The present invention is concerned with self-locking nonslip paver blocks, laid without using adhesive mortar, highly porous, based on magnesium phosphate cement, manufactured at room temperature by mould casting. The paver blocks combine the typical characteristics of the material (chemical composition, structure, easy and versatile manufacture), the multi-functional characteristics due to parts design (shape, size, relief and self-locking) and high environmental sustainability, whilst presenting: (a) floor paving capacity in low-traffic urban and rural areas, (b) permeability to gases and liquids, promoting underlying soil aeration and hydration and groundwater reserve preservation, and (c) ability to constitute a device for deep soil delivery of nutrient substances activated by rainfall or irrigation water. The paver block can incorporate fibers or particles (including wastes), homogeneously or in gradient, for improved biocompatibility and timed biodegradation.
Innovative aspects & main advantages
This is a line of permeable paver blocks that explores the easy production of magnesium phosphate based porous ceramic artefacts. The paver blocks present adequate mechanical strength for light traffic, as required for walkways, driveways and patios, while being simultaneously air and water permeable, resulting in “breathing pavements” with drainage capability. Being magnesium phosphate based, these materials are environment-friendly (magnesium is the central ion in the chlorophyll molecule) and can be impregnated with nutrients or other soil fertilizers for agricultural applications.
The paver blocks can be used in urban and rural areas and can be impregnated with suitable nutrients or fertilizers in agricultural applications, enabling delayed delivery in response to raindrop or scheduled watering. The ease of production enables the inclusion of interlocking features that result in a “Lego”-type construction requiring no use of mortar.
Segadães, Ana; Morelli, Márcio; Zurba, NadiaOur Inventors
Fundação Unversidade Federal de São CarlosUniversidade de Aveiro