Vitor Brás Sequeira Amaral

Full professor

Short CV

Academic degrees, dates, institutions, thesis titles: 1985-Licenciatura, Física-Ramo Científico de Física do Estado Sólido e Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto 1993-PhD in Physics, Condensed Matter, Universidade do Porto, "Localização Electónica e Magnetismo em Amorfos Metálicos" 2005-Agregação in Physics, Universidade de Aveiro Previous positions, dates, institutions: Assistente Estagiário, 1985, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Assistente, 1988, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Professor Auxiliar, 1993, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.

Scientific Interests

His main research interests are related to magnetism and multiferroic phenomena in complex oxides, thin films and nanoparticles and also on the application of nuclear solid state techniques and radioactive isotopes. Recent topics are magnetothermal, and magnetostructural effects and their applications in refrigeration, heating and thermal management processes and also optical centers in diamond and their application in quantum technologies.

Selected Publications

SCI PUBLICATIONS 1. Competing Effects in the Electrical Resistivity of the Random Anisotropy Series: a-(DyxGd1-x)Ni J.B. Sousa, J.M. Moreira, V.S. Amaral, M.M. Amado, M.E. Braga, B. Barbara, B. Dieny, J. Filippi Journal of Physics F: Met. Phys. 17, 2377 (1987) 2. First Order Antiferromagnetic Transition in Cubic TbAg P. Morin, J. Rouchy, M.M. Amado, R.P. Pinto, J.M. Moreira, V.S. Amaral, M.E. Braga, J.B. Sousa Journal de Physique (Paris), Colloque C8, 49, 395, (1988) 3. Magnetoresistance of Amorphous Ising Spin Glasses: a-(DyxGd1-x)Ni. Possible Coexistence between Magnetism and Weak Localization. V.S. Amaral, J.M. Moreira, J.B. Sousa, B. Barbara, J. Filippi, B. Dieny Journal de Physique (Paris), Colloque C8, 49, 1237, (1988) 4. Transport Properties in Amorphous UxT1-x films (T=Fe, Ni, Gd, Tb and Yb) P.P. Freitas, T.S. Plaskett, J.M. Moreira, V.S. Amaral Journal of Applied Physics, 64, 5453, (1988) 5. Anomalous Electron Transport in Nd2Fe14B single crystal J.B. Sousa, M.M. Amado, R.P. Pinto, V.S. Amaral, M.E. Braga Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2, 7543, (1990) 6. On the Contribution of Magnetic Scattering to Weak Localization Magnetoresistance V.S. Amaral Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2, 8201, (1990) 7. Modifications of Weak Localization Contributions to Magnetoresistance due to magnetic impurities in amorphous DyxY1-x Ni alloys B. Barbara, V.S. Amaral, J. Filippi, A.G.M. Jansen, J.B. Sousa e J.M. Moreira Journal of Applied Physics,. 70, 5813, (1991) 8. High-field Magnetization Curve of Random-Anisotropy Amorphous Magnets: Observation of a crossover and link to Structural Short Range Order J. Filippi, V.S. Amaral, B. Barbara Physical Review B - Rapid Communications, 44, 2842, (1991) 9. Coexistence of Weak Localization and Magnetism in Amorphous alloys: (DyxY1-x)Ni V.S. Amaral, B. Barbara, J.B. Sousa, J. Filippi, A.G.M. Jansen, J.M. Moreira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 104-107, 2079, (1992) 10. Quantitative Description of the Magnetization Curves of Amorphous Alloys of the Series: a-DyxGd1-xNi B. Barbara, V.S. Amaral, J. Filippi Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,. 