Márcia Carvalho Neves

Assistant Researcher


Márcia C. Neves was born in Cantanhede (1975), Portugal, and studied Chemistry at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. She has completed a Master in Science and Engineering of Materials with a thesis entitled “Bismuth based new pigments” (University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal, 2003) and a PhD in Chemistry at the UA (2008) with a thesis entitled “Synthesis and characterization of composite nanostructures”. Then, she joined the research group of Macromolecular and Lignocellulosic Materials working on the “New pigmentation forms of chemically modified natural fibres” as a CICECO post-doctoral researcher. From 2014 to 2015, she was part of the team of an ERC project being developed at UA, “IgY Technology: A Purification Platform using Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems (IgYPurTech)”, as a post-doctoral researcher with the research plan: “Selective extraction of antibodies by silica-confined ionic liquids”. At present, she is an auxiliary researcher contracted under the program of scientific employment stimuli (CEECIND/00383/2017) in CICECO and Chemistry Department of UA within the topic “Innovative ionic-liquid-based devices for the removal of cytostatic drugs from urine of cancer patients”. Until now she has published 47 papers in international peer review journals with over 1174 citations (h index of 19) (Scopus). She is also co-author of five book chapter related with her scientific interests: “Composites of cellulose and metal nanoparticles”, “Use of Nanomaterials in the Pretreatment of Water Samples for Environmental Analysis”, “Recovery and purification of pharmaceuticals using (nano)materials”, “Biomedical Related Applications of Functionalized Nanomaterials” and “Applications of hybrid nanoparticles to improve environmental monitoring”. She also made 98 communications in International Scientific Meetings and she is the co-author of two national and one international patent. Marcia C. Neves participated (as a researcher) in 2 FCT projects and in one of those she was the responsible investigator at UA: Titanate nanotubes photosensitization by narrow bandgap semicondutor nanoparticles- and a team member of the FCT project -Facing the challenges of characterizing novel thermal materials and processes (Heat@UA). She also participated in the ERC project “IgY Technology: A Purification Platform using Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems” (ERC ID-337753) and in “Smart Green Homes Bosch” (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-007678). Currently, she is a team member of 3 projects: “NanoPurAsp: Development of sustainable nanomaterials for antileukemic drug (asparaginase) production and purification process”, “IonCytDevice: Development of ionic-liquid-based devices for the removal of cytostatic drugs from urine excreted by cancer patients” and “PUREmiRSILs: Ionic liquid-based supports for pre-miRNAs purification targeting Alzheimer's disease”. In the last years she was involved in the co-supervision of eight graduation students and four MSc students, and currently she is supervising one PhD student and two MSc students. She was also teaching assistant of several practices lectures of graduation courses, namely: Chemistry, Bioorganic chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Chemical-physical. During the last years she participated in several science dissemination activities: Techdays, UA Open Campus and Noite dos Investigadores, where she showed to the general public the relevance of her scientific research. In 2017, Márcia C. Neves participated in the COHiTEC program training course, being part of one of the 15 teams selected from 48 applications. In 2019 the business idea developed “PurAvTec – IgY Purification Technologies” won the Price of best idea in health from BFK Ideas 2018 (from Agência Nacional de Inovação). Her research interests include nanoparticles and nanocomposites, surface functionalization, supported ionic liquids (SILs), proteins, antibodies, biomolecules purification, and materials characterization.

Ongoing Supervisions


Anticorpos de aves com elevada pureza e estabilidade como biofármacos alternativos no combate à resistência antimicrobiana (antYmicrob)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto antYmicrob ambiciona aumentar e validar à escala pré-industrial um processo de purificação desenvolvido para anticorpos imunoglobulina Y, e validar o processo com ovos hiperimunes para bactéria Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), assegurando a atividade, estabilidade e não toxicidade dos anticorpos obtidos por ensaios...

Desenvolvimento de nanomateriais sustentáveis para a purificação de fármacos anti-leucémicos (NanoPurAsp)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Development of Ionic-Liquid-based Devices for the Removal of Cytostatic Drugs From Urine Excreted by Cancer Patients (IonCytDevice)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Ionic liquid-based supports for pre-miRNAs purification targeting Alzheimers disease (PUREmiRSILs)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Nova abordagem terapêutica para desacelerar a progressão da doença de Parkinson; (PDSolve)

PartnerIndustry National
A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais prevalente no mundo, com profundos impactos económicos e sociais. O objetivo deste projeto é provar a eficácia farmacológica e aplicação terapêutica à DP do i...

Titanate nanotubes photosensitization by narrow bandgap semicondutor nanoparticles (PTDC/CTM-NAN/113021/2009)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
photosensitization titanium oxide nanostrucutres narrow band gap semiconductors titanate nanotubes


Silica Supported Ionic Liquids for the Efficient and Selective Recovery of Platinum and Palladium from Aqueous Media

Almeida, J. C.; Neves, M. C.; Trindade, T.; Freire, M. G.; Pereira, E.
2024, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. .

Extraction of Platinum and Palladium from Aqueous Solutions Using Ionic-Liquid-Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles

Almeida, J. C.; Cardoso, C. E. D.; Neves, M. C.; Trindade, T.; Freire, M. G.; Pereira, E.
2024, J. Water Process Eng. .

Ionic‐liquid‐supported Magnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Their Use for the Separation of Co and Ni from Li in Aqueous Solutions

Almeida, J. C.; Cardoso, C. E. D.; Neves, M.; Trindade, T.; Freire, M. G.; Pereira, E.
2024, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. .

Ionic-liquid-based approaches to improve biopharmaceuticals downstream processing and formulation

Almeida, C; Pedro, AQ; Tavares, APM; Neves, MC; Freire, MG

Multimodal ionic liquid-based chromatographic supports for an effective RNA purification

Carapito, R; Bernardo, SC; Pereira, MM; Neves, MC; Freire, MG; Sousa, F

A flow-through strategy using supported ionic liquids for L-asparaginase purification

Nunes, JCF; Almeida, MR; de Paiva, GB; Pedrolli, DB; Santos-Ebinuma, VC; Neves, MC; Freire, MG; Tavares, APM

Supported ionic liquids as customizable materials to purify immunoglobulin G

Capela, EV; Bairos, J; Pedro, AQ; Neves, MC; Aires-Barros, MR; Azevedo, AM; Coutinho, JAP; Tavares, APM; Freire, MG

Removal of mercury by silica-supported ionic liquids: Efficiency and ecotoxicological assessment

Viana, T; Almeida, R; Figueira, P; Rocha, L; Neves, MC; Freitas, R; Freire, M; Henriques, B; Pereira, E

Granulated biomass fly ash coupled with fenton process for pulp and paper wastewater treatment

Ribeiro, JP; Cruz, NC; Neves, MC; Rodrigues, SM; Tarelho, LAC; Nunes, MI

Enhanced Enzyme Reuse through the Bioconjugation of L-Asparaginase and Silica-Based Supported Ionic Liquid-like Phase Materials

Nunes, JCF; Almeida, MR; Bento, RMF; Pereira, MM; Santos-Ebinuma, VC; Neves, MC; Freire, MG; Tavares, APM
2022, MOLECULES, 27, 3.

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