Ongoing Supervisions
A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants (BioImplant)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
BIOLEARN - Learning from Nature How to Design Biomimetic Routes for Producing Calcium-Phosphate Coatings on Polymeric Biomaterials (POCTI/CTM/38803/2001)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biomaterials calcium phosphates natural polymers biomimetic materialsBiomaterials for Regenerative Medicine (CENTRO-07-0924-FEDER-002030)
PartnerOther National
BioMEMs Avançados para Engenharia de Tecidos: Aplicações em Tecidos Duros (BioMEMs)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ceramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)
PartnerIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...CRIANDO VÍNCULOS E ABORDAGENS INOVADORAS PARA PROMOVER O ENSINO E A APRENDIZAGEM DOS MATERIAIS (LINKINMAT)
PartnerOther National
The proposal also aims in creation of stimulating and interdisciplinary R&D and training partnership, with actors from the academia and private sector, promoting the exchange of ideas, methods, techniques as well as enabling an accelerated technology transfer from science to industrial scale and of course a continuous collaborations between the ...DecorGlass : Decoration Techniques for the Glass (DecorGlass)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto DecorGlass visa a criação de uma nova gama de peças de vidro decoradas, com matérias-primas e técnicas inovadoras. A decoração assenta na coloração homogénea da massa vítrea e na decoração da superfície do vidro, quer por aplicação de películas decorativas, quer pela gravação por feixe laser. Para além disso, pretende-se desenvolver no...Desenvolvimento de garrafas de vidro branco e transparente capazes de preservar a qualidade da cerveja (CLEVER)
PartnerIndustry National
O presente projeto pretende desenvolver uma nova embalagem de vidro branco e transparente, com capacidade de proteção ao nível da radiação UV, para a indústria alimentar e de bebidas. O consórcio é constituído pela empresa líder BA Glass...DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SUPORTES POROSOS PARA APLICAÇÕES (Acção Integrada Luso Alemã A-14/07)
CoordinatorOther National
Development of a Premium Line of Sustainable Cristal Glass (Cristal Eco Premium)
PartnerIndustry National
Promoted by a consortium joined by Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. (leading promoter) and Universidade de Aveiro e a Universidade do Porto, the Cristal Ecpo Premium project has as an overall objective the development of a new line of sustainable crystal glass products with high added value, for the luxury packaging segment, through the development o...Effect of Magnesium on the Structure and Surface Reactivity of Silica-Based Glasses for Biomedical Applications (POCTI/CTM/46251/2002)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Magnesium Glass Structure Surface Reactivity Biomedical ApplicationsHybrid materials for biomedical applications (PTDC/CTM/101115/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
bioactive materials hybrids gamma irradiation sol-gelImplantable scaffolds for local osteo-sarcoma chemotherapy (PTDC/SAU-BEB/66896/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Osteosarcoma Implantable drug scaffolds Cyclodextrin-templated silicates Molecular capsulesNew phosphate based bioactive thin films for biomaterials (POCTI/CTM/35478/1999)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
COATINGS BIOMATERIALS SPUTTERING LASER ABLATIONNEWGEN - New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering (NEWGEN)
PartnerEuropean Comission
This COST Action, NEWGEN, aims at creating the seed for the European research and industry collaboration, combining basic knowledge from academic laboratories, R&D centres, medical units from hospitals, and a significant number of companies.With a predicted ageing population and increasing expectations regarding quality o...NobleDec - Nobly Decorated Crystal (NOBLEDEC)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto NobleDec teve como objetivo último o desenvolvimento de uma nova linha de produtos de cristal de elevado valor acrescentado, decorados com metais nobres (com destaque para o ouro), através da pesquisa/desenvolvimento de novos materiais (e.g., tintas decorativas baseadas em suspensões coloidais de nanopartículas de ouro; tintas decorati...Novel low temperature sinterable glasses and glass/nanoceramic particles composites (PTDC/CTM/102141/2008)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
borosilicate glasses glass-ceramic composites sintering crystallizationPiezoelectricity and living structures engineering by scanning probe microscopy (FLAD 91-09/10)
PartnerOther National
PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superficíe de elevado desempenhopara o mercado HORECA (PRECIOUSMET PERFORMANCE)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superfície de elevado desempenho para o mercado HORECA? promovido pelo consórcio constituído pela empresa Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. e pelo Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos da Universidade de Aveiro (CICECO) tem como objet...Recycling of Coal Ashes by Glass Ceramic Technology (RECASH) (POCTI/CTM/35482/1999)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Recycling Fly Ashes Glass-Ceramics VitrificationSurface reactivity of TiO2-containing glasses in simulated physiological solutions (POCI/CTM/60761/2004)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Biomaterials Surface reactivity TiO2 glasses Glass structurePublications
Nanofibrous hybrid scaffolds based on PCL-borosilicate system by a green sol-gel process
Coelho, SAR; Kniep, J; Barroca, N; Almeida, JC; Fernandes, MHV
Improvement of Processability Characteristics of Porcelain-Based Formulations Toward the Utilization of 3D Printing Technology
Pires, LSO; Afonso, DG; Fernandes, MHFV; Oliveira, JMMD
Controlling properties of ceramic formulations for porcelain robocasting
Pires, LSO; Luís, J; Fernandes, MHV; Oliveira, M
2023, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 49, 3, 4764-4774.
Three-dimensional nanofibrous and porous scaffolds of poly(ε-caprolactone)-chitosan blends for musculoskeletal tissue engineering
Pereira, AL; Semitela, A; Girao, AF; Completo, A; Marques, PAAP; Guieu, S; Fernandes, MHV
Nanostructured transparent solutions for UV-shielding: Recent developments and future challenges
Silva, MRF; Alves, MFRP; Cunha, JPGQ; Costa, JL; Silva, CA; Fernandes, MHV; Vilarinho, PM; Ferreira, P
Antibacterial activity improvement of dental glass- ceramic by incorporation of AgVO3 nanoparticles
Baptista, IO; Alves, MFRP; Ferreira, S; Santos, C; Vieira, SI; Fernandes, MHV
2022, DENTAL MATERIALS, 38, 11, 1679-1688.
Alves, MFRP; Fernandes, MHFV; Rodas, ACD; Daguano, JKMB; Dos Santos, C
Effect of heat treatment on the roughness and mechanical properties of dental lithium disilicate glass-ceramics
Alves, MFRP; Simba, BG; Fernandes, MHFV; Elias, CN; Amarante, JEV; dos Santos, C
2022, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 48, 18, 26303-26311.
Effect of the surface finish on the mechanical properties and cellular adhesion in (Ce,Y)-TZP/Al2O3 ceramic composites for denture implants
Alves, MFRP; Fernandes, MHFV; Daguano, JKMB; Rodas, ACD; Amarante, JEV; dos Santos, C
Mechanical writing of electrical polarization in poly (L-lactic) acid *
Barroca, N; Collins, LJ; Rodriguez, BM; Fernandes, MHV; Vilarinho, PM
2022, ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 139, 249-258.
Metabolomics in Biomaterial Research

