Filipe José Alves de Oliveira

Principal Researcher

Short CV



Filipe, born on February 1967, is an Assistant Researcher at CICECO, Department of Materials Engineering and Ceramics, University of Aveiro. His first degree is in Ceramics and Glass Engineering, and following the military service he received a Master degree in Corrosion Science and Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, in 1995. With a FCT grant he then engaged in a full time PhD studies on Materials Science and Engineering at AveiroUniversity, on the subject of the high temperature interaction between iron alloys and silicon nitride ceramics, finished in 1999. After that, Filipe started a post-doc position at AveiroUniversity until March 2003 when he gained his present position as a researcher at the Associate Laboratory of Aveiro University, CICECO. During this period he also finished a course on Management, Management School of Oporto, 2008 and was involved in entrepreneurial activities supported by Cohitec and Neotec programmes.

His research has been focused on advanced ceramic-metal composites for structural applications as well as CVD micro and nanocrystalline diamond coatings for tribological and bio-tribological applications and more recently for microelectrodes used in corrosion studies. He is also involved in the production of carbon nanotubes using CVD techniques and on the application of laser floating zone for high-temperature materials. His research conducted to the co-authoring of 3 patents, more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 60 communications in national and international conferences.

Over the last few years, he has been involved in more than 20 scientific, industry and international related projects funded by FCT, ICCTI, IDEIA and QREN. He is/was principal investigator of research projects funded by these agencies/programmes on themes such as ultramicroelectrodes for corrosion, CVD diamond coatings for tribological applications and cryogenic treatment of steels. He is also a lecturer of undergraduate and graduate courses at Aveiro and supervised several Master and post-doc students and co-supervised three on-going PhD theses.

Personally, Filipe is a compulsive reader, especially of historic fiction (e-books only, lately…), a huge fan of sci-fi tv shows, loves to mess around with malfunctioning home appliances and just found an interest on hydroponics (of all things!). Filipe is also a bike rider (MTB) where the combination of sports, nature and mechanics fits like a glove. The latest adventure (07/2013) was a 162km ride to his mother’s home village in northern Portugal. Nowadays a 70 to 90km ride fills out part of the weekends...

Scientific Interests

- CVD micro (MCD) and nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) coatings for tribological and bio-tribological applications; - HFCVD technique for diamond deposition; - Boron doped diamond coatings; - Microelectrodes for electrochemistry; - Cutting tools; - Ceramic-metal composites, structural ceramics; - Carbon nanotubes production and uses; - Development of production and characterization equipment; - Failure analysis of materials (for the industry)



Main present collaborators

- Rui Ramos Ferreira e Silva (CICECO); - Florinda Mendes da Costa (I3N); - Joaquim Manuel Vieira (CICECO); - Margarida Isabel dos Santos Amaral (I3N); - Gao MingXia (Zhejiang University, China); Carlos Achete (INMETRO-Brasil)

Teaching Activity

Supervision experience

1 Post Doc and 3 PhD on-going, and 9 MSc concluded.



 - From July 2010 to the present, co-lecturer of courses at Doctoral level: Transmission Microscopy Labs, Advanced Characterization Techniques; and at graduation level: Materials for Mechanical Construction, Structures and Phase Equilibria.

- October 2002 to September 2003, Invited Assistant Lecturer at Aveiro University (Courses: Mechanical Construction Materials, Materials and Technologies I, Properties of  Materials and Mechanics of Materials for graduation students of Mechanical Engineering, Glass and Ceramics Engineering, Materials Engineering and Industrial Design at Aveiro University and Mechatronic Technological Specialization Course at North-Aveiro University School, Oliveira de Azeméis).

- February 2002 to September 2002, Invited Assistant Lecturer at Aveiro University (Courses: Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Materials for Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Glass and Ceramics Engineering students).

Present projects

(principal investigator)

- PTDC/CTM-MET/113645/2009, “Nanocrystalline diamond SECM ultramicroelectrodes for biology and corrosion- BIOCORDIAN” (01-03-2011 to 28-02-2014). 

