Carlos Pascoal Neto

Raiz Director

Short CV

Carlos de Pascoal Neto was born on March 17, 1965, at Ponte de Vagos, Vagos, Aveiro, married, two children.

He has graduated in Chemistry by the University of Aveiro (UA), 1988; has got the "Diplôme d'Etudes Aproffondies" (DEA) in "Génie des Procédés Papetiers" by the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France (1989) and the degree of "Docteur" in "Génie des Procédés Papetiers" by the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France (1992) (considered as equivalent to the PhD degree in Chemical Technology by the UA in). Has got the “Agregação” degree in Chemistry by UA in 2003.

Since September 2005 he is Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) at the Department of Chemistry of (DQ-UA); formely he was Associated Professor and Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar) (starting in 1992) at DQ-UA.

He is now Vice-Rector of the University of Aveiro for Cooperation with Society, Innovation and Technology Transfer. Formerly, he has been appointed as Director of DQ-UA (2007-2010) and has been participating in several university management activities including the coordination of  Scientific Commission of DQ-UA and of the Socrates-Erasmus Programe.

He has been involved in the starting-up and implementation of Chemical Engineering teaching and research at DQ-UA has well as on teaching and research activities on Forest Products Chemistry and Technology. He has been Director of the Master on Materials Derived from Renewable Resources.

Carlos has been teaching essentially Introductory Chemical Engineering, at graduate level, and Forest Products Chemistry and Technology, at graduate and MSc level.

He has created and established a research team on Macromolecular and Lignocellulosic Materials at DQ-UA. This team, with the highest scientific production in Portugal in its domain, is integrated in CICECO Associated Laboratory. He has coordinated and participated in several research projects with financial support from european and national programmes as well as from industry. He was co-founder and coordinator of the University-Industry Technology Platform “IDPOR – Research and Development on Polymers from Renewable Resources”

Carlos Pascoal Neto has supervised / co-supervised 10 post-doctoral students, 14 doctoral students, 10 master students and many research fellows and treinees, in academic or industrial context.

He his a member of CICECO Associated Laboratory since its foundation and has coordinated one of its former research lines : Biorefineries and biomaterials

Carlos Pascoal Neto has participated in the organization of several international conferences; he is a permanent member of the International Organizing Committee of the European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulps (EWLP) and has been participating in the Scientific Commission of the International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry (ISWFPC). He participates regularly as referee in several international scientific journals and is the Editor for Europe and Middle East of “O Papel”, the journal of Brazilian Association of Pulp and Paper Technitians.

He has received the first Merit Award of Tecnicela, the Portuguese Association of Pulp and Paper Technitians.

Carlos is author/co-author of 7 book chapters, more than 180 papers in international peer reviewed journals (ISI, h-index 30), 5 patents and several hundreds of oral and poster communications in national and international conference proceedings.

Research Group - Supervised doctoral and post-doctoral students

Doctoral students

  • Rui Miguel de Andrade Domingues (2009-2012), “Extraction and purification of triterepenic acids from eucalyptus bark”
  • Ricardo Pinto (2008-2012), “Composites based on natural polymers and metalic nanoparticles”
  • Sónia Santos (2007-2010), “Phenolic compounds derived from forest industries sub-products”
  • Susana Cristina de Matos Fernandes (2006-2010), “New polysaccharide-derived materials”
  • Paula Andreia Fernandes de Sousa (2005-2008), “Extraction, fractionation and new applications of cork components”
  • Ana Sofia Vila Mona Santiago (2002-2008), “Strategies to improve polysaccharides retention during Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulping”
  • Sara Alexandra Brunheta Lisboa (2002-2006), “Dissolution and precipitation of xylans in fibres during Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulping: Mechanisms and optimization of precipitation conditions”
  • Paula Cristina de Oliveira Rodrigues Pinto (2000-2004), “Relationship between the chemical structure of Eucalyptus globulus wood and its performance during pulping processes. A comparative study with other hardwoods”
  • Ana Isabel Dias Daniel (1998-2002), “Influence of the chemical composition and structure of kraft pulp components on its bleachability”
  • Carmen Sofia da Rocha Freire (1999-2002), “Behaviour of low molecular weight components during Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulp bleaching”
  • Armindo Ribeiro Gaspar (1998-2002), “Bleaching of kraft pulp with oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxyde in the presence of polyoxometalates”
  • Marta Helga Freire Lopes (1995-2000), “Structural studies of cork and its components: application of spectroscopic techniques and chemical analysis”
  • Mestre Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca (1995-1999), “Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus): Extraction and structural characterization of apliphatic components, simple and macromolecular phenols”
  • Nereida Maria Abano Cordeiro (1994-1998), “Fracctionation, characterization and study of the possibilities of up-grading cork components”

