Aqueous Biphasic System
Ionic Liquid
Inorganic Salt
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB/UNL)
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
G4 - Materiais Renováveis e Economia Circular;
G5 - Materiais Biomiméticos, Biológicos e Vivos;
Improved extraction of fluoroquinolones with recyclable ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems
Almeida, HFD; Freire, MG; Marrucho, IMCarbon dioxide solubility in aqueous solutions of NaCl: Measurements and modeling with electrolyte equations of state
Carvalho, PJ; Pereira, LMC; Goncalves, NPF; Queimada, AJ; Coutinho, JAPThiols' extraction from "jet-fuel" assisted by ionic liquids in hollow fibre membrane contactors
Ferreira, AR; Neves, LA; Ribeiro, JC; Lopes, FM; Coutinho, JAP; Coelhoso, IM; Crespo, JGUnderstanding the cation specific effects on the aqueous solubility of amino acids: from mono to polyvalent cations
Tome, LIN; Sousa, CSR; Gomes, JRB; Ferreira, O; Coutinho, JAP; Pinho, SPGood's buffers as novel phase-forming components of ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems
Luis, A; Dinis, TBV; Passos, H; Taha, M; Freire, MGPoly(vinyl alcohol) as a novel constituent to form aqueous two-phase systems with acetonitrile: Phase diagrams and partitioning experiments
Cardoso, GD; Souza, IN; Pereira, MM; Costa, LP; Freire, MG; Soares, CMF; Lima, ASCation Alkyl Side Chain Length and Symmetry Effects on the Surface Tension of Ionic Liquids
Almeida, HFD; Freire, MG; Fernandes, AM; Lopes-da-Silva, JA; Morgado, P; Shimizu, K; Filipe, EJM; Lopes, JNC; Santos, LMNBF; Coutinho, JAPIonic liquids as additives to enhance the extraction of antioxidants in aqueous two-phase systems
Almeida, MR; Passos, H; Pereira, MM; Lima, AS; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGThermophysical properties of sulfonium- and ammonium-based ionic liquids
Bhattacharjee, A; Luis, A; Santos, JH; Lopes-da-Silva, JA; Freire, MG; Carvalho, PJ; Coutinho, JAPNovel aqueous two-phase systems composed of acetonitrile and polyols: Phase diagrams and extractive performance
Cardoso, GD; Souza, IN; Mourao, T; Freire, MG; Soares, CMF; Lima, ASAqueous two-phase systems formed by biocompatible and biodegradable polysaccharides and acetonitrile
Cardoso, GDB; Souz, IN; Pereira, MM; Freire, MG; Soares, CMF; Lima, ASHigh pressure density and solubility for the CO2+1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate system
Carvalho, PJ; Regueira, T; Fernandez, J; Lugo, L; Safarov, J; Hassel, E; Coutinho, JAPUnderstanding the impact of the central atom on the ionic liquid behavior: Phosphonium vs ammonium cations
Carvalho, PJ; Ventura, SPM; Batista, MLS; Schroder, B; Goncalves, F; Esperanca, J; Mutelet, F; Coutinho, JAPDevelopment of back-extraction and recyclability routes for ionic-liquid-based aqueous two-phase systems
Claudio, AFM; Marques, CFC; Boal-Palheiros, I; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPExtended scale for the hydrogen-bond basicity of ionic liquids
Claudio, AFM; Swift, L; Hallett, JP; Welton, T; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGComplete removal of textile dyes from aqueous media using ionic-liquid-based aqueous two-phase systems
Ferreira, AM; Coutinho, JAP; Fernandes, AM; Freire, MGIonic liquids for thiols desulfurization: Experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium and COSMO-RS description
Ferreira, AR; Freire, MG; Ribeiro, JC; Lopes, FM; Crespo, JG; Coutinho, JAPRemoval of thiols from model jet-fuel streams assisted by ionic liquid membrane extraction
Ferreira, AR; Neves, LA; Ribeiro, JC; Lopes, FM; Coutinho, JAP; Coelhoso, IM; Crespo, JGEffect of Polyvalent Ions in the Formation of Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems
Kurnia, KA; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPDesigning ionic liquids for absorptive cooling
Kurnia, KA; Pinho, SP; Coutinho, JAPVapor-Liquid Equilibria of Water plus Alkylimidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids: Measurements and Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Modeling
