PROAIR - Active PROtection of multi-material assemblies for AIRcrafts


The proposal is devoted to development of the novel active corrosion protection systems for multi-material combinations used in the aircraft design. The development of such new approaches is only possible via deep mechanistic investigation of the degradation processes in confined environments formed at multi-material joints. The second essential stage is finding the synergistic inhibiting combinations which can provide effective suppression of corrosion processes in the case of galvanically coupled dissimilar materials. The ultimate step is introduction of inhibiting compounds to the protective layers, adhesives and sealants used in multi-material design of aircrafts.

Main Local Researcher

Silvar Kallip


Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH (Germany)<br />


Airbus Defence and Space GmbH; Germany; TEHNOLABOR OU; Estonia; UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO; Portugal



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