The project REDE/1509/RME/2005-Network of Electron Microscopy - University of Aveiro started on 1/09/2005 and ended on 22/1/2008. It has as the local installation CICECO. Acquisition of equipments was initiated with 2 International Public Tenders authorized by orders of 15/03/2006 and 2/07/2006. It constitutes the Pole University of Aveiro of RNME, dated from 19/07/2007, managed by the management committee of 4 members and an advisory board of 4 specialists from international centers, invited on 2008. It houses two analytical electron microscopes of uppermost quality, with Schottky emission (SE), the SEM Hitachi SU-70 with Bruker Quantax 400 (B-U) EDS, opened on March 2007, and the filtered energy FE-TEM JEOL JEM-2200FS of atomic resolution with (FE) mapping, EELS and (B-U) EDS, fully available since November 2008. It provides services of electron microscopy, develops active research, participates in teaching of 8 curricular units of PhD programs (1), MSc courses (3) and 1st Cycle courses (4), and, together with the RNME, maintains a program of advanced training courses on electron microscopy, seminars and PhD thesis projects with international participation. Universal access is granted by registration and booking. Trained users, approved after assessment, may operate the equipments for extended periods of time, further than the regularly scheduled sessions.
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)