Nuno João Silva

Principal Researcher

Short CV

Nuno Silva is an accomplished physicist working among chemists with a strong research profile in magnetic nanoparticles, nanothermometers and hyperthermia. He obtained his degree in physics from the School of Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal (1999), and his M.S. degree in Materials Sciences and Engineering from the University of Aveiro (2003). He performed research on magnetic nanoparticles towards his Ph.D. in Physics at University of Aveiro and received his degree in 2006. He then earned a Spanish Research Council Grant to develop magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. In May 2009 Nuno decided to join CICECO at the University of Aveiro, after earning a Ciencia2008 Grant from the Portuguese Science Foundation. He gained international recognition in the field by measuring for the first time temperature at the surface of magnetic nanoparticles used as local heaters (Adv. Mater. 2010 and ACS Nano 2015), receiving an Award for encouragement of Research by The Materials Research Society of Japan in 2014. Nuno Silva has continuously made significant contributions to his field and has an outstanding track record in obtaining external funding through the national research funder FCT. Presently, he leads a group devoted to the development of magnetic nanoparticles applied to nanosensing.

Nuno co-authors 3 book chapters, 2 international patents and about 75 papers (> 2400 times cited without self-citations; h=24, ISI).

In 2001, Nuno concluded Piano and Composition studies at the Music Conservatoire of Porto.

Scientific Interests

Magnetic properties and modelling of ferrofluids, dry fluids and nanoparticles.

Magnetic nanothermometers.

Magnetic properties of nanoparticles at high pressure and high magnetic fields.

Neutron diffraction of magnetic nanoparticles.

Small Angle X-ray Scattering of nanohybrids, nanoparticles and ferrofluids.

Selected Publications

“Temperature-switch nanomagnetic logic gates for cellular hyperthermia”, R Oliveira-Silva, R.A. Pereira, F. M. Silva, V.M. Gaspar, A. Ibarra, A. Millán, F.L. Sousa, J.F. Mano and N.J.O. Silva*, Mater. Horiz.  (2019),  

PCT/IB2018/053697, Probe Element and Methods for Separation and Sensing of Analytes Controlled by Temperature, Inventors: de Oliveira e Silva, Nuno João; Oliveira-Silva, Rui Pedro.


“Implementing Thermometry on Silicon Surfaces Functionalized by Lanthanide-Doped Self-Assembled Polymer Monolayers” M. Rodrigues, R. Piñol, G. Antorrena, C.D.S. Brites, N.J.O. Silva, J. L. Murillo, R. Cases, I. Díez, F. Palacio, N. Torras, J. A. Plaza, L. Pérez-García, L. D. Carlos,* and A. Millán* Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, 200–209 (2016)

 “Joining Time-Resolved Thermometry and Magnetic-Induced Heating in a Single Nanoparticle Unveils Intriguing Thermal Properties” R. Piñol, C.D.S. Brites, R. Bustamante, A. Martínez, N.J.O. Silva, J.L. Murillo, R. Cases, J. Carrey, C. Estepa, C. Sosa, F. Palacio, L.D. Carlos* and A Millan*, ACS Nano 9, 3134 (2015).  111acsnano_cells.png

"Magnetically responsive Dry Fluids" F. L. Sousa*, R. Bustamante, A. Millan, F. Palacio, T. Trindade and N.J.O. Silva*, Nanoscale, 2013 (communication)

 "Shell pressure on the core of MnO/Mn3O4 core/shell nanoparticles" N.J.O. Silva*, M. Karmaoui, V. S. Amaral, I. Puente-Orench, J. Campo, I. da Silva, A. Ibarra, R. Bustamante, A. Millán and F. Palacio, Phys. Rev. B 87, 224429 (2013)

 "Synthesis of cobalt aluminate nanopigments by non-aqueous sol-gel route" M. Karmaoui*, N.J.O. Silva*, V.S. Amaral, A. Ibarra, A. Millán and F. Palacio, Nanoscale 5, 4277 (2013)  

 “Thermometry at the Nanoscale”, C.D.S. Brites, P.P. Lima, N.J.O. Silva, A. Millán, V.S. Amaral, F. Palacio*, and L.D. Carlos*, Nanoscale, 2012 (invited review)  
 “Magnetic and Relaxation Properties of Multifunctional Polymer-Based Nanostructured Bioferrofluids as MRI Contrast Agents” H. Amiri, R. Bustamante, A.Millan, N.J.O. Silva, R. Pinol, L. Gabilondo, F. Palacio, P. Arosio, M. Corti, and A. Lascialfari, Magn. Res. Med. 66, 1715-1721 (2011)  
 “Shifted loops and coercivity from field imprinted high energy barriers in ferritin and ferrihydrite nanoparticles” N.J.O. Silva*, V.S. Amaral, A. Urtizberea, R. Bustamante, A. Millán, F. Palacio, E. Kampert and U. Zeitler, S. de Brion, O. Iglesias and A. Labarta, Phys. Rev. B 84, 104427 (2011)  
 "A Luminescent Molecular Thermometer for Long-Term Absolute Temperature Measurements at the Nanoscale" C.D.S. Brites, P.P. Lima, N.J.O. Silva, A. Millan, V.S. Amaral, F. Palacio* and L.D. Carlos*" Adv. Mater. (2010)  


 "Remanent magnetization in CoO antiferromagnetic nanoparticles" N.J.O. Silva*, A. Millán, F. Palacio, M. Martins, T. Trindade, I. Puente-Orench and J. Campo, Phys. Rev. B 82, 094433 (2010) 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.094433  
 “Surface and core magnetic anisotropy in maghemite nanoparticles determined by pressure experiments” Y. Komorida*, M. Mito, H. Deguchi, and S. Takagi, A. Millán, N. J. O. Silva* and F. Palacio, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 202503 (2009)  
 “Temperature dependence of antiferromagnetic susceptibility in ferritin”, N.J.O. Silva*, A. Millan, F. Palacio, E. Kampert, U. Zeitler, and V. S. Amaral, Phys. Rev. B 79, 104405 (2009).  


