Ongoing Supervisions
A functional device for sub-micron temperature mapping under magnetic field (EXPL/CTM-NAN/0295/2012 )
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanothermometer luminescent materials nanomagnetism functional deviceControlling the length scale through "Chimie Douce": from inorganic functional materials to organic-inorganic hybrids (POCTI/CTM/46780/2002)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Functional Inorganic Materials Chimie Douce Organic-Inorganic Hybrids LuminescenceDesenvolvimento de fontes de arrefecimento controladas remotamente para uma nanotermodinâmica aplicada (CoolPoint)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
We propose to prepare and develop micro- and nanometer-structured materials acting as local cooling sources operating at near room temperature, i. e., materials able to locally absorb heat and in which the absorption process is triggered and controlled from a distance. We also propose to develop a proof of concept device able to manipulate heat ...Desenvolvimento e aplicação de nanomagnetes e ferrofluidos com variação on-to-off da magnetização em torno da temperatura ambiente. (On2OffNanoMagnets)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Development of 4D wireless thermometry to target tumor ablation (PTDC/NAN-MAT/3901/2020)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermography Magnetic Nanoparticles Induced Hyperthermia BioprintingFacing the challenges of characterizing novel thermal materials and processes (Heat@UA) (RECI/CTM-CER/0336/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermal properties of materials Thermal processes Thermometry Nano-scale studiesMultidimensional thermal rectifiers based on assembly of anisotropic polyoxometalates (THERMOPOMs)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Herein, we propose to prepare and develop micro- and nanometer organic-inorganic hybrid structures acting as two dimensional (2D) thermal rectifiers, i. e., materials exhibiting anisotropic morphology and having a thermal conductivity that depends on the direction of the heat flow.Organic-inorganic hybrids with enhanced light-emitting properties for the new generation of optical communications (PTDC/CTM/101324/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Organic-inorganic hybrids Light emitting devices Optical filtering Optical amplificationSíntesis, caracterización magnética y modelización atomística de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos (Acção integrada Luso-Espanhola E-42/11)
CoordinatorOther National
Polymer encapsulation effects on the magnetism of EuS nanocrystals
Pereira, AS; Rauwel, P; Reis, MS; Silva, NJO; Barros-Timmons, A; Trindade, T
2008, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 18, 38, 4572-4578.
Comment on "Magnetization reversal in europium sulfide nanocrystals" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 222501 (2006)]
Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS
Evidence of random magnetic anisotropy in ferrihydrite nanoparticles based on analysis of statistical distributions
Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Carlos, LD; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, B; Liz-Marzan, LM; Berquo, TS; Banerjee, SK; Bermudez, VD; Millan, A; Palacio, F
2008, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77, 13.
A mean-field scaling method for first- and second-order phase transition ferromagnets and its application in magnetocaloric studies
Amaral, JS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS
Nanoscopic photoluminescence memory as a fingerprint of complexity in self-assembled alkyl/siloxane hybrids
Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VD; Amaral, VS; Nunes, SC; Silva, NJO; Ferreira, RAS; Rocha, J; Santilli, CV; Ostrovskii, D
2007, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 19, 3, 341-+.
Surface effects in maghemite nanoparticles
Millan, A; Urtizberea, A; Silva, NJO; Palacio, F; Amaral, VS; Snoeck, E; Serin, V
Structural and magnetic studies in ferrihydrite nanoparticles formed within organic-inorganic hybrid matrices
Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Carlos, LD; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, B; Liz-Marzan, LM; Millan, A; Palacio, F; Bermudez, VDZ
Iron oxide and oxide-hydroxide nanoparticles in organic-inorganic matrices
Silva, NJO; Millan, A; Amaral, VS; Palacio, F; Fu, LS; Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VDZ
2006, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM III, PTS 1 AND 2, 514-516, 142-146.
Structure-photoluminescence relationship in Eu(III) beta-diketonate-based organic-inorganic hybrids. Influence of the synthesis method: carboxylic acid solvolysis versus conventional hydrolysis
Fu, LS; Ferreira, RAS; Silva, NJO; Fernandes, JA; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Goncalves, IS; Bermudez, VD; Carlos, LD
2005, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 15, 30, 3117-3125.
Synthesis, characterisation and magnetic properties of cobalt (II) complexes with 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (HpicOH): [Co(picOH)2(H2O)(2)] and mer-[N(CH3)(4)][Co(picOH)(3)] center dot H2O
Girginova, PI; Paz, FAA; Nogueira, HIS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Klinowski, J; Trindade, T
2005, POLYHEDRON, 24, 4, 563-569.
Nanoscale Thermometry for Hyperthermia Applications

In Raluca Maria Fratila, Jesús Martínez De La Fuente (Eds.), Nanomaterials for Magnetic and Optical Hyperthermia Applications
Rafael Piñol, Carlos D.S. Brites, Nuno J. Silva, Luis D. Carlos, Angel Millán
2019, 139-172, Elsevier.
Chapter 8:Organic–Inorganic Hybrids Thermometry

In Luís Dias Carlos, Fernando Palacio (Eds.), Thermometry at the Nanoscale : Techniques and Selected Applications
Angel Millán, Luís D. Carlos, Carlos D. S. Brites, Nuno J. O. Silva, Rafael Piñol and Fernando Palacio
2016, 237-272, Royal Society of Chemistry.
Bionanocomposites for Magnetic Removal of Water Pollutants

In Vijay Kumar Thakur; Manju Kumari Thakur (Eds.), Eco-friendly polymer nanocomposites: chemistry and applications
F. L. Sousa, A. L. Daniel-da-Silva, N. J. O. Silva, T. Trindade
2015, 279-310, New Delhi, Springer India.