Creating an European - Latin American network to develop a new gene therapy strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
A number of age-related neurological pathologies are of significant medical and economic impact for both Latin American and European regions due to the increase of the elderly population in urban areas. Therefore, the development of novel therapies for neurodegenerative diseases constitutes an issue of growing importance.
Neuronano is a multidisciplinary project aimed to develop new gene therapy-related therapeutic strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Using tools from nanotechnology, nanomagnetism and gene therapy we propose to construct novel, high performance magnetic adenoviral vectors for magnetotransduction, to enhance the levels of neurotrophic factors that prevent the degeneration and enhance recovery of remaining neuron neuroprotective molecules. Starting by animal models of senile neurodegeneration, this therapy could be ultimately used in Alzheimer and Parkinsonian patients.
Among the key outcomes of the project will be the establishment of a collaborative network involving scientific partners from Europe and Latin America, to provide a suitable framework for dissemination activities and training of young researches with multidisciplinary profile.
Main Local Researcher
University of Zaragoza (Spain)
Technical University of Munich (Germany); University of Aveiro (Portugal); National University of La Plata (Argentina)
Functionalization of nickel nanowires with a fluorophore aiming at new probes for multimodal bioanalysis
Pinheiro, PC; Sousa, CT; Araujo, JP; Guiomar, AJ; Trindade, TEffects of Au nanoparticles on thermoresponsive genipin-crosslinked gelatin hydrogels
Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Salgueiro, AM; Trindade, TFluorescent Magnetic Bioprobes by Surface Modification of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Pinheiro, PC; Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Tavares, DS; Calatayud, MP; Goya, GF; Trindade, TSERS study on adenine using a Ag/poly(t-butylacrylate) nanocomposite
Pinheiro, PC; Fateixa, S; Nogueira, HIS; Trindade, Tkappa-Carrageenan hydrogel nanocomposites with release behavior mediated by morphological distinct Au nanofillers
Salgueiro, AM; Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Fateixa, S; Trindade, TSponsors