(Team member)

- Invest Natural Stone, Contrato de prestação de serviços no âmbito do projecto QREN individual “Revestimentos sol-gel nanohíbridos para protecção ambiental de superfícies de pedra calcária macro-texturada- OSMOSE” (end at 31-01-2014)

- PTDC/CTM-NAN/117284/2010 “Nanoestruturas híbridas de carbono em MEMS – NanoCarboMEMS” (01-04-2011 a 31-03-2015)

- PTDC/CTM-NAN/119184/2010 “Modulação da diferenciação de células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas por plataformas de nanotubos de carbono – StemCelCan” (01-03-2012 a 28-02-2015)

- PTDC/EME-PME/112910/2009 “Componentes cerâmicos de nitreto de silício revestidos por diamante CVD nanocristalino para prótese total da anca – HIPCERDIAM” (01-03-2011 a 28-02-2014)

Selected Recent Publications (2008-)

CVD diamond coatings –Tribology

- E. Salgueiredo, C.S.Abreu, M. Amaral, F.J. Oliveira, J.R.Gomes, R.F. Silva Self-mated tribological systems based on multilayer micro/nanocrystalline CVD diamond coatings. Wear 303 (2013) 225–234.

- S.P. Rodrigues, J.M. Paiva, S. De Francesco, M. Amaral, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, Artifact level produced by different femoral head prostheses in CT imaging: diamond coated silicon nitride as a future biomedical application, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 24 (2013) 231-239.

- E. Salgueiredo, F.A. Almeida, M. Amaral, M.A. Neto, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, A multilayer approach for enhancing the erosive wear resistance of CVD diamond coatings. Wear 297 (2013) 1064-1073.

- M. Amaral, D.J. Carreira, a. J.S. Fernandes, C.S. Abreu, F.J. Oliveira, J.R. Gomes, R.F. Silva, A DLC/diamond bilayer approach for reducing the initial friction towards a high bearing capacity, Wear. 290-291 (2012) 18–24.

- F.A. Almeida, N. Derkaoui, F.J. Oliveira, F. Bénédic, R.F. Silva, A. Gicquel, "Erosive Wear Resistance of NCD Coatings Produced by Pulsed Microwave Discharges", Diam. Relat. Mater. 19 (2010) 484–488.

- M. Amaral, C.S. Abreu, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, J.R. Gomes, R.F. Silva, "Nanodiamond-based tribosystems", Surf. Coat. Techn. 204 (2010) 1962–1969.

- M. Amaral, F. Almeida, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.M. Costa, F.J. Oliveira, R. F. Silva, "The Role of Surface Activation prior to Seeding on CVD Diamond Adhesion", Surf. Coat. Techn. 204 (2010) 3585–3591.

- C.S. Abreu, M. Amaral, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, J.R. Gomes, “HFCVD nanocrystalline diamond coatings for tribo-applications in the presence of water” Diam. Rel. Mater. 18 (2009) 271-275

- C.S. Abreu, E. Salgueiredo, F.J. Oliveira, A.J.S. Fernandes, R.F. Silva, J.R. Gomes, “CVD diamond water lubricated tribosystems for high load planar sliding” Wear 265 (2008) 1023–1028

- M. Amaral, C.S. Abreu, F.J. Oliveira, J.R. Gomes, R.F. Silva, “Tribological characterization of NCD in physiological fluids”, Diam. Rel. Mater. 17 (2008) 848-852


CVD diamond coatings - Cutting tools

- F.A. Almeida, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, D.L. Baptista, A.B. Peripolli, C.A. Achete, “High resolution study of the strong diamond/silicon nitride interface”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (2011) 171913.

- F.A. Almeida, F.J. Oliveira, J. Sacramento, R.F. Silva, “Nanocrystalline CVD Diamond Coatings for Drilling of WC-Co Parts”, Int. J. Ref. Metals Hard Mater., 29 (2011) 618-622.

