Temperature measurements are crucial in countless technological developments, accounting for 80% of the sensor market throughout the world. The pitfalls of temperature readouts at the biomedical battleground are mostly represented by the currently achievable spatial resolution. To address key issues, such as intracellular temperature fluctuations and in vivo thermal transients, a technique able to go clearly below 1 ?m is highly and urgently needed, as the traditional contact-based sensors and near infrared thermometers are not suitable for measurements at that tight spatial range. To overcome these limitations requires a non-contact thermometry approach granted with sub-micrometer resolution, also providing real-time high relative thermal sensitivity values.
The goal of NanoTBTech is to develop a 2-D thermal bioimaging technology featuring sub-microscale resolution, based on nanothermometers and heater-thermometer nanostructures. We will design, synthetize, and bio-functionalize nontoxic luminescent nanostructures, operating essentially beyond 1000 nm, for in vivo nanothermometry and nanoheating. Furthermore, to monitor the temperature-dependent nanostructures’ luminescence we will develop a novel imaging system. The effective delivery of that major advance in 2-D thermal bioimaging will be implemented through two impactful biomedical showcases: highly spatially-modulated intracellular magnetic/optical hyperthermia and in vivo detection and tracking of cancer.
In the long-term, we foresee our technology having a broad impact on non-invasive clinical imaging and theranostics. For instance, the accurate measurement of temperature gradients´ sources will be an invaluable tool for real-time control of thermal therapies, thus making them harmless for the patient. Multiple conceptual breakthroughs can be further envisaged from the proposed 2D-thermal imaging system, credibly spreading its impact towards non-biomedical technological areas.
Luís António Ferreira Martins Dias Carlos
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Fundacion Para La Investigacion Biomedica Del Hospital Universitario Ramon Y Cajal (Spain); Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs (France); Institut Za Nuklearne Nauke Vinca (Serbia); Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas; (Spain); Instytut Niskich Temperatur I Badan Strukturalnych Im. Wlodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Poland); Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands); Nanoimmunotech Sl (Spain); Biospace Lab (France)
Local Temperature Increments and Induced Cell Death in Intracellular Magnetic Hyperthermia
Gu, YY; Piñol, R; Moreno-Loshuertos, R; Brites, CDS; Zeler, J; Martínez, A; Maurin-Pasturel, G; Fernández-Silva, P; Marco-Brualla, J; Téllez, P; Cases, R; Belsué, RN; Bonvin, D; Carlos, LD; Millán, ANovel and High-Sensitive Primary and Self-Referencing Thermometers Based on the Excitation Spectra of Lanthanide Ions
de Souza, KMN; Silva, RN; Silva, JAB; Brites, CDS; Francis, B; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Longo, RLOn the long decay time of the F-7(5) level of Tb3+
Neto, ANC; Kasprzycka, E; Souza, AS; Gawryszewska, P; Suta, M; Carlos, LD; Malta, OLA theoretical framework for optical thermometry based on excited-state absorption and lifetimes of Eu3+ compounds
Blois, L; Neto, ANC; Malta, OL; Brito, HFMagneto-Induced Hyperthermia and Temperature Detection in Single Iron Oxide Core-Silica/Tb3+/Eu3+(Acac) Shell Nano-Objects
Nigoghossian, K; Bouvet, B; Felix, G; Sene, S; Costa, L; Milhet, PE; Neto, ANC; Carlos, LD; Oliviero, E; Guari, Y; Larionova, JThe role of the Eu(3+7)F1 level in the direct sensitization of the D-5(0) emitting level through intramolecular energy transfer
Blois, L; Neto, ANC; Malta, OL; Brito, HFEmploying three-blade propeller lanthanide complexes as molecular luminescent thermometers: study of temperature sensing through a concerted experimental/theory approach
Lyubov, DM; Neto, ANC; Fayoumi, A; Lyssenko, KA; Korshunov, VM; Taydakov, IV; Salles, F; Guari, Y; Larionova, J; Carlos, LD; Long, J; Trifonov, AAHyperspectral imaging thermometry assisted by upconverting nanoparticles: Experimental artifacts and accuracy
Martinez, ED; Brites, CDS; Urbano, RR; Rettori, C; Carlos, LDLess is more: dimensionality reduction as a general strategy for more precise luminescence thermometry
Ximendes, E; Marin, R; Carlos, LD; Jaque, DSpectroscopic aspects for the Yb3+ coordination compound with a large energy gap between the ligand and Yb3+ excited states
Kasprzycka, E; Neto, ANC; Trush, VA; Malta, OL; Jerzykiewicz, L; Amirkhanov, VM; Legendziewicz, J; Gawryszewska, PTemperature Dependence of Water Absorption in the Biological Windows and Its Impact on the Performance of Ag2S Luminescent Nanothermometers
