The Solubility Data Series (SDS) has been providing a comprehensive critical review of published data in the gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid systems solubility. SSED is also engaged in reviewing equilibrium data for related systems. Whenever possible recommended values have been proposed. This work belongs to the set of tools that help IUPAC to fulfill one of its long-range goals of international standardization of physical constants.
In early 2014 the IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series reaches its 100th published volume. This important milestone will be used to publicize the IUPAC mission and activities.
This milestone will be celebrated by bringing together, in a conference that attracts thousands of participants, current coordinators of the IUPAC SSED and the NIST editor of the JPCRD, who oversee the ongoing production of this unique and important collection of critically evaluated solubility and other equilibrium data. The chairs of some of the current IUPAC projects will also participate in this event highlighting the practical importance of the work is being done inside the SSED framework.
Topics that will be covered included the history of the SDS project, which commenced publication in 1979 (and has no end in sight); the need for reliable data that can help in the creation of new paradigms about the present impact of carbon dioxide in global warming, environment remediation technologies, the present progresses in ionic liquids solubilities, and the effects of solvent on the thermodynamics of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solubility.
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
University of North Texas; National Institute of Standards & Technology; Murdoch University; Queen's University of Belfast; American Chemical Society; University College Dublin; Columbia University