Post-doctoral fellows

  • Eliane Trovati  (2009-2012), “New materials based on bacterial cellulose”
  • Natércia da Conceição Tomé Martins (2009-2012), “Nanofibrilated celulose based nanocomposites”
  • Márcia Carvalho Neves  (2007-2010) “New strategies to produce pigments based on chemically modified natural fibres”
  • Paula Cristina de Oliveira Rodrigues Pinto (2005-2008), “Fractionation, characterization and screening of potential applications of by-products from cork industry”
  • Paula Alexandrina Marques (2004-2008), “Synthesis and characterization of new cellulose fibre based materials containing inorganic nanoparticles”
  • Carmen Sofia Freire Barros (2003-2006), “Chemical modification of cellulose fibres for new paper materials and biocomposites”
  • Armindo Ribeiro Gaspar (2002-2003), “Synthesis, characterization and application of polyoxometalates on catalyzed oxygen bleaching of cellulosic pulps”
  • Mikhail Balakshin (1999-2001), “Isolation and structural characterization of kraft pulp residual lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complexes”
  • Doutor Anatoli Chatalov (1997-1999), “Polysaccharides from Eucalyptus globulus: Structural characterization and study of its behaviour during oxygen delignification in the presence of polyxometalates”
  • Fernando Caldeira Jorge (1995-1997), “Development of adhesives for the production of wood composites containing tannins from portuguese maritime pine bark: evaluation of the effect of catalytic effect metal ions on the cure process”

Scientific Interests


  • Lignocellulosic materials chemistry
  • Pulping and bleaching chemistry/technology
  • New delignification/bleaching processes
  • Cellulosic fibres modification
  • Composite/hybrid materials
  • Bacterial cellulose materials
  • Nanocellulose-based composites
  • Cork and suberin chemistry
  • Biorefineries and new applications of biomass components

Main present collaborations

Universidade de Aveiro e CICECO: Armando Silvestre, Carmen Freire Barros, Dmitry Evtuguin, Carlos Silva, Artur Ferreira, Tito Trindade, Ana Barros, Rosário Domingues, Isabel Marrucho

Ecole Française de Papeterie et des Industries Graphiques (EFPG/INPG), Grenoble, França : Naceur Belgacem Abo Akademi, Julien Bras

Laboratory of Wood and Paper Chemistry, Turku, Finlandia: Bjarne Holmbom, Pedro Fardim

RAIZ - Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e do Papel Grupo Portucel-Soporcel Caima – Indústria de Celulose SA

Teaching Activity

Professor of “Introductory Chemical Engineering”, “Chemistry of Forest Materials” and “Technology of Forest Materials” of the Chemical Engineerin dgree of the University of Aveiro and “Wood Chemistry and Morphology” of the MSc course on Engenharia dos Processos de Produção de Pasta para Papel (Engineering of Pulp Production) (University of Coimbra, University of Aveiro and University of Beira Interior)