Munoz-Ortiz, T; Abiven, L; Marin, R; Hu, J; Ortgies, DH; Benayas, A; Gazeau, F; Castaing, V; Viana, B; Chaneac, C; Jaque, D; Maturi, FE; Carlos, LD; Rodriguez, EM; Sole, JGA Hybrid Materials Approach for Fabricating Efficient WLEDs Based on Di-Ureasils Doped with Carbon Dots and a Europium Complex
Fang, M; Neto, ANC; Fu, LS; Ferreira, RAS; Bermudez, VD; Carlos, LD3D sub-cellular localization of upconverting nanoparticles through hyperspectral microscopy
Silva, RN; Botas, AMP; Brandao, D; Bastos, V; Oliveira, H; Debasu, ML; Ferreira, RAS; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LDRationalizing the Thermal Response of Dual-Center Molecular Thermometers: The Example of an Eu/Tb Coordination Complex
Neto, ANC; Mamontova, E; Botas, AMP; Brites, CDS; Ferreira, RAS; Rouquette, J; Guari, Y; Larionova, J; Long, J; Carlos, LDSustainable smart-tags with 2-step verification for anti-counterfeiting triggered by the photothermal response of upconverting nanoparticles
F. E. Maturi, C. D. S. Brites, R. R. Silva, K. Nigoghossian, D. Wilson, R. A. S. Ferreira, S. J. L. Ribeiro, L. D. CarlosGa-modified YAG:Pr3+ dual-mode tunable luminescence thermometers
Bolek, P; Zeler, J; Brites, CDS; Trojan-Piegza, J; Carlos, LD; Zych, EGoing Above and Beyond: A Tenfold Gain in the Performance of Luminescence Thermometers Joining Multiparametric Sensing and Multiple Regression
Maturi, FE; Brites, CDS; Ximendes, EC; Mills, C; Olsen, B; Jaque, D; Ribeiro, SJL; Carlos, LDThermal enhancement of upconversion emission in nanocrystals: a comprehensive summary
Shi, R; Martinez, ED; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LDSpectral and thermometric properties altering through crystal field strength modification and host material composition in luminescence thermometers based on Fe3+ doped AB(2)O(4) type nanocrystals (A = Mg, Ca; B = Al, Ga)
Kniec, K; Piotrowski, W; Ledwa, K; Carlos, LD; Marciniak, LControlling the thermal switching in upconverting nanoparticles through surface chemistry
Martinez, ED; Garcia-Flores, AF; Carneiro, AN; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Urbano, RR; Rettori, CFrom quencher to potent activator - Multimodal luminescence thermometry with Fe3+ in the oxides MAl4O7 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba)
Kniec, K; Piotrowski, W; Ledwa, K; Suta, M; Carlos, LD; Marciniak, LEfficient Brownian oscillators and nanoheaters based on gallium-doped epsilon-Fe2O3
Gu, YY; Silva, NJO; Yoshikiyo, M; Namai, A; Pinol, R; Maurin-Pasturel, G; Cui, YW; Ohkoshi, SI; Millan, A; Martinez, AStandardizing luminescence nanothermometry for biomedical applications
Bednarkiewicz, A; Marciniak, L; Carlos, LD; Jaque, D[Ga83+Sm23+, Ga83+Tb23+] Metallacrowns are Highly Promising Ratiometric Luminescent Molecular Nanothermometers Operating at Physiologically Relevant Temperatures
Salerno, EV; Zeler, J; Eliseeva, SV; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Neto, ANC; Petoud, S; Pecoraro, VL; Carlos, LDReal-Time Intracellular Temperature Imaging Using Lanthanide Bearing Polymeric Micelles
Pinol, R; Zeler, J; Brites, CDS; Gu, YY; Tellez, P; Neto, ANC; da Silva, TE; Moreno-Loshuertos, R; Fernandez-Silva, P; Gallego, AI; Martinez-Lostao, L; Martinez, A; Carlos, LD; Millan, AMagnetic hyperthermia with epsilon-Fe(2)O(3)nanoparticles
Gu, YY; Yoshikiyo, M; Namai, A; Bonvin, D; Martinez, A; Pinol, R; Tellez, P; Silva, NJO; Ahrentorp, F; Johansson, C; Marco-Brualla, J; Moreno-Loshuertos, R; Fernandez-Silva, P; Cui, YW; Ohkoshi, S; Millan, ADecoding a Percolation Phase Transition of Water at similar to 330 K with a Nanoparticle Ruler
Brites, CDS; Zhuang, BL; Debasu, ML; Ding, D; Qin, X; Maturi, FE; Lim, WWY; Soh, D; Rocha, J; Yi, ZG; Liu, XG; Carlos, LDAg2S Nanoheaters with Multiparameter Sensing for Reliable Thermal Feedback during In Vivo Tumor Therapy
Shen, YL; Santos, HDA; Ximendes, EC; Lifante, J; Sanz-Portilla, A; Monge, L; Fernandez, N; Coria, IC; Jacinto, C; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Benayas, A; Iglesias-de la Cruz, MC; Jaque, DDecoding a Percolation Phase Transition of water at ~330 K with a Nanoparticle Ruler
C. D. Brites, B. Zhuang, M. L. Debasu, D. Ding, X. Qin, F. E. Maturi, W. W. Y. Lim, D. W. Soh, J. Rocha, Z. Yi, X. Liu, L. D. CarlosLanthanide-Based Thermometers: At the Cutting-Edge of Luminescence Thermometry
Brites, CDS; Balabhadra, S; Carlos, LDElectrochromic Switch Devices Mixing Small- and Large-Sized Upconverting Nanocrystals
Martinez, ED; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Garcia-Flores, AF; Urbano, RR; Rettori, CPerspectives for Ag2S NIR-II nanoparticles in biomedicine: from imaging to multifunctionality
Shen, YL; Lifante, J; Ximendes, E; Santos, HDA; Ruiz, D; Juarez, BH; Gutierrez, IZ; Vera, VA; Retama, JR; Rodriguez, EM; Ortgies, DH; Jaque, D; Benayas, A; del Rosal, BFinanciadores