- E. Salgueiredo, F.A. Almeida, M. Amaral, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.M. Costa, R.F. Silva, F.J. Oliveira, “CVD micro/nanocrystalline diamond (MCD/NCD) bilayer coated odontological drill bits”, Diam. Rel. Mater. 18 (2009) 264-270

- F.A. Almeida, F.J. Oliveira, J. Sacramento, R.F. Silva, “Micro- and nano-crystalline CVD diamond coated tools in the turning of EDM graphite”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 203 (2008) 271-276



 Conductive diamond coatings

- E.L. Silva, A.C. Bastos, M.A. Neto, R.F. Silva, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira, F.J. Oliveira, Boron doped nanocrystalline diamond microelectrodes for the detection of Zn2+ and dissolved O2, Electrochimica Acta. 76 (2012) 487–494.

- M.A. Neto, E.L. Silva, C.A. Ghumman, O.M. Teodoro, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, Composition profiles and adhesion evaluation of conductive diamond coatings on dielectric ceramics, Thin Solid Films. 520 (2012) 5260–5266.

- M.A. Neto, E.L. Silva, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, Diamond/WC bilayer formation mechanism by hot-filament CVD, Surface and Coatings Technology. 206 (2012) 3055–3063.

- M.A. Neto, E.L. Silva, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, “Deposition of alpha-WC/a-C nanocomposite thin films by hot-filament CVD”, Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 103–106.

- E.L. Silva, M.A. Neto, A.J.S. Fernandes, A.C. Bastos, R.F. Silva, M.L. Zheludkevich, F.J. Oliveira, “Fast Coating of Ultramicroelectrodes with Boron Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond”, Diam. Relat. Mater. 19 (2010) 1330–1335.


Composite Materials

- D. Zhu, M.X. Gao, H. Pan, Y. Liu, X. Wang, Y. Pan, F.J. Oliveira, J.M. Vieira, Reactive infiltration processing of SiC/Fe-Si composite using preform made of coked rice husk and SiC powder, Ceramics International 39 (2013) 3831-3842.

- E. Soares, L.F. Malheiros, J. Sacramento, M.A. Valente, F.J. Oliveira, Solid and Liquid Phase Sintering of Submicrometer Carbides with Different Cobalt Contents, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 95:6 (2012) 1822-1831.

- E. Soares, L.F. Malheiros, J. Sacramento, M.A. Valente, F.J. Oliveira, Microstructures and Properties of Submicrometer Carbides Obtained by Conventional Sintering, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 95:3 (2012) 951-961.

- H. Wu, M.X. Gao, F.J Oliveira, Z. Dan, P. Yi, J.M. Vieira, Diffusion, Intrusion and Reaction between Al-Containing Intermetallics and TiC Sintered Body during Thermal Pressure Holding, Rare Metal Materials. 41:2 (2012) 203–207.

- H. Wu, S. Zhang, M. Gao, D. Zhu, Y. Pan, Y. Liu, H. Pan, F.J. Oliveira, J.M. Vieira, Microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-carbides/(Al, Si) composites derived from porous B4C preforms by reactive melt infiltration, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 551 (2012) 200–208.

- D. Zhu, M. Gao, S. Zhang, H. Wu, Y. Pan, Y. Liu, H. Pan, F.J. Oliveira, J.M. Vieira, A high-strength SiCw/SiC–Si composite derived from pyrolyzed rice husks by liquid silicon infiltration, Journal of Materials Science. 47 (2012) 4921–4927.

- E. Soares, LF. Malheiros, J. Sacramento, M.A. Valente, F.J. Oliveira, “Ethanol and water processing of submicrometer cemented carbide powders”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 (2011) 84-91.


Carbon nanotubes

- D. Mata, R.M. Silva, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, P.M.F.J. Costa, R.F. Silva, Upscaling potential of the CVD stacking growth method to produce dimensionally-controlled and catalyst-free multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Carbon. 50 (2012) 3585–3606.

- D. Mata, M. Amaral, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, PMFJ Costa, R.F. Silva, Self-assembled cones of aligned carbon nanofibers grown on wet-etched Cu foils”, Carbon 49 (2011) 2181–2196.

- D. Mata, M. Ferro, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, P.M.F.J. Costa, M. Amaral, R.F. Silva, "Wet-etched Ni foils as active catalyst towards carbon nanofibers growth by HFCVD", Carbon 48 (2010) 2839-2854.