116, 58, (1992) 11. High Field Magnetization of Two Types of Shortly Correlated Systems: Random Anisotropy Systems and Nanoparticles B. Barbara, J. Filippi, A. Marchand, P. Mollard, V.S. Amaral, X. Devaux, A. Rousset Journal de Physique I, 2, 101, (1992) 12. Weak Localization in Amorphous Alloys in the Presence of Magnetic Impurities: Enhancement of the Spin-splitting Contribution V.S. Amaral, B. Barbara, J.B. Sousa, J. Filippi, A.G.M. Jansen, J.M. Moreira Europhysics Letters, 21, 61, (1993) 13. Spin Wave Localization in Random Anisotropy Systems: Amorphous (DyxGd1-x)Ni V.S. Amaral, B. Barbara, J.B. Sousa, J. Filippi Europhysics Letters, 22, 139, (1993) 14. -Relaxation and Thermal Hysteresis in the Electrical Resistivity of (Nd1.6Sr0.4) NiO4+ Compounds J.B. Sousa, J.A. Mendes, V.S. Amaral, M.P. Sridhar Kumar, D. McK.Paul e S.B. Palmer Physica B, 192, 358, (1993) 15. Anomalous Electron Scattering in Pd-Ni Multilayered Films M.A. Salgueiro, J.B. Sousa, M.E. Braga, V.S. Amaral, N.K. Flevaris Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 121, 440, (1993) 16. Magnetoresistance and Local Magnetic Order in Random Anisotropy Ferromagnetic Systems V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, J.M. Moreira, B. Barbara, J. Filippi e A.G.M. Jansen Physica B 194-196, 315, (1994) 17. Quantum Corrections in the Magnetic Susceptibility: Amorphous Y0.5Ni0.5 B. Barbara, J. Filippi, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa Physica B 194-196, 1097, (1994) 18. Electron-Electron Interactions in the Presence of Magnetic Impurities: Effect on the Temperature Dependence of Resistivity V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, B. Barbara, J. Filippi, A.G.M. Jansen Physica B 194-196, 1095, (1994) 19. Electrical Resistivity and Local Magnetic Order in Random Anisotropy Amorphous Ferromagnets V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, J.M. Moreira, B. Barbara, J. Filippi Journal of Applied Physics, 75, 6513, (1994) 20. Localization Induced Spin Fluctuations in Amorphous Y1-xNix Alloys V.S. Amaral, B. Barbara Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144, 2011, (1995) 21. Magnetoresistance and SQUID measurements in Gd70.5Sc29.5 single crystals J.M. Moreira, J.A. Mendes, M. Salgueiro da Silva, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, S.B. Palmer Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144, 747, (1995) 22. Magnetic After-Effect at Low Temperature: Linear Response and Quantum Noise J. E. Wegrowe, R. Ballou, B. Barbara, V. S. Amaral, A. Sulpice, D. Mailly Physical Review B, 52, 3466, (1995) 23. Magnetic Properties of Gd72Sc28 Single Crystal M.A. Salgueiro da Silva, J.M. Moreira, J.A. Mendes, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, S.B. Palmer Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7, 9853, (1995) 24. Anomalous Electrical Resistivity in Metallic Multilayer Systems and Interfacial Structural Changes M. M. P. de Azevedo, B. G. Almeida, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, P. P. Freitas, R. Krishnan Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 156, 357, (1996) 25. Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity and Magnetoresistance of Co/Au1-xCux multilayers M. M. P. de Azevedo, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, P. P. Freitas Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 157/158, 276, (1996) 26. Unusual Slow Magnetic Relaxation on a SmCo2/GdCo2 Domain Wall Junction at Low Temperature J. E. Wegrowe, B. Barbara, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 161 133, (1996) 27. Giant thermopower in 3D-magnetic multilayers. Structural and electron band effects (abstract) M. M. P. de Azevedo, B. G. Almeida,V. S. Amaral, M. E. Braga, J. B. Sousa, P. P. Freitas, R. Krishnan Journal of Applied Physics, 79, 6246 (1996) 28. Critical Behavior of Magnetoresistivity in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 J. B. Sousa, V. S. Amaral, Yu. G. Pogorelov, A. L. Guimarães, J. P. Araújo, M. E. Braga, J. A. Mendes, M. R. Ibarra, P. Algarabel, J. Blasco, J. García, C. Marquina, A. del Moral, J. M. de Teresa Journal of Applied Physics, 81, 5760 (1997) 29. Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Sputtered Co48Ag52 Granular Films J. A. Mendes, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, L. Thomas, B. Barbara Journal of Applied Physics, 81, 5208 (1997) 30. Electrical Resistivity behavior of Fe/Cr multilayers deposited by different techniques (molecular-beam epitaxy, sputtering), on different substrates (MgO, Si) G. Almeida, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, J. Colino, I. K. Schuller, R. Schad, V. V. Moschalkov, Y. Bruynseraede Journal of Applied Physics, 81, 5194 (1997) 31. Deposition of Magnetoresistive La1-xCaxMnO3 Thin Films by Aerosol-Assisted MOCVD P. B. Tavares, V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, A.A.C.S. Lourenço, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Key Engineering Materials, 132-136, 1416 (1997) 32. Giant Magnetoresistance in La1-xCaxMnO3 Ceramics and Thin Films J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, V. S. Amaral, A.A.C.S. Lourenço, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Key Engineering Materials, 132-136, 1412 (1997) 33. Magnetic and Transport Studies of the - Transformation in Fe54Cr46 and Fe52Cr46Sn2 Alloys: Kinetics of  Phase Formation B. F. O. Costa, M. M. Amado, G. Le Caër, V. S. Amaral, M. A. Sá, J. B. Sousa, N. Ayres de Campos Physica Status Solidi (a), 161, 349 (1997) 34. 46-Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Interlayer Coupling in Fe/Cr Multilayers B. G. Almeida, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, J. Colino, I. K. Schuller Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177-181, 1170 (1998) 35. Microscopic Studies of Radioactive Hg Implanted in YBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Thin Films V. S. Amaral, J. G. Correia, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. G. Marques, J. A. Mendes, M. A. V. Baptista, J. P. Araújo, J. M. Moreira, J. B. Sousa, E. Alves, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177-181, 511 (1998) 36. Anomalous Low-Field Magnetization in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 near the Critical Point: Stable Clusters? V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J. B. Sousa, P. B. Tavares, J. M. Vieira, J. M. B. Lopes dos Santos, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, P. Algarabel Journal of Applied Physics, 83, 7154 (1998). 37. Stability Studies of Hg Implanted YBa2Cu3O6+x J. P. Araújo, J. G. Correia, U. Wahl, J. G. Marques, E. Alves, V. S. Amaral, A. A. Lourenço, V. Galindo, T. Von Papen, J. P. Sénateur, F. Weiss, A. Vantomme, G. Langouche, A. A. Melo, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares, J. B. Sousa and the ISOLDE Collaboration Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, 147, 244 (1999) 38. Deposition of La-CaMnO3 Thin Films Using Aerosol-Assisted MOCVD: Substrate and Annealing Effects P. B. Tavares, V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. M. Vieira, J. B. Sousa Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 196-197, 490 (1999) 39. Properties of Epitaxial LaCaMnO Laser Ablated Thin Films on (100) and (110) SrTiO3 Substrates A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. P. Araújo, V. S. Amaral, P. B. Tavares, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira, E. Alves, M. F. da Silva e J. C. Soares Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 196-197, 495 (1999) 40. Magnetic and Transport Properties of Amorphous Gd-V Films J. A. Mendes, C. S. Abreu, V. S. Amaral, J. M. Moreira, J. B. Sousa, L. Thomas, B. Barbara, H. Rakoto, S. Askenazy Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 196-197, 251 (1999) 41. GMR in Co-Evaporated Co-Ag Granular Thin Films M. M. Pereira de Azevedo, G. Kakazei, A. Kravetz, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 196-197, 40 (1999) 42. Stability and Diffusion of Hg Implanted YBa2Cu3O6+x J. P. Araújo, J. G. Correia, U. Wahl, J. G. Marques, E. Alves, V. S. Amaral, A. A. Lourenço, V. Galindo, T. Von Papen, J. P. Sénateur, F. Weiss, A. Vantomme, G. Langouche, A. A. Melo, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares, J. B. Sousa and the ISOLDE Collaboration Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, 148, 