Ongoing Supervisions
Bacterial Cellulose Membranes for Proton Exchange Fuel Cells (EXPL/CTM-ENE/0548/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Bacterial cellulose fuell cells proton exchange membranes in situ polymerization/graftingBioeconomia para Têxtil e Vestuário (BE@T)
PartnerIndustry National
Apoiada pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), a indústria têxtil nacional vai investir 138 milhões de euros na bioeconomia sustentável, procurando a mudança de paradigma para o setor e a criação de produtos de alto valor ...Ecopolyol - Desenvolvimento do processo de produção de polióis a partir de resíduos de biomassa (ECOPOLYOL)
PartnerIndustry National
Construção e desenvolvimento de uma Instalação Piloto para Demonstração Industrial, certificação e validação do processo industrial do ponto de vista de Boas Práticas e Tecnologia Segura, obtenção de amostras industriais e certificação produto. Testar a viabilidade química e física das matérias primas.Enabling the Next Generation of Smarter Transformers (NEXTRA)
PartnerIndustry National
Encircle - Polymer-encapsulation of anisotropic inorganic particles by RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization (FCT-IUPAC/0001/2009)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Facing the challenges of characterizing novel thermal materials and processes (Heat@UA) (RECI/CTM-CER/0336/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermal properties of materials Thermal processes Thermometry Nano-scale studiesGREENPEC - Desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC, de origem animal e livre de ftalatos (GREENPEC )
PartnerIndustry National
O objetivo principal deste projeto, levado a cabo pelo consórcio entre a Sapec Química e a Universidade de Aveiro, consiste no desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC originado a partir de óleos vegetais, os quais são considerados recursos renováveis e agentes de crescimento sustentável. Com o cumprimento destes objetivos, prevê-se...Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...Inovadores Adesivos Texteis Condutores (CONDAD)
PartnerIndustry National
More details hereNanochemistry of magnetic/luminescent composites for in vitro medical diagnosis applications (PTDC/QUI/67712/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanocomposites Magnetism/Luminescence Antibodies bioconjugationStudy of functional mortars for a sustainable construction (PTDC/ECM/72104/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
mortar sustainable construction functional material energy and environmentValorização de desperdícios de espumas flexíveis de poliuretano por conversão em polióis (FlexiRecover)
PartnerIndustry National
The main purpose of this project is the development of a production process of polyols from residues and sub products of flexible polyurethane foams with quality to be reincorporated in the production of new foams, with a percentage of 10-20% of the virgin polyols used and whose application sectors are the Flexible polyurethane foam manufacturer...Publications
Utilization and characterization of amino resins for the production of wood-based panels with emphasis on particleboards (PB) and medium density fibreboards (MDF). A review
Goncalves, C; Paiva, NT; Ferra, JM; Martins, J; Magalhaes, F; Barros-Timmons, A; Carvalho, L
2018, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 72, 8, 653-671.
Statistical evaluation of the effect of urea-formaldehyde resins synthesis parameters on particleboard properties
Goncalves, C; Pereira, J; Paiva, NT; Ferra, JM; Martins, J; Magalhaes, F; Barros-Timmons, A; Carvalho, L
2018, POLYMER TESTING, 68, 193-200.
Polymer@gold Nanoparticles Prepared via RAFT Polymerization for Opto-Biodetection
Pereira, SO; Barros-Timmons, A; Trindade, T
2018, POLYMERS, 10, 2.
A Comparative Study of Chemical Routes for Coating Gold Nanoparticles via Controlled RAFT Emulsion Polymerization
Pereira, SO; Barros-Timmons, A; Trindade, T
Investigation of the Adsorption of Amphipathic macroRAFT Agents onto Montmorillonite Clay
Silva, RD; Monteiro, IS; Chaparro, TD; Hardt, RS; Giudici, R; Barros-Timmons, A; Bourgeat-Lami, E; dos Santos, AM
2017, LANGMUIR, 33, 38, 9598-9608.
Phase change materials and carbon nanostructures for thermal energy storage: A literature review
Amaral, C; Vicente, R; Marques, PAAP; Barros-Timmons, A
Adsorption study of a macro-RAFT agent onto SiO2-coated Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanorods: Requirements and limitations
Zou, H; Melro, L; Chaparro, TD; de Souza, IR; Ananias, D; Bourgeat-Lami, E; dos Santos, AM; Barros-Timmons, A
2017, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 394, 519-527.
Sound absorption properties of polyurethane foams derived from crude glycerol and liquefied coffee grounds polyol
Gama, N; Silva, R; Carvalho, APO; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
2017, POLYMER TESTING, 62, 13-22.
Insights into the physical properties of biobased polyurethane/expanded graphite composite foams
Gama, N; Costa, LC; Amaral, V; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
Piezoelectric poly(lactide) stereocomplexes with a cholinium organic ionic plastic crystal
Barbosa, P; Campos, J; Turygin, A; Shur, VY; Kholkin, A; Barros-Timmons, A; Figueiredo, FM
2017, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 5, 46, 12134-12142.
Organic –Inorganic Nanocomposites Derived from Polysaccharides: Challenges and Opportunities
In Vijay Kumar Thakur Manju Kumari Thakur Michael R. Kessler (Eds.), Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials
Barros-Timmons A, Oliveira F, Lopes-da-Silva JA
2017, Wiley-Scrivener Publishing.
Durability of ETICS and Premixed One-Coat Renders in Natural Exposure Conditions
In Jo‹o M.P.Q. Delgado (Eds.), New Approaches to Building Pathology and Durability
Luís Silva , Inês Flores-Colen, Nuno Vieira, Ana Barros Timmons, Pedro Sequeira
2016, 131-158, Springer Singapore.