Projects and thematic networks


  •  “SUNPAP: Scale-up of Nanoparticles in Modern Papermaking” (2009-2012) (FP7 228802), coordinated by KCL (Helsinki, Finland)
  •  “AFORE: Forest biorefineries: Added-value from chemicals and polymers by new integrated separation, fractionation and upgrading technologies” (2009-2013), (FP7 CP-IP 228589-2), coordinated by VTT (Helsinki, Finlan)
  •  “BIIPP: A biorefinery integrated on pulp and paper industry” (2010-2013) (QREN 11551), coordinated by RAIZ (Portucel Soporcel group)
  •  “Development of new polyesters derived from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid” (2010-2012), (FCT, PTDC/QUI-QUI/101058/2008).
  •  “ECOPOLYOL – Development of a process for the production of polyols from biomass residues” (2010-2013), (QREN 11435), coordinated by SAPEC.
  •  “New Concepts for Upgrading Pulp and Cork Mill Waste Streams to Value-Added Chemicals - WaCheUp” (2005-2008), (FP6 2003 NMP-TI-3 – STRP 013896), coordinated by STFI-Packforsk (Stockholm, Sweden)
  •  “Development of a New Phase Change Composite Material for Energy Storage and Thermal Insulation” (2005-2008), (FCT, POCTI/CTM/60288/2004).
  •  “Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Fibre Based Packaging Value Chain - SUSTAINPACK” (2004-2008), (FP6 2002 NMP/1 – IP 500311-2), coordinated by STFI-Packforsk (Stockholm, Sweden)
  •  “Improving the Yield of Eucalyptus globulus Kraft Pulp Production: Strategies, Mechanisms and Impact on Pulp Quality” (2002-2005), (FCT, POCTI/EQU/46124/2002) and RAIZ (Portucel Soporcel group)
  • “Melhoria do rendimento e das características físico-mecânicas das pastas de eucalipto obtidas pelo método do sulfito ácido com base de magnésio” (2003-2005), funded by Caima – Indústria de Celulose SA (SIME 40/00905/1)
  •  “Melhoria da brancura das pastas de eucalipto obtidas pelo método do sulfito ácido com base de magnésio” (2003-2005), funded by Caima – Indústria de Celulose SA (SIME 40/00905/2)
  •  “Novos Materiais com Base em Fibras de Celulose” (2002-2004), funded by  PRAI-CENTRO.
  •  “Catalytic Bleaching of Cellulosic Pulps by Oxygen and Polyoxometalates” (2000-2003), (FCT, POCTI/1999/CTM/32865).
  •  “Corkpol - Liquid Polyols and Polyurethanes from Solid Agro-Forest (Cork) Residues” (2000-2003), (FCT, POCTI/1999/QUE/33493).
  •  “Contribution of Portuguese Eucalyptus Fibres to Printing Paper Quality” (2000-2003), (FCT, POCTI/1999/CTM/34159) and RAIZ (Portucel Soporcel group)
  •  “Towards the Minimum Effluent Kraft Pulp Mill: Recycling Bleach Plant Filtrates via Adorption” (2000-2002) (FCT, POCTI/EQU/35639/99).
  •  “Influência das Características da Pasta Branca de Eucalyptus globulus na Estabilidade Dimensional do Papel” (2001-2002), funded by RAIZ(Portucel Soporcel group)
  •  “Bleachability of Alkaline Pulps - Pulpbleach” (1998-2001), (FP5, PL97 3460), ccordinated by  Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
  •  “Do Eucalyptus globulus ao Papel: Do ECF para o TEF - Avaliação Processual das Consequências da Redução dos Consumos Específicos de Água no Fabrico de Pasta Kraft Branqueada” (1997-2000), (PRAXIS XXI 3/3.2/PAPEL/2322/95)
  •  “Do Eucalyptus globulus ao Papel: Branqueamento de Pasta Kraft” (1997-2000), (PRAXIS XXI 3/3.2/PAPEL/2326/95)
  •  “Do Eucalyptus globulus ao Papel: Cozimento Kraft” (1997-2000), (PRAXIS XXI 3/3.2/PAPEL/2327/95)



  • Rede de Competência em Polímeros – RCP (FEUP, UA, FCTUC, várias empresas nacionais)
  • COST ACTION E-41 “Analytical Tools with Application to Wood and Pulping Chemistry” (2004-2007), coordinated by KCL (Helsinki, Finland)
  •  “Materials Network for the Atlantic Área - MNAA” (2003-2006), (Interreg IIIB), coordinated by Exeter Universidade (UK)
  •  “Rede de Excelência do Papel” (2002-2004), funded by PRAI-CENTRO.