807 (1999) 43. Substrate, Annealing and Mn Excess Effects on La-Ca-MnO3 Thin Films Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition: a Way to Room Temperature Tc P. B. Tavares, V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, J. B. Sousa A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. M. Vieira, Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 5411 (1999) 44. Simulation of the Interband s-d and Intraband s-s Electron-phonon Contributions to the Electrical Resistivity of Fe/Cr Multilayers B. Almeida, V. S. Amaral, J. B. Sousa, J. Colino, I. K. Schuller, Y. Bruynseraede Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 4433 (1999) 45. Anisotropic Transport Properties of Epitaxial La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Thin Films with Different Growth Orientations V. S. Amaral, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, E. Alves, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira, M. F. da Silva and J. C. Soares. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 211, 1 (2000) 46. Anisotropic Electrical Transport in Epitaxial La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Thin Films V. S. Amaral, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. P. Araújo, A. M. Pereira, J. B. Sousa, P. B. Tavares, J. M. Vieira, E. Alves, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares. Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 5570 (2000) 47. Electron-gamma perturbed angular correlation studies on high-Tc superconductors J.G. Correia, J. P. Araújo, J. G. Marques, A. R. Ramos, A. A. Lourenço, V. S. Amaral, V. Galindo, J. P. Sénateur, F. Weiss, U. Wahl, A. A. Melo, J. C. Soares, J. B. Sousa and the ISOLDE Collaboration Hyperfine Interactions, 129, 461 (2000). 48. Doping manganites by La-site vacancies and Ca ions: bulk ceramics and thin films J. P. Araújo, V. S. Amaral, P. B. Tavares, F. Lencart-Silva, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 821 (2001) 49. Cadmium addition to vacancy doped Lanthanum manganites: from metallic to insulator behaviour J. P. Araújo, V. S. Amaral, P. B. Tavares, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, F. Lencart-Silva, E. Alves, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 797 (2001) 50. Non-linear Conduction in LaCaMnO3 Thin Films: Interface Tunneling Effects V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, P. B. Tavares, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 942 (2001) 51. Anomalous Magnetic Behaviour In La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Near The Critical Point: Stable Clusters And Crossover To Uniform Ferromagnetism V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J. M. B. Lopes dos Santos, P. B. Tavares, A. A. C. S. Lourenço, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 837 (2001) 52. Hyperfine fields at Cd site on La0.67Cd0.25MnO3 CMR manganites J.P. Araújo, J.G. Correia, V.S. Amaral, P.B. Tavares, F. Lencart-Silva, A.A.C.S. Lourenço, J.B. Sousa, J.M. Vieira, J.C. Soares Hyperfine Interactions, 133, 89 (2001) 53. Magnetic Phases in Gd1-xYx thin films J.P. Araújo, A.M. Pereira, J.A.M. dos Santos, M.A.V. Baptista, J.M. Moreira, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, S.B.Palmer Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 1180 (2001) 54. Magnetic probing of tunable Eu3+ local site in organic/inorganic nanohybrids V. S. Amaral, L. D. Carlos e V. de Zea Bermudez IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37, 2935 (2001) 55. Discontinuous Transition Effects in Manganites: Magnetization Study in the Paramagnetic Phase V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J. B. Sousa, P. B. Tavares, J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242-245, 655 (2002) 56. Magnetic behavior of a nonextensive S-spin system: Possible connections to manganites. M. S. Reis, J. P. Araújo, V. S. Amaral, E. K. Lenzi, I.S. Oliveira