GEOSULF - Utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials


The GEOSULF project aims to sustainable utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials. Three Universities from Finland, Poland and Portugal will develop geopolymerization recipes, geopolymer aggregates and concrete products utilizing sulphide mine tailings provided by Finnish and Polish gold and copper mines. In geopolymerization, alumina and silica rich materials are activated with alkali solution. The formed geopolymer is a three-dimensional amorphous network that can immobilize hazardous components into its structure. The project aims at deep understanding on geopolymerization of mine tailings into a form in which harmful substances cannot dissolve. The project involves four RTD parts:
1. Understanding of geopolymerization by model sulphide and heavy metal components;
2. Development of geopolymer recipes and aggregates from mine tailings;
3. Development of novel geopolymer based products like mine backfills and concrete bricks;
4. Environmental assessment of products developed.
The project results in new treatment technologies, mining practices and novel products. Development of new methods and products will provide new business opportunities for companies and more jobs in EU and promote exportation business possibilities from EU to other countries. To roll out research results across all EU member states will promote generation of new European researcher network in the area of mine tailings utilization.


University of Oulu (Finland)


AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland; Agnigo Eagle Kittilä Mine, FI; Nordic Mines AB, FI; KGHM - Polska Mied?, PL; Tapojärvi Oy, FI; Aqua Minerals Finland Ltd, FI; Universidade de Aveiro, PT


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