- A.J.S. Fernandes, M. Pinto, M.A. Neto, F.J. Oliveira, R.F. Silva, F.M. Costa, “Nano carbon hybrids from the simultaneous synthesis of CNT/NCD by MPCVD”, Diam. Rel. Mater. 18 (2009) 160-163


Other cooperative work

- J. Perdigão, S.D. Fernandes, A.M. Pinto, F.J. Oliveira, Effect of Artificial Aging and Surface Treatment on Bond Strengths to Dental Zirconia, Operative Dentistry 38-2 (2013) 168-76. doi:

- R.G. Carvalho, M.S. Pires, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, T. Monteiro, R.F. Silva, F.M. Costa, Microstructure of Mullite-zirconia Fibres Grown by Directional Solidification, Microscopy and Microanalysis. 18 (2012) 103–104.

- D. Arcos, M. Vila, A. López-Noriega, F. Rossignol, E. Champion, F.J. Oliveira, M. Vallet-Regí, “Mesoporous bioactive glasses: mechanical reinforcement by means of a biomimetic process”, Acta Biomat. 7 (2011) 2952-2959.

- R.G. Carvalho, A.J.S. Fernandes, F.M. Costa, R.F. Silva, F.J. Oliveira, E. Alves, N. Franco, C. Louro, "Single and polycrystalline mullite fibres grown by laser floating zone technique”, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 30 (2010) 3311–3318.

Ongoing Supervisions


Add additive manufacturing to Portuguese industry (Add.Additive)

PartnerIndustry National
O Fabrico Aditivo (FA) é uma tecnologia de produção que permite produzir peças com formas complexas a partir de dados digitais. No contexto de competitividade industrial que se verifica atualmente, o FA é uma tecnologia que tem de ser explorada, na medida em que pode responder às exigências do mercado pelo facto de gerar soluções céleres e permi...

Additive manufacturing meets mechanobiology – design and fabrication of osteogenic-stimulating implants (ADD2MECHBIO)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Over the years, the number of patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasties has been increasing. Due to the lengthened life expectancy and aging population this trend is expected to continue and the number of patients that will outlive their first prosthesis will also rise (patients that will need revision surgeries). These impl...

Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: Materials, Components and Structures (ALIR_mcs)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto ALIR_mcs – Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: materials, components and structures, visa conceber uma solução compósita de baixo peso com capacidade de resistir a solicitações de impacto de baixa, média e alta energia. Pretende-se que esta solução venha a obter a certificação aeronáutica civil (EASA CS-VLA), de modo a poder aplicar...

Aumento da produtividade com ferramentas revestidas a diamante CVD (PRODIAM)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Este projeto teve como base todo o trabalho já desenvolvido entre a UA e a DURIT e que permitiu validar a tecnologia dos revestimentos de diamante do ponto de vista de conceito e de aplicação, mas utilizando reatores laboratoriais de deposição química em fase vapor assistida por filamento quente (HFCVD). Estando identificada a necessidade concre...

BIOCORDIAN – Ultramicroelétrodos de SECM em Diamante Nanocristalino para Biologia e Corrosão (PTDC/CTM-MET/113645/2009)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ultramicroelectrode Nanocrystalline CVD diamond Scanning electrochemistry Corrosion

CARBIFINO - Concepção de novos graus de metal duro de granulometria sub-a nono-micrométrica com elevada resistência ao desgaste erosivo (CARBIFINO)

PartnerIndustry National
Pretende-se apresentar soluções inovadoras para responder às solicitações prementes do mercado consumidor do metal duro no sentido do prolongamento do tempo de vida de componentes sujeitos a desgaste erosivo, das indústrias extractivas de petróleo e gás natural e indústrias química e farmacêutica. Com este fim, desenvolver-se-ão novas composiçõe...

Ceramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)

PartnerIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...

Development and characterization of ceramic composite materials for thermomechanical applications (REEQ/1066/CTM/2005)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The developed project allowed the acquisition of two pieces of equipment: a high temperature graphite furnace (max. 2000ºC) of semi-industrial size with controlled atmosphere, for sintering of ceramic composites, and an universal mechanical testing machine for flexural, compressive and creep characterization up to 1400°C of those materials in co...

