Carlos Brites

Associate Professor

Short CV

Carlos Brites was born in Nazaré, Portugal, in May 1981.
2024-presente: Associate Professor Physics Departament, University of Aveiro, Portugal
2019-2024: Assistant Professor Physics Departament, University of Aveiro, Portugal
2017-2019: Researcher at CICECO/ Physics Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal

2013-2017: Post-Doctoral fellowship  (CICECO/ 
Physics Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal and Condensed Mateter Physics Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain) FCT Grant holder (SFRH/BPD/89003/2012) “Molecular Luminescent Thermometers”
2007-2012: Ph.D Student (CICECO/ Physics Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal and ICMA/ Physics of Condensed Matter Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain) “Self-Referencing Thermometry at the Nanoscale”
2004-2007: Master in Optoelectronics and Lasers (Faculty of Sciences, University of Oporto, Portugal)
“Integrated Optics Beam Combiners for Astronomical Interferometry”
1999-2004: Degree in Physics and Chemistry (University of Aveiro, Portugal)



Scientific Interests

Molecular logics using Phisycal Inputs

Luminescent Materials based on Trivalent Lanthanide Ions

Luminescent Materials as nanoscale thermal probes

Luminescence thermometry as a nanotool for materials' characterization


Research Group

University of Aveiro

Universidade de Aveiro

Photonic Hybrids and Nanomaterials Group



Main present collaborators

University of Aveiro

Luís D. Carlos

Rute André

Helena Oliveira

University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Angel Millan
Rafael Piñol

Centro de Energia Atómica (Argentina)

Eduardo D. Martínez

Ongoing projects

  • FCT Ref. PTDC/FIS-OUT/31469/2017 (Principal Investigator, 40%). Funding: 221,702.30 €. Period: July 2018 - June 2021.


  • FCT Ref. PTDC/BTM-MAT/31794/2017 (Team Member, 10%). Funding: 235,080.68 €. Period: August 2018 - August 2021.


  • FCT Ref. PTDC/CTM-NAN/4647/2014 (Team Member, 70%). Funding 183,945.00 €. Period: July 2016 - June 2019.

Ongoing Supervisions



Deciphering Density Fluctuations in the Hydration Water of Brownian Nanoparticles via Upconversion Thermometry

Fernando Eduardo Maturi
2024, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 9.

Localized Three-Photon Upconversion Enhancement in Silver Nanowire Networks and its Effect in Thermal Sensing

Eduardo D. Martínez, Luiz H. A. R. Ferreira, Albano N. Carneiro Neto, Carlos D. Brites, Luis D. Carlos
2024, Nanoscale, 40.

Exploring the intra-4f and the bright white light upconversion emissions of Gd2O3:Yb3+,Er3+-based materials for thermometry

Ramos, TJS; Longo, RL; Brites, CDS; Ferreira, RAS; Malta, OL; Carlos, LD
2023, NANOSCALE, 15, 23, 9993-10003.

Lanthanide-based logic: a venture for the future of molecular computing

Zanella, S; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Ferreira, RAS; Brites, CDS
2023, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 59, 51, 7863-7874.

Designing Next-Generation Molecular Logic Circuits: Photonic Concatenation in Upconverting Nanocrystals

Zanella, S; Hernández-Rodríguez, MA; Fu, LS; Shi, R; Carlos, LD; Ferreira, RAS; Brites, CDS

Extending the Palette of Luminescent Primary Thermometers: Yb3+/Pr3+ Co-Doped Fluoride Phosphate Glasses

Maturi, FE; Gaddam, A; Brites, CDS; Souza, JMM; Eckert, H; Ribeiro, SJL; Carlos, LD; Manzani, D
2023, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 35, 17, 7229-7238.

Luminescent Single-Molecule Magnets as Dual Magneto-Optical Molecular Thermometers

Zanella, S; Aragon-Alberti, M; Brite, CDS; Salles, F; Carlos, LD; Long, JRM

Designing All-Photonic Molecular Analogs for Electrical Components: A Reprogrammable Luminescent Filter Based on Ln3+ Ions

Hernández-Rodríguez, MA; Zanella, S; Fu, LS; Neto, ANC; Carlos, LD; Brites, CDS

Spotlight on Luminescence Thermometry: Basics, Challenges, and Cutting-Edge Applications

Brites, CDS; Marin, R; Suta, M; Neto, ACN; Ximendes, E; Jaque, D; Carlos, LD

Local Temperature Increments and Induced Cell Death in Intracellular Magnetic Hyperthermia

Gu, YY; Piñol, R; Moreno-Loshuertos, R; Brites, CDS; Zeler, J; Martínez, A; Maurin-Pasturel, G; Fernández-Silva, P; Marco-Brualla, J; Téllez, P; Cases, R; Belsué, RN; Bonvin, D; Carlos, LD; Millán, A
2023, ACS NANO, 17, 7, 6822-6832.


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