Ongoing Supervisions

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP6-BPE19 - EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACTIONS))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...NGS - New Generation Storage (NGS (WP7-BP20 TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union's energy transition strategy until 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and r...Acid-functionalised hybrid membranes for intermediate temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HyPEM) (PTDC/CTM-CER/109843/2009)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
fuel cells proton exchange membranes organic/inorganic hybrids proton conductorBacterial Cellulose Membranes for Proton Exchange Fuel Cells (EXPL/CTM-ENE/0548/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Bacterial cellulose fuell cells proton exchange membranes in situ polymerization/graftingCeria-based electrocatalysts for low (<200 °C) and intermediate (500-650 °C) temperature fuel cells (Acção integrada Portugal-Argentina PO1404)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Core-shell ceramic membranes with nano-sized grains for oxygen separation and syn-gas production (POCI/CTM/59727/2004)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Core-shell ceramics perovskites nanoceramics oxygen electrochemical permeationDegradation in Li-batteries: a Scanning Probe Microscopy Approach (LI-SPM)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Baterias de Li; Microscopia de Deformacao Eletroquímica; Microscopia de Forca por Sonda Kelvin; DegradacaoDevelopment of novel mixed proton and electron conducing (MPEC) ceramic membranes for the technology of pure hydrogen separation (PTDC/CTM/66243/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
condutores mistos separação de hidrogénio Ceramicos Ceratos permeabilidadeHierarchical Nanostructures for Lithium-Ion Batteries (PTDC/CTM-NAN/110776/2009)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanostructures Assembly BatteriesMulti-Functional Nanocomposite Materials For Low-Temperature Ceramic Fuel Cells (NANOMFC )
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The aim of the project is to provide a world-class fuel cell through combining high-level research expertise and multidisciplinary know-how from leading research groups in EU and India. The project is highly innovative and includes risky research going beyond present state-of-the art in the field. To achieve the aim, three major objectives have ...NANOCELL - Nanocomposite Electrolytes for Intermediate Temperature Fuel Cells (PTDC/CTM/098486/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanocomposites electrolytes ceramics fuel cellsORIEL - Oriented Lanthanum Silicate Thin Film Electrolytes for IT-SOFCS (PTDC/CTM-CER/118933/2010)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Lanthanum Silicate Ionic Conductivity Preferred Orientation SOFCTransport properties and electrochemical applications of ceria-based nanomaterials (POCTI/CTM/39381/2001)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanomaterials anodes ceria condução mistaUnitised regenerative fuel cell for efficient renewable energy supply: from materials to device (SAICTPAC/0032/2015)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Energia; Hidrogénio; Pilha de combustível; ElectrolisadorZero CO2 emissions: challenge and foresight for innovative multi-ionic functional membranes (CO2zero)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Electrically functional 3D-architectured graphene/SiC composites
Roman-Manso, B; Figueiredo, FM; Achiaga, B; Barea, R; Perez-Coll, D; Morelos-Gomez, A; Terrones, M; Osendi, MI; Belmonte, M; Miranzo, P
2016, CARBON, 100, 318-328.
Synthesis of Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 solid electrolyte by a proteic sol-gel green method
Macedo, DA; Dutra, RPS; Nascimento, RM; Sasaki, JM; Cesario, MR; Rajesh, S; Figueiredo, FL; Marques, FMB
Tuning the acid content of propylsulfonic acid-functionalized mesoporous benzene-silica by microwave-assisted synthesis
Domingues, EM; Bion, N; Figueiredo, FM; Ferreira, P
Perovskite cathodes for NaBH4/H2O2 direct fuel cells
Santos, DMF; Gomes, TFB; Sljukic, B; Sousa, N; Sequeira, CAC; Figueiredo, FML
2015, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 178, 163-170.
Protonic Conductivity of Nanocrystalline Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework 8
Barbosa, P; Rosero-Navarro, NC; Shi, FN; Figueiredo, FML
2015, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 153, 19-27.
Enhanced electrical conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics by addition of graphene nanoplatelets
Roman-Manso, B; Domingues, E; Figueiredo, FM; Belmonte, M; Miranzo, P
Graphene nanoribbon ceramic composites
Ramirez, C; Osendi, MI; Miranzo, P; Belmonte, M; Figueiredo, F; Castro-Beltran, A; Terrones, M
2015, CARBON, 90, 207-214.
Electrical Properties of Lanthanum Silicate Apatite Electrolytes Prepared by an Innovative Chemical Route
G.L.S. Macedo, D.A. Macedo, S. Rajesh, A.E. Martinelli, F.M.L. Figueiredo, F.M.B. Marques, R.M. Nascimento
2014, ECS Transactions, 61, 36, 23-31.
Meso-structured organosilicas as fillers for Nafion (R) membranes
Rosero-Navarro, NC; Domingues, EM; Sousa, N; Ferreira, P; Figueiredo, FML
2014, SOLID STATE IONICS, 262, 324-327.
Protonic conductivity and viscoelastic behaviour of Nafion (R) membranes with periodic mesoporous organosilica fillers
Rosero-Navarro, NC; Domingues, EM; Sousa, N; Ferreira, P; Figueiredo, FM
Heterogeneous doping of weak electrolytes with cerium oxide
Maria A. Salvador, P. Ferreira and F.M. Figueiredo
Acid-functionalised periodic mesoporous benzene-bridged organosilicas as proton conductors for intermediate temperature application
E.M. Domingues, M.A. Salvador, P. Ferreira and F.M. Figueiredo
Novel acid-functionalized periodic mesoporous benzenosilicas for intermediate temperature proton exchange fuel cell membranes
E.M. Domingues, P. Ferreira, M.A. Salvador, and F.M. Figueiredo
Heterogeneous doping of benzimidazole with nanocrystalline and mesoporous CeO2
M. A. Salvador, F.M. Figueiredo, P. Ferreira
Nanocasting of zirconium and cerium oxides
M.A. Salvador, J. Canales-Vázquez, P. Ferreira, F.M. Figueiredo.
Synthesis of mesoporous ZrO2 and CeO2 by nanocasting
M. A. Salvador , J. Canales-Vázquez, P. Ferreira , F.M. Figueiredo,
Acid functionalized periodic mesoporous benzenosilica proton conductors for intermediate temperature application
Eddy Domingues, Maria Adelaide Salvador, Paula Ferreira, Filipe Figueiredo
Nanocasting of mesoporous barium zirconate
T. Gadim, M. Salvador, P. Ferreira, F.M. Figueiredo
Nanocasting of mesoporous zirconia
Maria A. Salvador, J. Canales-Vázquez, P. Ferreira, F.M. Figueiredo
Acid-functionalised periodic mesoporous benzenosilicas for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
EM Domingues, MA Salvador, P Ferreira, FM Figueiredo
Preparation of mesoporous ZrO2 using SBA-15 as a hard template
Maria A. Salvador, J. Canales-Vázquez, P. Ferreira, F.M. Figueiredo
Synthesis of Periodic Mesoporous Benzenosilicas Containing Free Phosphonic Acid Groups for Application in High Temperature PEMFC
Maria A. Salvador, J. C. Alonso, P. Ferreira and F. M. Figueiredo