O projecto Inpactus, visa desenvolver novas soluções, tais como pastas celulósicas com características inovadoras, novos produtos de papel com diferentes especificidades e funções, papel tissue com propriedades inovadoras, novos bioprodutos, biocombustíveis e outros materiais obtidos a partir da desconstrução e conversão de biomassa florestal e subprodutos da indústria de pasta.
Este projeto responde a desafios nas áreas de negócios de pasta, papel e papel tissue e na área emergente de Bio-refinarias e Bio-produtos. Este projeto pretende tornar-se um caso de sucesso exemplar da cooperação Universidade-Empresa, através da criação de um verdadeiro Centro de Excelência, multipolar e deslocalizado, na área do conhecimento e inovação, a partir do eucalipto.
The Navigator Company
Instituto RAIZ- Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel, Universidade de Coimbra e Universidade de Aveiro
G1 - Materiais Porosos e Nanossistemas;
G3 - Materiais Eletroquímicos, Interfaces e Revestimentos;
G4 - Materiais Renováveis e Economia Circular;
G5 - Materiais Biomiméticos, Biológicos e Vivos;
G6 - Materiais Virtuais e Inteligência Artificial;
Biobased ternary films of thermoplastic starch, bacterial nanocellulose and gallic acid for active food packaging
Almeida, T; Karamysheva, A; Valente, BFA; Silva, JM; Braz, M; Almeida, A; Silvestre, AJD; Vilela, C; Freire, CSREpoxidized linseed oil as a plasticizer for All-Cellulose Composites based on cellulose acetate butyrate and micronized pulp fibers
Valente, BFA; Karamysheva, A; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Vilela, C; Freire, CSRExploiting the Integrated Valorization of Eucalyptus globulus Leaves: Chemical Composition and Biological Potential of the Lipophilic Fraction before and after Hydrodistillation
Oliveira, CSD; Moreira, P; Cruz, MT; Pereira, CMF; Silva, AMS; Santos, SAO; Silvestre, AJDInjectable Nanocomposite Hydrogels of Gelatin-Hyaluronic Acid Reinforced with Hybrid Lysozyme Nanofibrils-Gold Nanoparticles for the Regeneration of Damaged Myocardium
Carvalho, T; Bártolo, R; Pedro, SN; Valente, BFA; Pinto, RJB; Vilela, C; Shahbazi, MA; Santos, HA; Freire, CSRTung oil-based coatings towards sustainable paper packaging materials
Silva, FM; Pinto, RJB; Barros-Timmons, AM; Freire, CSRValorization of Fly Ashes and Sands Wastes from Biomass Boilers in One-Part Geopolymers
Vilarinho, IS; Capela, MN; Pinho, AS; Labrincha, JA; Seabra, MPSelective Separation of Vanillic Acid from Other Lignin-Derived Monomers Using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography: The Effect of pH
Rocha, ILD; Lopes, AMD; Ventura, SPM; Coutinho, JAPGetting Value from Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes: On the Way to Sustainability and Circular Economy
Amandio, MST; Pereira, JM; Rocha, JMS; Serafim, LS; Xavier, AMRBImproving the Processability and Performance of Micronized Fiber-Reinforced Green Composites through the Use of Biobased Additives
Valente, BFA; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Vilela, C; Freire, CSRValorization of Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill Slaker Grits and Biomass Fly Ash as Fillers in a Commercial Screed Mortar Formulation
Capela, MN; Vilarinho, IS; Vieira, I; Tarelho, LAC; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JABiomass Fly Ash Self-Hardened Adsorbent Monoliths for Methylene Blue Removal from Aqueous Solutions
Capela, MN; Cesconeto, FR; Pinto, PC; Tarelho, LAC; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JABioactive Bacterial Nanocellulose Membranes Enriched with Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Leaves Aqueous Extract for Anti-Aging Skin Care Applications
Almeida, T; Moreira, P; Sousa, FJ; Pereira, C; Silvestre, AJD; Vilela, C; Freire, CSRCationization of Eucalyptus Kraft LignoBoost Lignin: Preparation, Properties, and Potential Applications
Pinto, PIF; Magina, S; Budjav, E; Pinto, PCR; Liebner, F; Evtuguin, DDesign of volatile organic compounds profiles of roasted Coffea arabica extracts produced by supercritical and conventional solvents
de Toledo, PRAB; de Melo, MMR; Rodrigues, VH; Pezza, HR; Rocha, SM; Toci, AT; Pezza, L; Portugal, I; Silva, CMCharacterization of ashes produced from different biomass fuels used in combustion systems in a pulp and paper industry towards its recycling
Capela, MN; Tobaldi, DM; Seabra, MP; Tarelho, LAC; Labrincha, JADevelopment of a Commercial Screed Mortar with Low OPC Content by Incorporation of Biomass Fly Ash
Capela, MN; Tobaldi, DM; Tarelho, LAC; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JAWaste-Based One-Part Alkali Activated Materials
Goncalves, M; Vilarinho, IS; Capela, M; Caetano, A; Novais, RM; Labrincha, JA; Seabra, MPMild alkaline separation of fiber bundles from eucalyptus bark and their composites with cellulose acetate butyrate
Dou, JZ; Karakoc, A; Johansson, LS; Hietala, S; Evtyugin, D; Vuorinen, TCharacterization data of pulp fibres performance in tissue papers applications
Morais, FP; Bertolo, RAC; Curto, JMR; Amaral, MECC; Carta, AMMS; Evtyugin, DVEffect of different catalysts on the oxyalkylation of eucalyptus Lignoboost (R) kraft lignin
Vieira, FR; Barros-Timmons, A; Evtuguin, DV; Pinto, PCRIlmenite as low-cost catalyst for producer gas quality improvement from a biomass pilot-scale gasifier
Pio, DT; Gomes, HGMF; Tarelho, LAC; Ruivo, LCM; Matos, MAA; Pinto, RG; Frade, JR; Lemos, FMSSimulation and techno-economic optimization of the supercritical CO2 extraction of Eucalyptus globulus bark at industrial scale
Rodrigues, VH; de Melo, MMR; Portugal, I; Silva, CMComparative characterization of eucalyptus fibers and softwood fibers for tissue papers applications
Morais F.P.; BŽrtolo R.A.C.; Curto J.M.R.; Amaral M.E.C.C.; Carta A.M.M.S.; Evtyugin D.V.Financiadores