Nanoscale investigation of ferroelectrics and related materials


In this project, by using Scanning probe microscopy, SPM, specifically modified for the visualization of polar nanodomains, mapping of the dielectric constant, measurements of the ferroelectric hysteresis, among other properties, several ferroelectric and related materials were characterised. In these studies bulk, thin and thick films of high quality ferroelectric materials, such as PZT, PCT, SBT, ST, among others, dielectric materials such as BST, LMT, BMW, among others and organic materials, such as PVDF, PLLA, celulose fibers, among others, were analised. Simultaneously the macroscopic dielectric characterization was conducted in a wide range of temperature and frequency and the relations between the local properties, microstructure and macroscopic response was established. SPM technique was further developed by investigating the nature of the contrast in piezoelectric contact and non-contact modes. A finite element analysis of local distribution of electric field and mechanical stress under tip in SPM setup were used. The collaboration with national and international R&D groups of recognized scientific merit were expanded, through the use of SPM to a wide range of materials. New educational advances were developed by contributing to increase of knowledge of master, PhD and post doctoral fellows in the area of fundamental nanoscale research and progress in fabrication of realistic nanodevices.


Universidade de Aveiro (UA)




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