Augusto Luís Barros Lopes

Assistant Professor

Short CV

• Assistant Professor in the Materials and Ceramic Engineering Department, University of Aveiro (since January of 2009). 
• Invited Assistant Professor in the Materials and Ceramic Engineering Department, University of Aveiro (2004-2008). 
• PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Aveiro (2001). 
• Senior Technician responsible by the Electron Microscopy Service of the Materials and Ceramic Engineering Department University of Aveiro (1991-2004).
• Graduation in Ceramic and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro (1989).

Scientific Interests

• Scientific field: Materials Science and Engineering
• Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM) and Electron Spectroscopy (EDS and PEELS)
• Microstructure, Structure and Properties of the Materials
• Plastic Deformation of Materials

Teaching Activity

Several courses with emphasis on metals, ceramics, characterization techniques, structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of materials.

Selected Publications

  • Juan Liao, Jose A. Sousa, Augusto B. Lopes, Xin Xue, Frédéric Barlat, António B. Pereira, Mechanical, microstructural behavior and modeling of dual phase steels under monotonic and complex deformation paths, International Journal of Plasticity 93 269-290 (2017) (
  • Alexandra Bintu, G.Vincze, Catalin R. Picu, Augusto B. Lopes, Jose J. Grácio and Frederic Barlat, Strain hardening rate sensitivity and strain rate sensitivity in TWIP steels,  Materials Science & Engineering A 629, 54-59, (2015) (
  • Saeed Tamimi, João P. Correia, Augusto B. Lopes, Said Ahzia, Frederic Barlat and Jose J. Gracio, Asymmetric Rolling of Thin AA-5182 Sheets: Modelling and Experiments, Materials Science & Engineering A, 603, 150–159, (2014) (
  • José J. Grácio, Catalin R. Picu, Gabriela Vincze, Nithin Mathew, Thomas Schubert, Augusto Lopes, Claudia Buchheim, Mechanical Behavior of Al-SiC Nanocomposites Produced by Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44,11, 5259-5269 (2013) (DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-1874-9).
  • Liliana Madaleno, Ryszard Pyrz, Lars R. Jensen, José J.C. Pinto, Augusto B. Lopes, Viktoriya Dolomanova, Jan Schjødt-Thomsen, Jens Chr.M. Rauhe, Synthesis and characterization of montmorillonite-carbon nanotubes hybrid fillers for nanocomposites, Polymers & Polymers Composites, 20, 693-700 (2012).
  • Liliana Madaleno, Ryszard Pyrz, Lars R. Jensen, José J.C. Pinto, Augusto B. Lopes, Viktoriya Dolomanova, Jan Schjødt-Thomsen, Jens Chr.M. Rauhe, Synthesis of clay–carbon nanotube hybrids: Growth of carbon nanotubes in different types of iron modified montmorillonite, Composites Science and Technology 72, 377-381 (2012)
  • Stanislav Ferdov, Protima Rauwel, Zhi Lin, Rute A. Sa Ferreira, Augusto Lopes, A simple and general route for the preparation of pure and high crystalline nanosized lanthanide silicates with the structure of apatite at low temperature, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183: 2726–2730 (2010)
  • M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, J.C. Waerenborgh, E. Tsipis, A.B. Lopes e M. Godinho, Structure and magnetic properties of Ca2Fe1_xMnxAlO5+d, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181, 2530– 2541 (2008).
  • D. Sousa, M.R. Nunes, C. Silveira, I. Matos, A.B. Lopes, M.E. Melo Jorge, Ca-site substitution induced a metal–insulator transition in manganite CaMnO3, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 109, 311–319 (2008).
  • M. Vila, A.B. Lopes, F.A. Almeida, A.J.S. Fernandes, R.F. Silva, Extrinsic stress induced defects in CVD Diamond, Diamond & Related Materials 17, 190–193 (2008).
  • Ana Luisa Daniel-da-Silva, Augusto B. Lopes, Ana M. Gil, Rui N. Correia, Synthesis and characterization of porous j-carrageenan/calcium phosphate nanocomposite scaffolds, J Mater Sci, 42 (20): 8581-859 (2007)
  • D. D. Khalyavin, A.N. Salak, N.P. Vyshatko, A.B. Lopes, N.M. Olekhnovich, A.V. Pushkarev, I.I. Maroz, Y.V. Radyush, Crystal Structure of Metastable Perovskite Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3: Bi-Based Structural Analogue of Antiferroelectric PbZrO3, Chem. Mate., 18, 5104-5110 (2006)
  • D.D. Khalyavin, A. B. Lopes, A. M. R. Senos, P. Q. Mantas, Crystal Structure of La6Mg4Ta2W2O24 Oxide: A Representative of a Novel A3nB’2nB’’2nO12n Homologous Series with n= 2, Chem. Mater., 18, 3843-3849 (2006)
  • M.F. Carrasco, A.B. Lopes, R.F. Silva, J.M. Vieira, F.M. Costa, Enhancement of Bi-2223 Phase Formation by Electrical Assisted Laser Floating Zone, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 67, p. 416 (2006).