 “Nanoscopic photoluminescence memory as a fingerprint of complexity in self-assembled alkylene/siloxane hybrids” L.D. Carlos*, V. de Zea Bermudez*, V.S. Amaral, S.C. Nunes, N.J.O. Silva, R.A. Sá Ferreira, J. Rocha, C.V. Santilli, D. Ostrovskii, Adv. Mater. 19, 341-348 (2007).  
















































Main present collaborators

A. Millán and R. Piñol (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón/CSIC, Zaragoza

A. Lascialfari (University of Milan and University of Pavia, Italy)

V. M. Gaspar (CICECO, Universidade de Aveiro)

S. Ohkoshi (School of Sciences, University of Tokyo)

I. Puente-Orench Institut Laue-Langevin and Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza) 

M. Mito (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan)


Nanodevices and Nanomagnetism


Propriedades físicas dos materiais

Ongoing Supervisions


A functional device for sub-micron temperature mapping under magnetic field (EXPL/CTM-NAN/0295/2012 )

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanothermometer luminescent materials nanomagnetism functional device

Controlling the length scale through "Chimie Douce": from inorganic functional materials to organic-inorganic hybrids (POCTI/CTM/46780/2002)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Functional Inorganic Materials Chimie Douce Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Luminescence

Desenvolvimento de fontes de arrefecimento controladas remotamente para uma nanotermodinâmica aplicada (CoolPoint)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
We propose to prepare and develop micro- and nanometer-structured materials acting as local cooling sources operating at near room temperature, i. e., materials able to locally absorb heat and in which the absorption process is triggered and controlled from a distance. We also propose to develop a proof of concept device able to manipulate heat ...

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de nanomagnetes e ferrofluidos com variação on-to-off da magnetização em torno da temperatura ambiente. (On2OffNanoMagnets)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Development of 4D wireless thermometry to target tumor ablation (PTDC/NAN-MAT/3901/2020)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermography Magnetic Nanoparticles Induced Hyperthermia Bioprinting

Facing the challenges of characterizing novel thermal materials and processes (Heat@UA) (RECI/CTM-CER/0336/2012)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermal properties of materials Thermal processes Thermometry Nano-scale studies

Multidimensional thermal rectifiers based on assembly of anisotropic polyoxometalates (THERMOPOMs)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Herein, we propose to prepare and develop micro- and nanometer organic-inorganic hybrid structures acting as two dimensional (2D) thermal rectifiers, i. e., materials exhibiting anisotropic morphology and having a thermal conductivity that depends on the direction of the heat flow.

Organic-inorganic hybrids with enhanced light-emitting properties for the new generation of optical communications (PTDC/CTM/101324/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Organic-inorganic hybrids Light emitting devices Optical filtering Optical amplification

Síntesis, caracterización magnética y modelización atomística de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos (Acção integrada Luso-Espanhola E-42/11)

CoordinatorOther National


Synthesis, characterisation and magnetic properties of copper(II) complexes with 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (HpicOH): the crystal structure of [Cu(picOH)(2)(BPE)](2)center dot[Cu(picOH)(2)(BPE)(2)]center dot 8H(2)O

Girginova, PI; Paz, FAA; Nogueira, HIS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Klinowski, J; Trindade, T
2005, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 737, 2-3, 221-229.

Local structure and near-infrared emission features of neodymium-based amine functionalized organic/inorganic hybrids

Goncalves, MC; Silva, NJO; Bermudez, VDZ; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Dahmouche, K; Santilli, CV; Ostrovskii, D; Vilela, ICC; Craievich, AF
2005, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 109, 43, 20093-20104.

Matrix assisted formation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles in a siloxane/poly(oxyethylene) nanohybrid

Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Bermudez, VD; Nunes, SC; Ostrovskii, D; Rocha, J; Carlos, LD

Relevance of magnetic moment distribution and scaling law methods to study the magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic nanoparticles: Application to ferritin

Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Carlos, LD
2005, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71, 18.

Magnetic behavior of iron (III) oxyhydroxy nanoparticles in organic-inorganic hybrid matrices

Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Carlos, LD; Fu, LS; Nunes, SC; Bermudez, VD

Comment on "Thermoinduced magnetization in nanoparticles of antiferromagnetic materials"

Silva, NJO; Carlos, LD; Amaral, VS

Nanosized photonics and magnetism in organic-inorganic hybrids

Carlos, LD; Ferreira, RAS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Goncalves, MC; Bermudez, VD
2004, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM II, 455-456, 564-568.
ISBN: 0-87849-941-5

Effect of presence of an acid catalyst on structure and properties of iron-doped siloxane-polyoxyethylene nanocomposites prepared by sol-gel

Chiavacci, LA; Dahmouche, K; Silva, NJO; Carlos, LD; Amaral, VS; Bermudez, VD; Pulcinelli, SH; Santilli, CV; Briois, V; Craievich, AF

Photoluminescence and quantum yields of urea and urethane cross-linked nanohybrids derived from carboxylic acid solvolysis

Fu, LS; Ferreira, RAS; Silva, NJO; Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VD; Rocha, J
2004, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 16, 8, 1507-1516.

Ferrihydrite antiferromagnetic nanoparticles in a sol-gel derived organic-inorganic matrix

Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS; Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VD


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