Mariana Coutinho Sardo

Assistant Researcher

Short CV

2016 - 2018: post-doctoral fellow at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials under the supervision of Doctor Luis Mafra and Professor João Rocha;

2010 - 2016: post-doctoral fellow at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials and Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zürich supervised by Doctor Luis Mafra, Professor João Rocha and Professor Beat H. Meier; 

2009: PhD in Physical Chemistry: " Weak intermolecular interactions in advanced functional materials: spectroscopic and computational studies” (supervision of Prof. Paulo Ribeiro-Claro), Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro. During this period, 5 months were spent in the University of Malaga, Spain, working in the group of Professor Juan Carlos Otero, developing SERS studies on pharmaceutical compounds;

2005: Degree in Physics and Chemistry (for teaching), Univ. Aveiro (17/20) 


- Combining high-resolution solid-state NMR methods, X-ray diffraction and computational approaches to study crystal packing interactions in small molecules (namely pharmaceuticals) and materials - NMR crystallography; 

- Study drug-drug and drug-host interactions of molecular scaffolds as drug delivery systems. 

- NMR characterization of modified nanoporous solid sorbents with potential for gas capture (by using 13C-labelled CO2 in a gas mixture); 

- NMR characterization of porous materials relevant in heterogeneous catalysis (study of Lewis and Brønsted acidity);


- Responsible for preparing and delivering solid-state NMR Hands-on courses (II Jornadas Nacionais de Caracterização de Materiais - 2017 and IV Ibero-American NMR Meeting - 2012). - Co-President of the Young Chemists Group (GQJ) of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) between 2010-2012 - Member of the organizing committee of several scientific events: Chemistry Olympics competitions, the Portuguese Physics students meeting (2004), International conference on solubility phenomena (2004), Young Portuguese Chemists meeting (2010), European Young Chemists Network (EYCN) delegates assembly (2012) and EYCN contribution to the 4EuCheMS (2012), IV Ibero-American NMR Meeting (2012).

Scientific Interests

- NMR characterization of modified nanoporous solid sorbents with potential for gas capture (by using 13C-labelled CO2 in a gas mixture);

- NMR characterization of porous materials relevant in heterogeneous catalysis (study of Lewis and Brønsted acidity);

- Combining high-resolution solid-state NMR methods, X-ray diffraction and computational approaches to study crystal packing interactions in small molecules (namely pharmaceuticals) and materials

- NMR crystallography;

- Study drug-drug and drug-host interactions of molecular scaffolds as drug delivery systems.

Present Research Group

Dr. Luis Miguel Monteiro Mafra; Professor João Rocha; Dr. Ildefonso Marin; Dr. Marina Ilkaeva, Dr. Ricardo Vieira, Dra. Paula Soares Santos; Carlos Bornes; João Pereira

Main present collaborators

Professor Beat H. Meier (ETH - Zurich); Prof. José M. Ferreira (UA); Dr. José R.B. Gomes (UA); Prof. Isabel Neves (U. Minho); Dr. Paula Ferreira (UA); Prof. Teresa Duarte (IST); Prof. Moisés Pinto (IST); Prof. Norberto Masciocchi (U. Insubria)

Selected Publications

1. "Comparison of different silica microporous structures as drug delivery systems for in vitro models of solid tumors", Natália Vilaça, Ana F. Machado, Filipa Morais-Santos, Ricardo Amorim, A. Patrícia Neto, Enora Logodin, Manuel F. R. Pereira, Mariana Sardo, João Rocha, Pier Parpot, António M. Fonseca, Fátima Baltazar and Isabel C. Neves, RSC Adv.2017, 7, 13104-13111.

2. "PAIN with and without PAR: Variants for third-spin assisted heteronuclear polarization transfer", Vipin Agarwal*, Mariana Sardo*, Ingo Scholz, Anja Böckmann, Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier, J. Biomol. NMR 2013, 56(4), 365-377. (*authors equally contributed for this work)

 3. "Combining multinuclear high-resolution solid-state MAS NMR and computational methods for resonance assignment of glutathione tripeptide", Mariana Sardo, Renée Siegel, Sérgio M. Santos, João Rocha, José R. B. Gomes, Luis Mafra, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116 (25), 6711–6719.

4. "3D–2D–0D Stepwise Deconstruction of a Water Framework Templated by a Nanoporous Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Host", João Rocha, Fa-Nian Shi, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Luis Mafra, Mariana Sardo, Luis Cunha-Silva, James Chisholm, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro and Tito Trindade, Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 7741-7749.

Ongoing Supervisions



Potentiation of 5-fluorouracil encapsulated in zeolites as drug delivery systems for in vitro models of colorectal carcinoma

Vilaca, N; Amorim, R; Machado, AF; Parpot, P; Pereira, MFR; Sardo, M; Rocha, J; Fonseca, AM; Neves, IC; Baltazar, F

PAIN with and without PAR: variants for third-spin assisted heteronuclear polarization transfer

Agarwal, V; Sardo, M; Scholz, I; Bockmann, A; Ernst, M; Meier, BH
2013, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR, 56, 4, 365-377.

Combining Multinuclear High-Resolution Solid-State MAS NMR and Computational Methods for Resonance Assignment of Glutathione Tripeptide

Sardo, M; Siegel, R; Santos, SM; Rocha, J; Gomes, JRB; Mafra, L
2012, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 116, 25, 6711-6719.

Zeolite Structures Loading with an Anticancer Compound As Drug Delivery Systems

Amorim, R; Vilaca, N; Martinho, O; Reis, RM; Sardo, M; Rocha, J; Fonseca, AM; Baltazar, F; Neves, IC
2012, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 48, 25642-25650.

3D-2D-0D Stepwise Deconstruction of a Water Framework Templated by a Nanoporous Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Host

Rocha, J; Shi, FN; Paz, FAA; Mafra, L; Sardo, M; Cunha-Silva, L; Chisholm, J; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Trindade, T
2010, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 16, 26, 7741-7749.

Inclusion compounds of phenol derivatives with cyclodextrins: a combined spectroscopic and thermal analysis

Sardo, M; Amado, AM; Ribeiro-Claro, PJA
2009, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 40, 11, 1624-1633.

Hydrogen bonding in nitrofurantoin polymorphs: a computation-assisted spectroscopic study

Sardo, M; Amado, AM; Ribeiro-Claro, PJA
2009, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 40, 12, 1956-1965.

The solid-liquid phase diagrams of binary mixtures of consecutive, even saturated fatty acids: differing by four carbon atoms

Costa, MC; Sardo, M; Rolemberg, MP; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Meirelles, AJA; Coutinho, JAP; Krahenbuhl, MA

The solid-liquid phase diagrams of binary mixtures of consecutive, even saturated fatty acids

Costa, MC; Sardo, M; Rolemberg, MP; Coutinho, JAP; Meirelles, AJA; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Krahenbuhl, MA

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of 5-fluorouracil adsorbed on silver nanostructures

Sardo, M; Ruano, C; Castro, JL; Lopez-Tocon, I; Soto, J; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Otero, JC

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