Physical Review B, 66, 134417 (2002) 57. Substrate and Composition Effects on BSCCO thin Films Deposited by Aerosol-MOCVD P. B. Tavares, V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, M. C. Oliveira, J. M. Vieira Key Engineering Materials, 230-232, 173 (2002) 58. Structure of magnetic POE-siloxane nanohybrids doped with Fe(II) and Fe(III). N.J.O. Silva, K. Dahmouche, C.V. Santilli, V. S. Amaral, L.D. Carlos, V. de Zea Bermudez, A.F. Craievich Journal of Applied Crystallography, 36, 966 (2003) 59. Tricritical Points in La-based Ferromagnetic Manganites V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J. B. Sousa, P. B. Tavares, J. M. Vieira, P. A. Algarabel, M. R. Ibarra Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 7646 (2003) 60. Magnetic properties of Fe-doped organic/inorganic nanohybrids N. J. O. Silva, V. S. Amaral, L. D. Carlos, V. de Zea Bermudez Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 6978 (2003) 61. Magnetic phase diagram for a nonextensive system: Experimental connection with manganites M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, J.P. Araujo, I.S. Oliveira Physical Review B, 68, 010404 (2003) 62. Magnetocaloric Effect in Manganites: Ferromagnetic and Charge-Ordering Effects M. S. Reis, A. M. Gomes, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, J. S. Amaral, I. S. Oliveira, V. S. Amaral Materials Science Forum, 455-456, 148 (2004) 63. Nanosized Photonics and Magnetism in Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Materials Luís D. Carlos, Rute A. Sá Ferreira, Nuno J. O. Silva, Vitor S. Amaral and Verónica de Zea Bermudez Materials Science Forum, 455-456, 564 (2004) 64. Charge-Ordering and Magnetoelastic Coupling Effects on The Magnetocaloric Properties of Manganites M. S. Reis, A. M. Gomes, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, J. S. Amaral, I. S. Oliveira, V. S. Amaral Acta Physica Polonica A 105, 163 (2004) 65. Phase and structural study of self- doped La1-x-yCaxyMnO3+ F. Figueiras , J.P. Araújo, V.S. Amaral, P.B. Tavares , A.B. Lopes and J.M. Vieira Acta Physica Polonica A 105, 173 (2004) 66. First stoichiometric large-pore chromium(III) silicate catalyst Paula Brandão, Anabela Valente, Artur Ferreira, Vítor S. Amaral and João Rocha Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 69, 209 (2004) 67. Magnetoelastic Coupling Influence on the Magnetocaloric Effect in Ferromagnetic Materials V. S. Amaral, J. S. Amaral Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 2104 (2004) 68. Structural and Magnetic Study of Self- Doped La1-x-yCax ØyMnO3 F. Figueiras, J.P. Araújo, V.S. Amaral, P. B. Tavares, J. B. Sousa, J. M. Vieira. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1753 (2004) 69. Ferrihydrite antiferromagnetic nanoparticles in a sol-gel derived organic-inorganic matrix. N. J. O. Silva, V. S. Amaral, L. D. Carlos, V. de Zea Bermudez Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1549 (2004) 70. Local Probe Studies on LaMnO3+ Using the Angular Correlation Technique. A.M.L. Lopes, J.P. Araújo, E. Rita, J.G. Correia, V.S. Amaral, R. Suryanarayanan and the ISOLDE Colaboration Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, Supplement 1, E1671 (2004) 71. Cadmium Doping at Mn Site in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 A.M.L Lopes, J.P. Araújo, A.M. Gomes, M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, P.B. Tavares Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1767 (2004) 72. Perturbed Angular Correlation Study of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 A.M.L. Lopes, J.P. Araújo, E. Rita, J.G. Correia, V.S. Amaral, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, R. Suryanarayanan and the ISOLDE Colaboration Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, Supplement 1, E1667 (2004) 73. Positive and ‘Colossal’ Magnetocaloric Effect due to Charge-Ordering in CMR Manganites