In Roger Narayan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering
Gil AM, Fernandes MH, Duarte IF
2018, 432-442, Elsevier.
Biomedical Carbon Nanotubes

In Klaus D. Sattler (Eds.), Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Graphene, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Nanodiamonds, Volume I (Volume 1)
Diogo Mata, Maria H. Fernandes, Maria A. Lopes, and Rui F. Silva
2016, 455-489, CRC Press.
Glass-Ceramics: Concepts and Practical Aspects

In Helena Cristina de Sousa Pereira Meneses e Vasconcelos, Maria Clara Gonçalves (Eds.), Overall Aspects of Non-Traditional Glasses: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
Maria Helena Vaz Fernandes and Ana Margarida Batista Silva
2016, 39-65, Bentham Science Publishers.
Scaffolds de vidros bioativos para medicina regenerativa

Vidrios e Vitrocerâmicos Bioactivos: Nuevos retos hacia la medicina regenerativa
Fernandes MHV, Senos AMR, Oliveira JM
2011, Oleiros, Netbiblo.
Materials customization method by diagnosis of biofunctionality of retinal photoreceptor cells and biomedical equipment

Processes National
Fernandes, Maria; Zurba, Nadia; Leite, Eugénio; Fredel, Márcio; Nogueira, António
The present invention relates to a new biomedical equipment and materials customization method based on the diagnosis of biofunctionality of photoreceptor cells, by performing ophthalmic tests of users chromatic vision, in an interactive and non-invasive way, in the “Integrated Cabin for Vision Clinical Analysis” equ...Photoluminescent ceramic pavement for risk and emergency areas for disabled persons and its production process

Products National
Fernandes, Maria; Zurba, Nadia; Leite, Eugénio; Fredel, Márcio
The present invention relates to photoluminescent ceramic floors, which comprise a photoluminescent layer (1) (3) (5) (7) in Figure 1 and produce the contrast with surfaces (2), (4), (6) and (8) of the non-luminescent substrates (inert). Such floors are obtained as ceramic plates, by pressing in moulds, with photoluminescent layer, fire...Porous materials for bone regeneration, processing and uses

Materials National
Fernandes, Maria; Senos, Ana; Davim, Erika
The present invention refers to a type of porous support (or scaffold) made from a biocompatible glass exhibiting in vitro bioactivity that contains calcium phosphate, silica and network modifiers, such as MgO, K2O, Na2O, or B2OPreparation method of polymer-based composite porous structures for tissue engineering application

Processes National
Fernandes, Maria; Vilarinho, Paula; Silva, Ana; Barroca, Natália
The present invention relates to a method for preparing composite porous structures, of polymeric matrix and inorganic filler, biocompatible and biodegradable for tissue engineering applications. In particular, the present invention describes the use of inorganic bioactive compounds of different solubility to induce and control the poro...Silicon-phosphorus-calcium glass with high magnesium content for biomedical applications

Materials National
Fernandes, Maria; Correia, Rui; Oliveira, José
The present invention relates to the process for obtaining a silicon-phosphorus-calcium glass with high magnesium content for biomedical applications, which is a two-phase glass with composition (wt%) 30,00% SiO2: 30,00% CaO: 22,75% P2O5: 17,25% MgO. This material has potential applications in dentistry and as a bone substitute for fill...