  • Fa-Nian Shi, João Rocha, A.B. Lopes, Tito Trindade, Morphological Micro-Patterning of Tubular-Windows on Crystalline K2V3O8 Sheets, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol 273, 3-4 p.572 (2005).
  • Vincze G, Rauch EF, Gracio JJ, Barlat F, Lopes AB , A comparison of the mechanical behaviour of an AA1050 and a low carbon steel deformed upon strain reversal, Acta Materialia 53 (4), p. 1005-1013 (2005).
  • F. Figueiras, J.P. Araujo, V.S. Amaral, P.B. Tavares, AB. Lopes, J.M. Vieira, Phase and structural study of self-doped La1-x-yCaxOyMnO3+d, Acta Physica Polonica A, 105 (1-2), p.173-182, (2004).
  • N. Ali, G. Cabral, A.B. Lopes, J.J. Grácio, Time-Modulated CVD on 0.8 mm-WC-10%Co Hardmetals: Study on Diamond Nucleation and Coating Adhesion, Diamond And Related Materials, 13 (3) p. 495-502, (2004).
  • J. Grácio, F. Barlat, P.T. Jones, V.F. Neto e A.B. Lopes, Artificial Aging and Shear Deformation Behaviour of 6022 Aluminium Alloy, Int. J. Plasticity, Owen Richmond Memorial Special Issue, 20, p. 427-445, (2004).
  • L. Yang, F.M. Costa, A.B. Lopes, R.F. Silva e J.M.Vieira, On the Half Unit Cell Intergrowth of Bi2Sr2Ca3Cu4Ox with Other Superconducting Phases in Two-Step Annealed LFZ Fibers, Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications,398 (1-2), p.31, (2003).
  • N.A. Sobolev, G.D. Ivlev, E.I. Gatskevich, J.P. Leitão, A. Fonseca, M.C. Carmo, A.B. Lopes, D.N. Sharaev, H. Kibbel e H. Presting, Pulsed Laser Annealing of Si/Ge Superlatices, Mater. Sci. Eng. C23, p.19 (2003).
  • F. Barlat, J.F. Ferreira Duarte, J.J. Gracio, A.B. Lopes e E.F. Rauch, Plastic Flow for Non-Monotonic Loading Conditions for an Aluminium Alloy Sheet Sample, Int. J. Plasticity,19 (8) p. 1215 (2003)
  • A.B. Lopes, F. Barlat, J.J. Gracio, J.F. Ferreira Duarte and E.F. Rauch, Effect of Texture and Microstructure on Strain Hardening Anisotropy for Aluminum Deformed in Uniaxial Tension and Simple Shear, o Int. J. Plasticity, 19, p.1 (2003).
  • J.J. Gracio, E.F. Rauch, F. Barlat, A.B. Lopes and J.W. Yoon, The Plastic Behavior of Al Alloys During Non-Linear Strain Paths: Influence of Alloy Content and Related Phenomena, Plasticity, Damage and Fracture at Macro, Micro and Nano Scales, Eds. Akhtar S. Khan and Oscar Lopez-Pamies, Neat Press, p.711 (2002).
  • J.J. Gracio, E.F. Rauch, F. Barlat, A.B. Lopes and J. Ferreira Duarte, Strain Hardening of Aluminum Alloys During Complex Loading: Strain Reversal Effects, Key Eng. Mater., 230. p. 521 (2002).
  • E.F. Rauch, J.J. Gracio, F.Barlat, A.B. Lopes e J. Ferreira Duarte, Hardening Behaviour and Structural Evolutions Upon Strain Reversal of Aluminum Alloys, Scripta Metall. et Materialia, 46, p. 881 (2002)
  • Y.S. Zheng, K.M. Knowles, J.M. Vieira, A.B. Lopes e F.J. Oliveira, Microstruture, Toughness and Flexural Strength of Sel-Reinforced Silicon Nitrite Ceramics Doped with Yttrium Oxide and Ytterbium Oxide, J. Microscopy, Vol. 201, 2, p. 238 (2001).
  • J.J. Grácio, A.B. Lopes and E.F. Rauch, Analysis of Plastic Instability in Commercially Pure Al Alloys, J. Mater. Proc. Technol.., 103, p. 160 (2000)
  • E.F. Rauch, A.B. Lopes and J.J. Grácio, The Origin of Softening in Predeformed Metals, Arch. Metall., 44, p. 139-155 (1999).
  • A.B. Lopes, E.F. Rauch and J.J. Gracio, Textural vs Structural Plastic Instabilities in Sheet Metal Forming, Acta Mater., 43, 3, p. 859-866 (1999).
  • L. Vaz, A.B. Lopes and M. Almeida, Porosity Control of Hydroxyapatite Implants, J. Mater. Sci. in Medicine, 10, p.239-242 (1999).
  • F. Viana, A.M.P. Pinto, H.M.C, Santos, A.B. Lopes, Retrogression and Re-Ageing of 7075 Aluminium Alloy: Microstructural Characterization, J. Mater. Pro. Technol., 93, p.54, (1999).
  • A.B. Lopes, S.B. Petersen, J.M.C. Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins and J.J.,Grácio, Injection Forging of Tubes: Results and Comparison With Microstructural Observations, Mater. Sci Eng., A248, p. 276-286 (1998).
  • S.B. Petersen, J.M.C. Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, A.B. Lopes and J.J. Grácio, Injection Forging of Tubular Materials - A Workability Analysis, J. Mater. Proc. Technol., 65, p. 88-93 (1997).
  • A.B. Lopes, J.J. Grácio and E.F. Rauch, The Effect of Grain Size on the Microstructural Evolution of Low Carbon Steel Deformed in Rolling, Adv. Technol. Plasticity, 1, p. 75, (1996).
  • J. Perdigão, P. Lambrechts, B. Van Meerbeek, A.R. Tomé, G. Vanherle e A.B. Lopes, A Morphological Field Emission SEM Study of the Effect of Six Phosphoric Acid Etching Agents on Human Dentin, Dent. Mater., 12 (4), p. 262-271, (1996).
  • J. Perdigão, P. Lambrechts e A.B.L. Lopes., A Field Emission SEM Comparison of Four Post-Fixation Drying Techniques for Human Dentin, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 29 (9), p. 1111-1120, (1995).