M. S. Reis, A. M. Gomes, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, I. S. Oliveira V. S. Amaral Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 2393 (2004) 74. Magnetic non-extensivity in CMR manganites M. S. Reis, J. P. Araújo, V. S. Amaral, I. S. Oliveira, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1011 (2004) 75. Magnetocaloric Effect on the Pr0.43Gd0.25Ca0.32MnO3 manganite A. M. Gomes, M. S. Reis, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, I. S. Oliveira V. S. Amaral Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 2385 (2004) 76. Ion beam studies of single crystalline manganite thin films C. Marques, E. Alves, V. S. Amaral, J. P. Araújo, G. Cristiani, H.-U. Habermeier and J. M. Vieira Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, 219-220, 933(2004) 77. Effect of presence of an acid catalyst on structure and properties of iron-doped siloxane-polyoxyethylene nanocomposites prepared by sol–gel L.A. Chiavacci, K. Dahmouche, N. J. O. Silva, L.D. Carlos, V. S. Amaral, V. De Zea Bermudez, S. H. Pulcinelli; C.V. Santilli, V. Briois, A. F. Craievich Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 345&346, 585–590 (2004) 78. Field tuned magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic manganite systems A. M. Gomes, F. Garcia, A. P. Guimarães, M. S. Reis and V. S. Amaral Applied Physics Letters, 85, 4974 (2004) 79. Electrical Field Gradient studies on La1-xCdxMnO3+ system J.P. Araújo, A.M.L. Lopes, T. Mendonça, E. Rita, J.G. Correia, V.S. Amaral, and the ISOLDE Collaboration Hyperfine Interactions 158, 347 (2004) 80. Matrix-assisted Formation of Size-Controlled Ferrihydrite in a Siloxane/poly(oxyethylene) Hybrid N. J. O. Silva, V. S. Amaral, L. D. Carlos, J. Rocha, V. de Zea Bermudez, D. Ostrovskii Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15, 484 (2005) 81. Synthesis, characterisation and magnetic properties of copper(II) complexes with 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (HpicOH): the crystal structure of [Cu(picOH)2(BPE)]2•[Cu(picOH)2(BPE)2]•8H2O Penka I. Girginova, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Helena I. S. Nogueira, Nuno J. O. Silva, Vítor S. Amaral, Jacek Klinowski, and Tito Trindade Journal of Molecular Structure, 737, 221 (2005) 82. Comment on ``Thermoinduced magnetization in nanoparticles of antiferromagnetic materials\\'\\' N.J.O. Silva, L.D. Carlos, and V.S. Amaral Physical Review Letters, 94, 039707 (2005) 83. Synthesis, Characterisation and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt(II) Complexes with 3-Hydroxypicolinic Acid (HpicOH): [Co(picOH)2(H2O)2] and mer-[N(CH3)4][Co(picOH)3].H2O Penka I. Girginova, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Helena I. S. Nogueira, Nuno J. O. Silva, Vítor S. Amaral, Jacek Klinowski, and Tito Trindade Polyhedron, 24, 563 (2005) 84. Charge-ordering contribution to the magnetic entropy change of (Pr,Ca)MnO3 M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, J.S. Amaral, A.M. Gomes, J.P. Araujo, P.B. Tavares and I.S. Oliveira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, Part 1, 697 (2005) 85. Magnetocaloric effect in Er and Eu-substituted ferromagnetic La-Sr manganites. J. S. Amaral, M.S. Reis, V. S. Amaral, T. Mendonça, J. P. Araújo, M.A. Sá, P. B. Tavares, and J. M. Vieira Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, Part 1, 686 (2005) 86. Magnetic behavior of iron (III) oxyhydroxy nanoparticles in organic–inorganic hybrid matrices N. J. O. Silva, V. S. Amaral, L. D. Carlos, L. Fu, S. Nunes and V. de Zea Bermudez Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, Part 2, 962 (2005) 87. Magnetocaloric effect of the (Pr,Ca)MnO3 manganite at low temperatures A. M. Gomes, F. Garcia, M. S. Reis, V.S. Amaral and A. P. Guimarães Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, Part 1, 694 (2005) 88. Magnetic entropy change of Pr1 - x Cax MnO3 manganites (0.2