Fabricação aditiva de componentes em metal duro (3D.Carbide)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto 3D.Carbide tem como objetivo desenvolver a fabricação aditiva (AM-Additive Manufacturing) para aplicação na indústria de componentes em metal duro, apresentando-se como uma tecnologia promissora para componentes funcionais de elevado valor acrescentado, produzidos em pequenas séries.

Fornos limpos de alta temperatura para novas tecnologias de fabrico aditivo e ligas de alta entropia (HiTClean)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O HiTClean tem como objetivo desenvolver novos fornos de atmosfera controlada e alta temperatura, completamente metálicos no interior, sem utilização de grafite e por isso considerados limpos pois previnem a oxidação dos materiais a ser processados e evitam a contaminação dos mesmos com carbono.

Graphenest’s New Engineered System and its Implementation Solutions (GNESIS)

PartnerIndustry National
Aumentar para uma escala industrial a tecnologia da Graphenest e demonstrar a aplicabilidade do grafeno obtido em três áreas de aplicação distintas: Tintas anticorrosivas; Polímeros com escudo eletromagnético; Elétrodos de telas táteis.

Hi-rEV - Recuperação do Setor de Componentes Automóveis (Hi-rEV (HIREV1))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The automotive industry has seen several developments in recent years that have reshaped the future of the mobility sector. The various players in the automotive value chain will have to respond to: the pandemic economic recovery, the energy transition, the digital transformation and the restructuring of the national and European manufa...

Metalização inovadora e ecológica de plásticos por PVD e CVD assistido por plasma (PlasCoat)

PartnerIndustry National

Mobilizar competências tecnológicas em Engenharia de Superficies (ON-SURF)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto ON-SURF é um Programa Mobilizador que envolve transversalmente empresas Nacionais de diferentes sectores de atividade e entidades não empresariais do SI&I, num consórcio alargado, em torno do eixo prioritário na Agenda da Inovação Internacional, a Engenharia de Superfícies. Pretende-se desenvolver e aplicar processos de m...

Nanocompósitos cerâmicos produzidos por CIM para componentes anti-desgaste e antiestáticos (WhatCIM)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto WhatCIM tem como objetivo desenvolver novos guia-fios para a indústria de têxteis e o seu processo de fabrico baseados em materiais cerâmicos nanocompósitos e em revestimentos nanoestruturados. Esta inovação será aplicada a casos de estudo com vista a ultrapassar problemas associados ao desgaste e àeletricidade estática, e a demais pro...

Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films on silicon nitride ceramics for tribological applications - NANODIAM (POCI/CTM/59449/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanocrystalline diamond chemical vapour deposition (CVD) tribology silicon nitride

Nanoestruturas híbridas de carbono em MEMS - NanoCarboMEMS (PTDC/CTM-NAN/117284/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanocrystalline diamond – NCD carbon nanotubes – CNT hybrid material microelectromechanical systems – MEMS

Nanostructured transition Metal Phosphides for Electrochemical Energy Storage (Mephees)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Transition metal phosphide Nanostructure Electrochemical energy storage Battery

Nanotubes and Nanowires based hybrid nanostructures (PTDC/CTM/098361/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanotubes and Nanowires Atomic Layer Deposition Nanoparticles Nonaqueous sol-gel chemistry

New Methodology for the production of light weight intermetallic matrix composites with improved mechanical properties (POCI/CTM/57536/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Intermetallics Nanocomposite materials Consolidation Mechanical properties

Novos revestimentos PVD sobre polímeros, latão e alumínio para substituição de processos de galvanização de Cr (VI) (SafeChrome)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto SafeChrome visa o desenvolvimento de uma solução híbrida inovadora constituída por revestimentos depositados por PVD em substratos com cromagem trivalente (Cr(III) + PVD). Os sistemas desenvolvidos deverão igualar ou superar as soluções compostas por Cr(VI) em termos de desempenho e serão avaliados de acordo com as exigentes especifica...

Precision Machining with CVD Diamond Cutting Tools (DHardTools)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto DHardTools tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de metal duro com revestimentos de diamante funcionais para micromaquinagem de materiais ultraduros. O desenvolvimento deste produto apresenta como inovação a possibilidade de alargar o campo de aplicação das ferramentas revestidas com diamante e a monitorização do processo ...