Bibliometrics and Selected Publications

 WEB OF SCIENCE bibliometric data (January 15, 2015)

229 items

204 papers (articles+reviews)

h-index: 34

Average citations per paper: 19.52


 25 Most Cited Papers

Cordeiro, N.; Belgacem, M. N.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P.; Gandini, A., Cork suberin as a new source of chemicals. 1. Isolation and chemical characterization of its composition. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1998, 22 (2), 71-80.

Cunha, A. G.; Freire, C. S. R.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P.; Gandini, A.; Orblin, E.; Fardim, P., Highly hydrophobic biopolymers prepared by the surface pentafluorobenzoylation of cellulose substrates. Biomacromolecules 2007, 8 (4), 1347-1352.

Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P., New polyoxometalate promoted method of oxygen delignification. Holzforschung 1997, 51 (4), 338-342.

Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P.; De Jesus, J. D. P., Bleaching of kraft pulp by oxygen in the presence of polyoxometalates. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 1998, 24 (4), 133-140.

Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P.; Rocha, J.; de Jesus, J. D. P., Oxidative delignification in the presence of molybdovanadophosphate heteropolyanions: mechanism and kinetic studies. Applied Catalysis a-General 1998, 167 (1), 123-139.

Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P.; Silva, A. M. S.; Domingues, P. M.; Amado, F. M. L.; Robert, D.; Faix, O., Comprehensive study on the chemical structure of dioxane lignin from plantation Eucalyptus globulus wood. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2001, 49 (9), 4252-4261.

Evtuguin, D. V.; Tomas, J. L.; Silva, A. M. S.; Neto, C. P., Characterization of an acetylated heteroxylan from Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Carbohydrate Research 2003, 338 (7), 597-604.

Freire, C. S. R.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P., Identification of new hydroxy fatty acids and ferulic acid esters in the wood of Eucalyptus globulus. Holzforschung 2002, 56 (2), 143-149.

Freire, C. S. R.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P.; Belgacem, M. N.; Gandini, A., Controlled heterogeneous modification of cellulose fibers with fatty acids: Effect of reaction conditions on the extent of esterification and fiber properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2006, 100 (2), 1093-1102.

Freire, C. S. R.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P.; Cavaleiro, J. A. S., Lipophilic extractives of the inner and outer barks of Eucalyptus globulus. Holzforschung 2002, 56 (4), 372-379.

Gaspar, A. R.; Gamelas, J. A. F.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P., Alternatives for lignocellulosic pulp delignification using polyoxometalates and oxygen: a review. Green Chemistry 2007, 9 (7), 717-730.

Gil, A. M.; Lopes, M.; Rocha, J.; Neto, C. P., A C-13 solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of cork cell wall structure: The effect of suberin removal. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1997, 20 (4), 293-305.

Gil, A. M.; Neto, C. P., Solid-state NMR studies of wood and other lignocellulosic materials. In Annual Reports on Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 37, Webb, G. A., Ed. 1999; Vol. 37, pp 75-117.

Goncalves, G.; Marques, P.; Trindade, T.; Neto, C. P.; Gandini, A., Superhydrophobic cellulose nanocomposites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 324 (1-2), 42-46.

Lisboa, S. A.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P.; Goodfellow, B. J., Isolation and structural characterization of polysaccharides dissolved in Eucalyptus globulus kraft black liquors. Carbohydrate Polymers 2005, 60 (1), 77-85.

Lopes, M. H.; Gil, A. M.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Neto, C. P., Composition of suberin extracted upon gradual alkaline methanolysis of Quercus suber L. cork. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2000, 48 (2), 383-391.

