP4 - Pavimentos Cerâmicos de Elevada Espessura com alta incorporação de reciclados e propriedades superficiais otimizadas))

Industry NationalPartner
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP4 - OLI Health))

Industry NationalPartner
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP1 - EPS 100% reciclado))

Industry NationalPartner
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP4 - SENSING HOME))

Industry NationalPartner
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional (RN21)
Industry NationalPartner
A transição para uma economia mais sustentável, oferece inúmeras oportunidades para revitalizar os setores mais tradicionais da economia portuguesa, onde destacamos a produção e transformação da resina natural.O Projeto Integrado RN21 – Ino...Modular Screens with Acoustics and Lighting for Sustainable Buildings (BiMAIS )
Industry NationalPartner
NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP1-BPE23 Li REGENERATION CYCLE))

Industry NationalPartner
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP2-BPE4 PRODUCTION OF FLEXIBLE CELLS AND CELLULOSE))

Industry NationalPartner
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP5-BP24 BATTERY CATHODE RECYCLING))

Industry NationalPartner
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP6-BPE19 - EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACTIONS))