The aim of the project is to provide a world-class fuel cell through combining high-level research expertise and multidisciplinary know-how from leading research groups in EU and India. The project is highly innovative and includes risky research going beyond present state-of-the art in the field. To achieve the aim, three major objectives have been set: 1) through science and technology, solve the scientific basis of multi-functional nanocomposites, developing durable materials, standardizing laboratory measurements practices, and building a 25W test cells, 2) through cooperative models increase the impact and international visibility of research in the fields both in Europe and India; 3) through research training and exchange, educate talented young researchers in leading-edge research in LTCFC technologies and provide international perspectives and, strong networking skills.
Main Local Researcher
Vestel Savunma Sanayi A.S. (VSS) , Ankara, Turkey
Aalto University , School of Science- Department of applied physics, Espoo, Finland; Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI)- Fuel Cell and Battery Division, Kolkata, India; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT- Delhi) - Department of Chemical Engineering, New Delhi, India; Universidade de Aveiro (UAVR) - Materials and Ceramic Engineering Dept./CICECO, Aveiro, Portugal; Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) - Department of Chemistry, Solid State Electrochemistry (FASE), Oslo, Norway
Response to comments on "Ionic transport in (Nano)composites for fuel cells, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 7666-7675" Mishandling of literature data on ionic conductivity enhancement in oxide plus salt composites
Rondao, AIB; Martins, NCT; Patricio, SG; Marques, FMBComposite CO2 separation membranes: Insights on kinetics and stability
Patricio, SG; Papaioannou, EI; Ray, BM; Metcalfe, IS; Marques, FMBOn the Model Performance of Composite CO2 Separation Membranes
Marques, FMB; Patricio, SG; Muccillo, E; Muccillo, RBenchmarking the ambipolar conductivity of composite electrolytes for gas separation membranes
Patricio, SG; Marques, FMBSynthesis and electrochemical assessment of Ce0.5Yb0.5O1.75 ceramics and derived composite electrolytes
Martins, NCT; Rajesh, S; Marques, FMBStability of metal oxides against Li/Na carbonates in composite electrolytes
Loureiro, FJA; Rajesh, S; Figueiredo, FML; Marques, FMBSponsors