Marques, P.; Trindade, T.; Neto, C. P., Titanium dioxide/cellulose nanocomposites prepared by a controlled hydrolysis method. Composites Science and Technology 2006, 66 (7-8), 1038-1044.

Neto, C. P.; Rocha, J.; Gil, A.; Cordeiro, N.; Esculcas, A. P.; Rocha, S.; Delgadillo, I.; De Jesus, J. D. P.; Correia, A. J. F.,13C Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier-transform infrared studies of the thermal decomposition of cork. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1995, 4 (3), 143-151.

Neto, C. P.; Seca, A.; Fradinho, D.; Coimbra, M. A.; Domingues, F.; Evtuguin, D.; Silvestre, A.; Cavaleiro, J. A. S., Chemical composition and structural features of the macromolecular components of Hibiscus cannabinus grown in Portugal. Industrial Crops and Products 1996, 5 (3), 189-196.

Pinto, P. C.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P., Effect of structural features of wood Biopolymers on hardwood pulping and bleaching performance. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2005, 44 (26), 9777-9784.

Pinto, P. C.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P., Structure of hardwood glucuronoxylans: modifications and impact on pulp retention during wood kraft pulping. Carbohydrate Polymers 2005, 60 (4), 489-497.

Pinto, R. J. B.; Marques, P.; Neto, C. P.; Trindade, T.; Daina, S.; Sadocco, P., Antibacterial activity of nanocomposites of silver and bacterial or vegetable cellulosic fibers. Acta Biomaterialia 2009, 5 (6), 2279-2289.

Seca, A. M. L.; Cavaleiro, J. A. S.; Domingues, F. M. J.; Silvestre, A. J. D.; Evtuguin, D.; Neto, C. P., Structural characterization of the lignin from the nodes and internodes of Arundo donax reed. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2000, 48 (3), 817-824.

Shatalov, A. A.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Neto, C. P., (2-O-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucurono)-D-xylan from Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Carbohydrate Research 1999, 320 (1-2), 93-99.

Silvestre, A. J. D.; Pereira, C. C. L.; Neto, C. P.; Evtuguin, D. V.; Duarte, A. C.; Cavaleiro, J. A. S.; Furtado, F. P., Chemical composition of pitch deposits from an ECF Eucalyptus globulus bleached kraft pulp mill: its relationship with wood extractives and additives in process streams. Appita Journal 1999, 52 (5), 375-382.



Dmitry Evtiouguine, Carlos Pascoal Neto. Processo de deslinhificação oxidativa de materiais lenhocelulósicos em presença de heteropolianiões, 101.857, 27.03.1996.

João Manuel da Costa e Araújo Pereira Coutinho, Carlos Pascoal Neto. Compósitos de lenhocelulósicos e materiais de mudança de fase para isolamento térmico e armazenamento de energia. 103.458, 04.04.2006.

Alessandro Gandini, Jose Joaquim Costa Cruz Pinto, Carlos Pascoal Neto. Processo para a produção de poliois liquidos de origem renovável por liquefacção da biomassa agro-florestal e agro-alimentar (PPP 38380/08) 104.160, 20.08.2008

Carlos Pascoal Neto, Carmen  Freire, Susana Cristina Fernandes, Armando Silvestre, Alessandro Gandini. Aqueous coating compositions for use in surface treatment of cellulosic substrates. 104.702, 03.03.2010.

Armando Jorge Domingues Silvestre, Rui Miguel de Andrade Domingues, Carmen Sofia da Rocha Freire Barros, Carlos de Pascoal Neto, Carlos Manuel Santos Silva. Method for obtaining na extract rich in triterpenic acids from eucalyptus barks. 106.278, 26.04.2012.


BIOBLOCKS - Concepção de produtos de base biológica como percursores para a bioindústria de síntese química e de biomateriais a pertir de fontes renováveis lenhocelulósicas (BioBlocks)

PartnerIndustry National
O aumento dos preços de petróleo e uma maior apetência dos consumidores por produtos ecológicos e sustentáveis, têm vindo a viabilizar progressivamente o processo de produção e comercialização de biocombustíveis, bioquímicos e biopolímeros com base em materiais de fontes renováveis alternativos aos de origem petroquímica, permitindo a emergência...

Bioinspired nanostructured biocomposites based on proteins and polysaccharides nanofibrils (EXPL/CTM-POL/1802/2013)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Proteins and polysaccharides nanofibrils Nanostructured materials Self-assembly Biomedical applications

Controlled chemical modification of polysaccharides for the development of novel materials (PTDC/QUI/68472/2006 )

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polysaccharides Chemical modification Composites Functional materials

Creating value from bio-wastes: suberin extraction and biotransformation in biocompatible ionic liquids aiming on novel biomaterials and compounds (PTDC/QUI-QUI/120982/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
cork (suberin and extractives) biomaterials biocompatible ionic liquids extraction and dissolution

Development of a new phase change material composite for energy storage and thermal insulation (POCI/CTM/60288/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Phase Change Material Composite Energy storage Thermal insulation

Ecopolyol - Desenvolvimento do processo de produção de polióis a partir de resíduos de biomassa (ECOPOLYOL)

PartnerIndustry National
Construção e desenvolvimento de uma Instalação Piloto para Demonstração Industrial, certificação e validação do processo industrial do ponto de vista de Boas Práticas e Tecnologia Segura, obtenção de amostras industriais e certificação produto. Testar a viabilidade química e física das matérias primas.

Eucalyptus triterpenic biological activity (PTDC/AGR-FOR/3187/2012)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Eucalyptus spp Ionic Liquids Antitumoral Activity Metabolomics

GREENPEC - Desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC, de origem animal e livre de ftalatos (GREENPEC )

PartnerIndustry National
O objetivo principal deste projeto, levado a cabo pelo consórcio entre a Sapec Química e a Universidade de Aveiro, consiste no desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC originado a partir de óleos vegetais, os quais são considerados recursos renováveis e agentes de crescimento sustentável. Com o cumprimento destes objetivos, prevê-se...

Improving the yield of Eucalyptus globulus Kraft Pulp Production: Strategies, Mecanisms and Impact on Pulp Economy (POCTI/EQU/46124/2002)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Cellulosic pulp Eucalyptus globulus Kraft process yield


CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The new equipment, including a particle size analyzer (0.6 nm a 6 ?m) and light scattering and viscometry detectors for mass molecular determinations (in tandem with pre-existing GPC system) has been installed and is running in perfect conditions. This equipment represents a reinforcement of the pre-existing facilities at CICECO for the characte...

Mould proteome regulation by substrate bioavailability: depolymerising enzymes likely to alter biopolymer nanostructure (POCI/QUI/56229/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mould proteome biopolymers nanostructure depolymerising enzymes cork

RENOVA PAPTIS - Desenvolvimento de papéis tissue de nova geração (PAPTIS-RENOVA)

PartnerIndustry National
Os prod. de papel tissue têm vindo a adquirir 1 importância crescente nas sociedades modernas. Assim, as empresas produtoras de papel tissue para se manterem no mercado e crescerem apostam no desenvolvimento e optimização de processos para dar origem a produtos inovadores, q se diferenciem e q ofereçam ao consumidor, características valorizáveis...

SUNPAP - Scale-Up Nanoparticles in Modern Papermaking (SUNPAP)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Past years have made the radical change of the European paper industry evident to everyone. To accelerate growth, the industry has to beat the product commoditization and renew its product base with value-added products. Energy saving is not just part of the environmental agenda, it has become the most crucial topic for the competitiveness of Eu...

SUSTAINPACK - Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Fibre Based Packaging Value Chain (SUSTAINPACK)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The main objective of SUSTAINPACK was to ensure the future prominence and competitiveness of fibre based packaging using the exciting new opportunities in the field of nanotechnology, material coatings and communication technologies. Through research, development and application of nanotechnology SUSTAINPACK aims to reduce supply chain costs and...