Passos, H; Khan, I; Mutelet, F; Oliveira, MB; Carvalho, PJ; Santos, LMNBF; Held, C; Sadowski, G; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPMolecular interactions in aqueous biphasic systems composed of polyethylene glycol and crystalline vs. liquid cholinium-based salts
Pereira, JFB; Kurnia, KA; Cojocaru, OA; Gurau, G; Rebelo, LPN; Rogers, RD; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPPlaying with ionic liquid mixtures to design engineered CO2 separation membranes
Tome, LC; Florindo, C; Freire, CSR; Rebelo, LPN; Marrucho, IMPolymeric ionic liquid membranes containing IL-Ag+ for ethylene/ethane separation via olefin-facilitated transport
Tome, LC; Mecerreyes, D; Freire, CSR; Rebelo, LPN; Marrucho, IMEvidence for the Interactions Occurring Between Ionic Liquids and Tetraethylene Glycol in Binary Mixtures and Aqueous Biphasic Systems
Tome, LIN; Pereira, JFB; Rogers, RD; Freire, MG; Gomes, JRB; Coutinho, JAPEnhanced extraction of caffeine from guarana seeds using aqueous solutions of ionic liquids
Claudio, AFM; Ferreira, AM; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPAqueous biphasic systems composed of ionic liquids and sodium carbonate as enhanced routes for the extraction of tetracycline
Marques, CFC; Mourao, T; Neves, CMSS; Lima, AS; Boal-Palheiros, I; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGSystematic Study of the Thermophysical Properties of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with Cyano-Functionalized Anions
Neves, CMSS; Kurnia, KA; Coutinho, JAP; Marrucho, IM; Lopes, JNC; Freire, MG; Rebelo, LPNCombining ionic liquids and polyethylene glycols to boost the hydrophobic-hydrophilic range of aqueous biphasic systems
Pereira, JFB; Rebelo, LPN; Rogers, RD; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGAqueous biphasic systems composed of ionic liquids and polymers: A platform for the purification of biomolecules
Pereira, JFB; Ventura, SPM; Silva, FAE; Shahriari, S; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPExtraction of tetracycline from fermentation broth using aqueous two-phase systems composed of polyethylene glycol and cholinium-based salts
Pereira, JFB; Vicente, F; Santos-Ebinuma, VC; Araujo, JM; Pessoa, A; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPAqueous biphasic systems: a benign route using cholinium-based ionic liquids
Shahriari, S; Tome, LC; Araujo, JMM; Rebelo, LPN; Coutinho, JAP; Marrucho, IM; Freire, MGIsolation of natural red colorants from fermented broth using ionic liquid-based aqueous two-phase systems
Ventura, SPM; Santos-Ebinuma, VC; Pereira, JFB; Teixeira, MFS; Pessoa, A; Coutinho, JAPAqueous biphasic systems: a boost brought about by using ionic liquids
Freire, MG; Claudio, AFM; Araujo, JMM; Coutinho, JAP; Marrucho, IM; Lopes, JNC; Rebelo, LPNImpact of Self-Aggregation on the Formation of Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems
Freire, MG; Neves, CMSS; Lopes, JNC; Marrucho, IM; Coutinho, JAP; Rebelo, LPNEvaluation of the impact of phosphate salts on the formation of ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems
Mourao, T; Claudio, AFM; Boal-Palheiros, I; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPCharacterization of aqueous biphasic systems composed of ionic liquids and a citrate-based biodegradable salt
Passos, H; Ferreira, AR; Claudio, AFM; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGIonic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems for improved detection of bisphenol A in human fluids
Passos, H; Sousa, ACA; Pastorinho, MR; Nogueira, AJA; Rebelo, LPN; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGRole of the Hofmeister Series in the Formation of Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems
Shahriari, S; Neves, CMSS; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPIonic Liquid Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems with Controlled pH: The Ionic Liquid Cation Effect
Ventura, SPM; Sousa, SG; Serafim, LS; Lima, AS; Freire, MG; Coutinho, JAPFinanciadores