DecorGlass : Decoration Techniques for the Glass (DecorGlass)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto DecorGlass visa a criação de uma nova gama de peças de vidro decoradas, com matérias-primas e técnicas inovadoras. A decoração assenta na coloração homogénea da massa vítrea e na decoração da superfície do vidro, quer por aplicação de películas decorativas, quer pela gravação por feixe laser. Para além disso, pretende-se desenvolver no...

Development of a Premium Line of Sustainable Cristal Glass (Cristal Eco Premium)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Promoted by a consortium joined by Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. (leading promoter) and Universidade de Aveiro e a Universidade do Porto, the Cristal Ecpo Premium project has as an overall objective the development of a new line of sustainable crystal glass products with high added value, for the luxury packaging segment, through the development o...

digiGRÉS - Investigação e desenvolvimento de gama de tableware em grés fino com decoração digital (digiGRÉS)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto digiGRÉS, a realizar em consórcio pela Grestel e Universidade de Aveiro, tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma gama de produtos para tableware em grés fino com decoração através de impressão digital (linha digiGRÉS) e tratamento com radiação laser, representando uma etapa determinante na modernização e inovação dos produ...

Enhanced manufacturing of aluminium alloys products for environmentally transportation sector (EMAPETS)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Formability of third generation advanced high strength steels (NanosFLiD)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Fornos limpos de alta temperatura para novas tecnologias de fabrico aditivo e ligas de alta entropia (HiTClean)

PartnerIndustry National
O HiTClean tem como objetivo desenvolver novos fornos de atmosfera controlada e alta temperatura, completamente metálicos no interior, sem utilização de grafite e por isso considerados limpos pois previnem a oxidação dos materiais a ser processados e evitam a contaminação dos mesmos com carbono.

Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of advanced high strength steels sheets under monotonic and complex deformation paths (PTDC/EMS-TEC/2404/2012)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Metal forming Plastic deformation Dislocation structures Constitutive model

MULTIFOX: Nanometric Probing and Modification of Multiferroic Oxides (PTDC/FIS/105416/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multiferroic magnetic piezoforce microscopy nanostructured materials

New Methodology for the production of light weight intermetallic matrix composites with improved mechanical properties (POCI/CTM/57536/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Intermetallics Nanocomposite materials Consolidation Mechanical properties

NobleDec - Nobly Decorated Crystal (NOBLEDEC)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto NobleDec teve como objetivo último o desenvolvimento de uma nova linha de produtos de cristal de elevado valor acrescentado, decorados com metais nobres (com destaque para o ouro), através da pesquisa/desenvolvimento de novos materiais (e.g., tintas decorativas baseadas em suspensões coloidais de nanopartículas de ouro; tintas decorati...

PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superficíe de elevado desempenhopara o mercado HORECA (PRECIOUSMET PERFORMANCE)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superfície de elevado desempenho para o mercado HORECA? promovido pelo consórcio constituído pela empresa Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. e pelo Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos da Universidade de Aveiro (CICECO) tem como objet...

Research on Magnetic and Multiferroic Materials using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (CERN/FP/109357/2009)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques applied to materials Magnetic and multiferroic materials magneto-electric-structural coupling implanted radioactive probes

Structural and chemical characterization at the nanometer scale (PTDC/CTM/100468/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
transmission electron microscopy electron spectroscopy nanostructured materials electronic structure

Studies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCTI/FNU/50183/2003)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magneto-structural coupling Magnetic materials Implanted dopants and localization

Studies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides with Radioactive Isotopes (IS390/ISOLDE)

PartnerOther International

Studies of Magnetic Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCI/FP/63438/2005)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magnetic materials Magneto-structural coupling Implanted dopants and localization

Ternary and quaternary nitride alloys for lattice matched heterostructures: Novel materials for high efficiency field effect transistors and optoelectronic devices (PTDC/FIS/65233/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nitrides AlInN strain nanostructures


Analysis of ESAFORM 2021 cup drawing benchmark of an Al alloy, critical factors for accuracy and efficiency of FE simulations

Habraken, AM; Aksen, TA; Alves, JL; Amaral, RL; Betaieb, E; Chandola, N; Corallo, L; Cruz, DJ; Duchene, L; Engel, B; Esener, E; Firat, M; Frohn-Sorensen, P; Galan-Lopez, J; Ghiabakloo, H; Kestens, LAI; Lian, JH; Lingam, R; Liu, WC; Ma, J; Menezes, LF; Tuan, NM; Miranda, SS; Neto, DM; Pereira, AFG; Prates, PA; Reuter, J; Revil-Baudard, B; Rojas-Ulloa, C; Sener, B; Shen, FH; Van Bael, A; Verleysen, P; Barlat, F; Cazacu, O; Kuwabara, T; Lopes, A; Oliveira, MC; Santos, AD; Vincze, G

Numerical Study on Asymmetrical Rolled Aluminum Alloy Sheets Using the Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent (VPSC) Method

Graca, A; Vincze, G; Wen, W; Butuc, MC; Lopes, AB
2022, METALS, 12, 6.

Red ruby glass from gold nanoparticles obtained by LASiS - a new approach

Almeida, JC; Davim, EJC; Salvado, IMM; Fernandes, MHV; Costa, FM; Rey-Garcia, F; Francisco, LM; Lopes, AB
ISBN: 1873-4812

Processing and Mechanical Properties of Dual-Carbide (B4C, SiC), Dual-Metallic Phases (Al, Si) Infiltrated Composites

Ravanan, A; Vieira, JM; Almeida, BA; Ramkumar, C; Oliveira, FJ; Lopes, AB; Wu, HY

Asymmetric rolling of interstitial free steel sheets: Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties

Tamimi, S; Gracio, JJ; Lopes, AB; Ahzi, S; Barlat, F

Mechanical, microstructural behaviour and modelling of dual phase steels under complex deformation paths

Liao, J; Sousa, JA; Lopes, AB; Xue, X; Barlat, F; Pereira, AB
ISBN: 1879-2154

Magnetic phenomena in Co-containing layered double hydroxides

Vieira, DEL; Salak, AN; Fedorchenko, AV; Pashkevich, YG; Fertman, EL; Desnenko, VA; Babkin, RY; Cizmar, E; Feher, A; Lopes, AB; Ferreira, MGS
2017, LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 43, 8, 977-981.
ISBN: 1090-6517

Structural and optical characterization of Gd2SiO5 crystalline fibres obtained by laser floating zone

Rey-Garcia, F; Ben Sedrine, N; Soares, MR; Fernandes, AJS; Lopes, AB; Ferreira, NM; Monteiro, T; Costa, FM
2017, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 7, 3, 868-879.

Mechanical properties determination of dual-phase steels using uniaxial tensile and hydraulic bulge test

Amaral, R; Santos, AD; Lopes, AB

Effects of laser fluence and liquid media on preparation of small Ag nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid

Moura, CG; Pereira, RSF; Andritschky, M; Lopes, ALB; Grilo, JPD; do Nascimento, RM; Silva, FS

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