WACHEUP - New Concepts For Upgrading Pulp Mill Waste Streams to Values - Added Chemicals (WACHEUP)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The objective is to upgrade low-value residual products from kraft pulp and cork manufacture into valorised green chemicals, with methods that can be efficiently integrated with the pulp/cork mills. Considerable residual streams become low-value heat at th e mills with no practical use. This is a sub-utilisation of the potential of the chemicals...


Catalytic oxygen delignification with Keggin-type molybdovanadophosphate heteropolyanions.

Evtuguin, DV; Neto, CP

Oxygen bleaching catalyzed by Mn-substituted polyoxometallates.

Gaspar, A; Evtuguin, DV; Neto, CP

Lignin aerobic oxidation promoted by molybdovanadophosphate polyanion [PMo7V5O40](8-). Study on the oxidative cleavage of beta-O-4 aryl ether structures using model compounds

Evtuguin, DV; Daniel, AID; Silvestre, AJD; Amado, FML; Neto, CP

Lignin degradation in oxygen delignification catalysed by [PMo7V5O40](8-) polyanion. Part I. Study on wood lignin

Evtuguin, DV; Neto, CP; Rocha, J
2000, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 54, 4, 381-389.

Lignin degradation in oxygen delignification catalysed by [PMo7V5O40](8-) polyanion. Part II. Study on lignin monomeric model compounds

Evtuguin, DV; Neto, CP; Carapuca, H; Soares, J
2000, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 54, 5, 511-518.

The oxypropylation of cork residues: preliminary results

Evtiouguina, M; Barros, AM; Cruz-Pinto, JJ; Neto, CP; Belgacem, N; Pavier, C; Gandini, A
2000, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 73, 2, 187-189.

Cork suberin as an additive in offset lithographic printing inks

Cordeiro, N; Blayo, A; Belgacem, NM; Gandini, A; Neto, CP; LeNest, JF

The structure of cork cell walls viewed by solid state NMR spectroscopy

Gil, AM; Lopes, MH; Neto, CP

Solid-state NMR studies of wood and other lignocellulosic materials

Gil, AM; Neto, CP
ISBN: 0-12-505337-1

Very high-resolution H-1 MAS NMR of a natural polymeric material

Gil, AM; Lopes, MH; Neto, CP; Rocha, J


Aqueous coating compositions for use in surface treatment of cellulosic substrates

Products InternationalNational

Neto, Carlos; Barros, Carmen; Fernandes, Susana; Silvestre, Armando; Gandini, Alessandro;

The present invention relates with the application of novel coating compositions, containing chitosan (and its derivatives) and bacterial cellulose, for the improvement of the final properties of cellulosic based materials, like paper and textile materials. The process involves the preparation of homogeneous bacterial cellulose-chitosan...

Lignocellulosic composites and phase transition materials for thermo insulation and energy storage

Products National

Coutinho, João ; Neto, Carlos

The present invention relates to the formulation and preparation of composites based on lignocellulosic materials by incorporating phase change materials with the purpose of their application in thermal insulation and reversible energy storage. Lignocellulosic materials provide thermal insulation properties to the composite while also p...

Method for Obtaining na Extract Rich in Triterpenic Acids From Eucalyptus Barks

Processes InternationalNational

Domingues, Rui ; Barros, Carmen; Silvestre, Armando; Neto, Carlos; Silva, Carlos;

The present invention relates to a method of obtaining extracts having very high contents (up to 98%) of triterpenic acids, mainly oleanolic and ursolic acids, from Eucalyptus barks. The method involves the solid-liquid extraction of the bark with organic solvents, preferably hexane, and the fractionation of the crude extract by means o...

Process for the production of liquid poliols of renewable origin by the liquefaction of agro-forestry and agro-food biomass

Processes InternationalNational

Gandini, Alessandro; Pinto, José; Neto, Carlos

The present invention concerns the process for producing liquid polyols of renewable origin from organic materials such as agro-forestry and agro-food biomass and respective industrial residues, constituting a profitable and bio-friendly alternative to commercial polyols obtained from petrochemical sources. The said process involves two...

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