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PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Functional Inorganic Materials Chimie Douce Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Luminescence

Desenvolvimento de biomateriais não sinterizáveis à base de fosfatos de cálcio com bi-funcionalidade: regeneração e tratamento de cancro ósseo (2BBone)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Development of SMART nanostructured layers for sensing corrosion in AQUAtic structures (SMARTAQUA)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Corrosion is a result of thermodynamically-driven processed which occur due to the interaction of active metal alloys with the surrounding environment, leading to the degradation of metallic structures. The problem is particularly relevant in maritime offshore structures due to aggressive conditions such as high salinity and humidity. Although t...


PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polymer LEDs Electroluminescent polymers Phosphorescent dopants Energy transfer

Exploring nano-fabrication methods of high coercivity rare-earth free Si-Alnico permanent magnets (EXPL/CTM-NAN/1614/2013)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Permanent Magnets Nano-fabrication Magnetic Coercivity Strategic resource sustainability

Facing the challenges of characterizing novel thermal materials and processes (Heat@UA) (RECI/CTM-CER/0336/2012)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Thermal properties of materials Thermal processes Thermometry Nano-scale studies

Interaction and Dynamics of add-atoms with 2-Dimensional Structures (IS585/ISOLDE)

CoordinatorOther International

Investigação em Materiais com Isótopos e Técnicas Nucleares Radioativas no ISOLDE-CERN 2021 (InvMat@ISOLDE)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Lattice Location of Transition Metals in Semiconductors (IS368/ISOLDE)

Local CoordinatorOther International

Local probe studies on Metal/Oxide junctions (CERN/FP/109325/2009)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Local probe nanostructures Metal/ Oxide junction high-k materials

Magnetostructural Modulation in Peroyskite Derivatives With Strone Electron Correlations (POCTI/CTM/35462/1999)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ceramics Thin films Magnetoresistance Local probe spectroscopies

Materials science and fundamental research on nano-stratified rare earth based compounds for magnetic refrigeration and sensor applications-Unusual martensitic transitions driven by the electronic fluid (POCI/CTM/61284/2004)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Magneto refrigeration nano-stratified compounds Martensitic transitions Magnetostrictive sensors

Material´s Characterization with Nuclear Radioactive Techniques - synergy and complementarity applied to training and development (old project: Perturbed Angular Correlations and Electron Channeling Experiments at ISOLDE-CERN) (CERN/FIS-NUC/0004/2015)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
New Materials, New scales, New properties. Material´s Nanoscopic Scale Characterization. Unique radioactive nuclear techniques. Unique Nuclear Solid State Physics Infrastructure

Material’s Research with Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Techniques at ISOLDE-CERN (InvMat @ ISOLDE)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Micro and nanostructures with giant magnetostriction: production, optimization and application in multifunctional devices (Strictive4Device) (PTDC/CTM-NAN/115125/2009)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
magnetostricitive materials functionalization devices thin films, micro and nanostructures

Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for spintronics: barriers and interfaces (PTDC/CTM/099415/2008)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials Heterostructures Spin transport Tunneling

MULTIFOX: Nanometric Probing and Modification of Multiferroic Oxides (PTDC/FIS/105416/2008)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multiferroic magnetic piezoforce microscopy nanostructured materials

Nanochemistry of magnetic/luminescent composites for in vitro medical diagnosis applications (PTDC/QUI/67712/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanocomposites Magnetism/Luminescence Antibodies bioconjugation

Nanomaterials for the uptake of pollutant metals ions: efficiency, selectivity and recyclability (PTDC/CTM-NAN/120668/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanomagnetism Colloids and interfaces Chemisorption

Perturbed Angular Correlations and Electron Channeling Experiments at ISOLDE - applied materials research with nuclear techniques, training and development (CERN/FP/116320/2010)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
New Materials & New Properties: New research Nanoscopic Material´s Characterization Emission Channeling & Perturbed Ang. Correlations Nuclear Solid State Physics infrastructure

Perturbed Angular Correlations and Electron Channeling Experiments at ISOLDE - applied materials research with nuclear techniques, training and development (CERN/FP/123585/2011)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
New Materials & New Properties Nanoscopic Materials Characterization Emission Channeling & Perturbed Ang. Correlations Nuclear Solid State Physics infrastructure

PORTUGAL AT ISOLDE : Materials and Nuclear Physics Research with Radioactive Isotopes and Techniques (ISOLDE 2017)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
New Materials, Nanoscopic Scale Properties Experimental Fundamental Nuclear Physics Exotic and Unique Nuclear Radioactive Techniques Unique Nuclear Solid State Physics Infrastructure

Radioactive probe studies of coordination mechanisms of heavy metal ions from natural waters to functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (CERN-INTC-2009-002/I-081)

CoordinatorOther International
It is planned to initiate investigations on the properties of magnetic nanoparticles with respect to their ability to absorb heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Isotopes of the elements Hg, Cd, and Pb will be implanted in solidifiedwater which already contains the nanoparticles or to which they can be added later on. This is an established proc...

