Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Cubic to hexagonal tuning in Fe2Mn(Si1-xGex) Heusler alloys
Pimentel, B; Andrade, VM; de Paula, VG; Pirota, KR; Beron, F; Cardoso, MA; Goncalves, JN; Amaral, JS; dos Santos, AM; Reis, MSOn the efficient removal, regeneration and reuse of quaternary chitosan magnetite nanosorbents for glyphosate herbicide in water
Soares, SF; Amorim, CO; Amaral, JS; Trindade, T; Daniel-da-Silva, ALSynthesis and characterisation of lead free BaFe12O19 -(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 magnetoelectric composites, and the comparison of various synthetic routes
Medeiros, MSA; Coondoo, I; Oliveira, FJS; Kholkin, AL; Amaral, JS; Pullar, RCA geometry-independent moment correction method for the MPMS3 SQUID-based magnetometer
Amorim, CO; Mohseni, F; Dumas, RK; Amaral, VS; Amaral, JSEnhanced strain-induced magnetoelectric coupling in polarization-free Fe/BaTiO3 heterostructures
Amorim, CO; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSThe impact of Pr and Nd substitution on structure, hysteresis and magnetocaloric properties of La1-x(Pr, Nd)(x)Fe11.6Si1.4
Davarpanah, A; Radulov, I; Shayanfar, N; Maccari, F; Skokov, K; Amaral, J; Gutfleisch, OEffective production of multifunctional magnetic-sensitive biomaterial by an extrusion-based additive manufacturing technique
Rodrigues, AFM; Torres, PMC; Barros, MJS; Presa, R; Ribeiro, N; Abrantes, JCC; Belo, JH; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS; Banobre-Lopez, M; Bettencourt, A; Sousa, A; Olhero, SMExperimental and numerical analysis of the thermal performance of polyurethane foams panels incorporating phase change material
Amaral, C; Silva, T; Mohseni, F; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS; Marques, PAAP; Barros-Timmons, A; Vicente, RBroad Multi-Parameter Dimensioning of Magnetocaloric Systems Using Statistical Learning Classifiers
Silva, DJ; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSDevelopment of polyurethane foam incorporating phase change material for thermal energy storage
Amaral, C; Pinto, SC; Silva, T; Mohseni, F; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS; Marques, PAAP; Barros-Timmons, A; Vicente, RMagnetic Driven Nanocarriers for pH-Responsive Doxorubicin Release in Cancer Therapy
Nogueira, J; Soares, SF; Amorim, CO; Amaral, JS; Silva, C; Martel, F; Trindade, T; Daniel-da-Silva, ALBonded ferrite-based exchange-coupled nanocomposite magnet produced by Warm compaction
Mohseni, F; Pullar, RC; Vieira, JM; Amaral, JSChanging the magnetic states of an Fe/BaTiO(3)interface through crystal field effects controlled by strain
Amorim, CO; Goncalves, JN; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSDevelopment of structural layers PVC incorporating phase change materials for thermal energy storage
Amaral, C; Gama, NV; Mohseni, F; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS; Marques, PAAP; Barros-Timmons, A; Vicente, REffect of surfactants on the optical and magnetic properties of cobalt-zinc ferrite Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4
El Foulani, AH; Aamouche, A; Mohseni, F; Amaral, JS; Tobaldi, DM; Pullar, RCCooling by sweeping: A new operation method to achieve ferroic refrigeration without fluids or thermally switchable components
Silva, DJ; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSOn the Optimization of Magneto-Volume Coupling for Practical Applied Field Magnetic Refrigeration
Davarpanah, A; Belo, JH; Amaral, VS; Amaral, JSEnhancing the temperature span of thermal switch-based solid state magnetic refrigerators with field sweeping
Silva, DJ; Ventura, J; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSEnhancement of maximum energy product in exchange-coupled BaFe12O19/Fe3O4 core-shell-like nanocomposites
Mohseni, F; Pullar, RC; Vieira, JM; Amaral, JSOctylamine as a novel fuel for the preparation of magnetic iron oxide particles by an aqueous auto-ignition method
Ben-Arfa, BAE; Mohseni, F; Salvado, IMM; Ferreira, JMF; Amaral, JS; Pullar, RCTemperature dependent thermal conductivity of magnetocaloric materials: Impact assessment on the performance of active magnetic regenerative refrigerators
Silva, DJ; Davarpanah, A; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSModeling and computing magnetocaloric systems using the Python framework heatrapy
Silva, DJ; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSExperimental and theoretical evidences that atomic disorder suppresses half-metallicity of Heusler compounds
Caraballo-Vivas, RJ; Tedesco, JCG; Checca, NR; Fortunato, NM; Goncalves, JN; Sanchez, DR; Carvalho, AMG; Amaral, JS; Reis, MSElectric Field Induced Room Temperature Null to High Spin State Switching: A Computational Prediction
Amorim, CO; Amaral, JS; Goncalves, JN; Amaral, VSMagnetic nanosorbents with siliceous hybrid shells of alginic acid and carrageenan for removal of ciprofloxacin
Soares, SF; Rocha, MJ; Ferro, M; Amorim, CO; Amaral, JS; Trindade, T; Daniel-da-Silva, ALEnhancement of the dielectric permittivity and magnetic properties of Dy substituted strontium titanate ceramics
Tkach, A; Amaral, JS; Zlotnik, S; Amaral, VS; Vilarinho, PMExperimental realisation of off-stoichiometric Fe-Mn-Si full Heusler alloy with hexagonal crystal structure by pulsed laser deposition
Checca, NR; Caraballo-Vivas, RJ; Coelho, AA; Rossi, A; Fortunato, NM; Mohseni, F; Goncalves, JN; Amaral, JS; Rocco, DL; Reis, MSSynthesis and Characterization of Rare-Earth Orthoferrite LnFeO(3) Nanoparticles for Bioimaging
Pinho, SLC; Amaral, JS; Wattiaux, A; Duttine, M; Delville, MH; Geraldes, CFGCInterdiffusion Processes in High-Coercivity RF-Sputtered Alnico Thin Films on Si Substrates
Mohseni, F; Baghizadeh, A; Lourenco, AACS; Pereira, MJ; Amaral, VS; Vieira, JM; Amaral, JSDielectric spectroscopy and magnetometry investigation of Gd-doped strontium titanate ceramics
Tkach, A; Amaral, JS; Vitor, SAB; Vilarinho, PMOn the nature of the (de)coupling of the magnetostructural transition in Er5Si4
Costa, RM; Belo, JH; Barbosa, MB; Algarabel, PA; Magen, C; Morellon, L; Ibarra, MR; Goncalves, JN; Fortunato, NM; Amaral, JS; Araujo, JP; Pereira, AMFinanciadores