Nanostructures and thin films of transparent conductive oxides studied by perturbed angular correlations


The versatility of perturbed angular correlations (PAC) in the study of nanostructures and thin films is demonstrated, namely for the specific cases of ZnO/CdxZn(1-x)O thin films and Ga2O3 powder pellets and nanowires, examples of transparent conductive oxides. PAC measurements as a function of annealing temperature were performed after implantation of Cd-111m/Cd-111 (T-1/2 48 min) and later compared to density functional theory simulations. For ZnO, the substitution of Cd probes at Zn sites was observed, as well as the formation of a probe-defect complex. The ternary CdxZn(1-x)O (x = 0.16) showed good macroscopic crystal quality but revealed some clustering of local defects around the probe Cd atoms, which could not be annealed. In the Ga2O3 samples, the substitution of the Cd probes in the octahedral Ga-site was observed, demonstrating the potential of ion-implantation for the doping of nanowires. (C) 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim






Barbosa, MB; Goncalves, JN; Redondo-Cubero, A; Miranda, SMC; Simon, R; Kessler, P; Brandt, M; Henneberger, F; Nogales, E; Mendez, B; Johnston, K; Alves, E; Vianden, R; Araujo, JP; Lorenz, K; Correia, JG

nossos autores


This work was performed within the ISOLDE proposal IS481 and supported by FCT-Portugal, project CERN-FP-123585-2011 and by the European Union FP7-through ENSAR, contract 262010. We acknowledge a scholarship from project FCT CERN-FP-116320-2010 and support by grants PTDC/CTM/100756/2008, PTDC/CTM-NAN/2156/2012, Ciencia 2007, SFRH/BPD/74095/2010 and SFRH/BPD/82059/2011 (FCT, Portugal). The authors further acknowledge the ISOLDE collaboration for supportive access to beam time.

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