Radioactive probe studies of coordination modes of heavy metal ions from natural waters to functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (IS515/ISOLDE)

CoordinatorOther International

Research on Magnetic and Multiferroic Materials using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (CERN/FP/109357/2009)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques applied to materials Magnetic and multiferroic materials magneto-electric-structural coupling implanted radioactive probes

Research on Magnetic and Multiferroic Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (CERN/FP/83643/2008)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques applied to materials Magnetic and multiferroic materials magneto-electric-structural coupling implanted radioactive probes and localization

Studies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCTI/FNU/50183/2003)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magneto-structural coupling Magnetic materials Implanted dopants and localization

Studies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCTI/FNU/49509/2002)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magneto-structural coupling Magnetic materials Implanted dopants and localization

Studies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides with Radioactive Isotopes (IS390/ISOLDE)

CoordinatorOther International

Studies of Magnetic Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCI/FP/63438/2005)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magnetic materials Magneto-structural coupling Implanted dopants and localization

Study of Local Correlations of Magnetic and Multiferroic Compounds (IS487/ISOLDE)

CoordinatorOther International

Superconducting Borides: Properties and Materials Processing (POCTI/CTM/39340/2001)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
superconductivity covalent compounds doping materials processing and modificati

Theoretical and Experimental Study of hyperfine and electronic properties in multiferroics (CNR 6818)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
This project aims at strengthening the collaboration between the partner groups on the study of multiferroic materials, their surfaces and nanostructures.The combination of complementary theoretical and experimental methods envisages a consistent understanding of the cross relation between local electron density and locally probed hyperfine and ...


First principles calculations of hyperfine parameters on the Ca manganite with substitutional Cd-modeling of a PAC experiment

Goncalves, JN; Haas, H; Lopes, AML; Amaral, VS; Correia, JG

Estimating spontaneous magnetization from a mean field analysis of the magnetic entropy change

Amaral, JS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VS

Synthesis and characterisation of novel ruthenium multi-substituted polyoxometalates: alpha,beta-[SiW9O37Ru4(H2O)(3)Cl-3](7-)

Gamelas, JAF; Carapuca, HM; Balula, MS; Evtuguin, DV; Schlindwein, W; Figueiras, FG; Amaral, VS; Cavaleiro, AMV
2010, POLYHEDRON, 29, 16, 3066-3073.

Prediction of realistic entropy behavior from mixed state magnetization data for first order phase transition materials

Das, S; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS

Handling mixed-state magnetization data for magnetocaloric studies-a solution to achieve realistic entropy behaviour

Das, S; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS

Magnetic study of amorphization of ball-milled FeCr alloys

Loureiro, JM; Costa, BFO; Das, S; Amaral, VS; Le Caer, G

Room temperature giant magnetoimpedance in La0.7Ba0.15Sr0.15MnO3 compound

Das, S; Dhak, D; Reis, MS; Amaral, VS; Dey, TK
2010, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 120, 2-3, 468-471.

Silica coated magnetite particles for magnetic removal of Hg2+ from water

Girginova, PI; Daniel-Da-Silva, AL; Lopes, CB; Figueira, P; Otero, M; Amaral, VS; Pereira, E; Trindade, T

Study of Ni-2-Mn-Ga phase formation by magnetron sputtering film deposition at low temperature onto Si substrates and LaNiO3/Pb(Ti,Zr)O-3 buffer

Figueiras, F; Rauwel, E; Amaral, VS; Vyshatko, N; Kholkin, AL; Soyer, C; Remiens, D; Shvartsman, VV; Borisov, P; Kleemann, W

A Luminescent Molecular Thermometer for Long-Term Absolute Temperature Measurements at the Nanoscale

Brites, CDS; Lima, PP; Silva, NJO; Millan, A; Amaral, VS; Palacio, F; Carlos, LD
2010, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 22, 40, 4499-4504.


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