Luís António Ferreira Martins Dias Carlos
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Reprogrammable and Reconfigurable Photonic Molecular Logic Gates Based on Ln(3+) Ions
Zanella, S; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Fu, LS; Carlos, LD; Ferreira, RAS; Brites, CDSRandom bit sequence generation from speckle patterns produced with multimode waveguides
Dias, LMS; Silverio, TFS; Ferreira, RAS; Andre, PSBSolar spectral management with electrochromic devices including PMMA films doped with biluminescent ionosilicas
Cardoso, MA; Correia, SFH; Goncalves, HMR; Pereira, RFP; Pereira, S; Maria, TMR; Silva, MM; Valente, AJM; Fortunato, E; Ferreira, RAS; Bermudez, VDWalsh-coded orthogonal chaotic shift keying for key distribution in visible light communication systems
Silverio, T; Figueiredo, G; Ferreira, RAS; Andre, PS1000 K optical ratiometric thermometer based on Er3+ luminescence in yttrium gallium garnet
Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Kamada, K; Yoshikawa, A; Munoz-Santiuste, JE; Casasnovas-Melian, A; Martin, IR; Rodriguez-Mendoza, UR; Lavin, VHigh Emission Quantum Yield Tb3+-Activated Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for UV-Down-Shifting Green Light-Emitting Diodes
Correia, SFH; Fernandes, RL; Fu, LS; Nolasco, MM; Carlos, LD; Ferreira, RASSolar spectral conversion based on plastic films of lanthanide-doped ionosilicas for photovoltaics: Down-shifting layers and luminescent solar concentrators
Cardoso, MA; Correia, SFH; Frias, AR; Goncalves, HMR; Pereira, RFP; Nunes, SC; Armand, M; Andre, PS; Bermudez, VD; Ferreira, RASSpectral converters for photovoltaics - What's ahead
Ferreira, RAS; Correia, SFH; Monguzzi, A; Liu, XG; Meinardi, FFlexible photoluminescent waveguide amplifiers to improve visible light communication platforms
Bastos, ARN; McKenna, B; Silverio, T; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Evans, RC; Ferreira, RASProtein Cohabitation: Improving the Photochemical Stability of R-Phycoerythrin in the Solid State
Bharmoria, P; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Ventura, SPM; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Coutinho, JAPTransparent Luminescent Solar Concentrators Using Ln(3+)-Based Ionosilicas Towards Photovoltaic Windows
Frias, AR; Cardoso, MA; Bastos, ARN; Correia, SFH; Andre, PS; Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VD; Ferreira, RASLuminescence Thermometry on the Route of the Mobile-Based Internet of Things (IoT): How Smart QR Codes Make It Real
Ramalho, JFCB; Correia, SFH; Fu, LS; Antonio, LLF; Brites, CDS; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LDSustainable Liquid Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Frias, AR; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Ventura, SPM; Pecoraro, E; Ribeiro, SL; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Coutinho, JAP; Carlos, LDLanthanide-based downshifting layers tested in a solar car race
Correia, SFH; Bastos, ARN; Fu, LS; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RASSponsors