REVDIA – REVestimentos de DIAmante para Componentes Anti-Desgaste” (REVDIA)

PartnerIndustry National
A empresa promotora Durit é detentora da tecnologia de processamento de metal duro e tem um profundo conhecimento das tendências actuais do mercado para peças anti-desgaste. No seguimento da sua estratégia empresarial, a Durit pretende diversificar a sua oferta com novos materiais e atingir novos segmentos de mercado, visando adquirir vantagens...

Silicon nitride ceramic components coated with nanocrystalline CVD diamond for total hip replacement - HIPCerDiam (PTDC/EME-PME/112910/2009)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Hip joint silicon nitride nanocrystalline diamond wear

StemCelCan - Modulation of induced pluripotent stem cells differentiation by carbon nanotube templates (PTDC/CTM-NAN/119184/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
carbon nanotubes induced stem cells neural differentiation cell culture platform

SUB0 - Aumento da vida de ferramentas e orgãos de máquinas por tratamento térmico específico (SUB0)

CoordinatorIndustry National
O consórcio, criado no âmbito da presente candidatura, entre a empresa F. Ramada, Aços e Indústrias, S.A e a Universidade de Aveiro tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia de tratamento térmico não convencional, destinado à produção de ferramentas e engrenagens com melhores características de resistência ao desgaste e de estabilid...

Tribosistemas Constituídos por Revestimentos Multicamada de Diamante Cvd Micro/Nanocristalino – MULTIDIACOAT (PTDC/EME-TME/100689/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
tribology CVD diamond multilayers wear


Surface Roughness Evaluation of Resin Composites after Finishing and Polishing Using 3D-Profilometry

Vinagre, A; Barros, C; Gonçalves, J; Messias, A; Oliveira, F; Ramos, J

In-house vs. commercial boron-doped diamond electrodes for electrochemical degradation of water pollutants: A critical review

Brosler, P; Girao, AV; Silva, RF; Tedim, J; Oliveira, FJ

On the Structural, Thermal, Micromechanical and Tribological Characterizations of Cu-Filled Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Micro-Composites

Akrout, M; Ben Difallah, B; Kharrat, M; Dammak, M; Pereira, A; Oliveira, FJ; Duarte, I
2023, MATERIALS, 16, 19.

Diamond coated fiber optic interferometric sensors: fabrication and application

Kyatam, S; Oliveira, R; Rocha, AM; Mukherjee, D; Neto, MA; Oliveira, FJ; Khan, MA; Correia, MRP; Mendes, JC
2023, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 13, 11, 3051-3067.

Bioactivity Enhancement of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings through Non-Contact Corona Electrical Charging

Prezas, PR; Soares, MJ; Borges, JP; Silva, JC; Oliveira, FJ; Graça, MPF
2023, NANOMATERIALS, 13, 6.

Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes Using Diamond Technology: A Critical Review

Brosler, P; Girao, AV; Silva, RF; Tedim, J; Oliveira, FJ
2023, ENVIRONMENTS, 10, 2.

Electroconductive silicon nitride-titanium nitride ceramic substrates for CVD diamond electrode deposition

Brosler, P; Silva, RF; Tedim, J; Oliveira, FJ
2023, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 49, 22, 36436-36445.

Influence of ink rheology and post processing in the structural performance of silicon nitride-based ceramics fabricated by robocasting

Faria, MS; Alves, MFRP; Cintra, R; Oliveira, FJ; Fernandes, CM; Figueiredo, D; Olhero, SM
2023, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 49, 12, 20968-20979.

Development of WC-NiCrMo hardmetals

Pereira, P; Rocha, AMF; Bastos, AC; Oliveira, FJ; Vilhena, LM; Ramalho, A; Sacramento, J; Malheiros, LF; Senos, AMR

Effect of different acidic media on the corrosion behaviour of hardmetals with Ni-based binders

Pereiraa, P; Rocha, AMF; Sacramento, J; Oliveira, FJ; Malheiros, LF; Senos, AMR; Bastos, AC


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