The PROTEUS project aims at the development of new products, alternative raw materials and technologies associated with the valorization of by-products arising from the pulp production activity and the perspective of circular economy. The byproducts considered in PROTEUS are dregs, grits, fly ash and sludge (biological and lime), as well as specific liquid effluents (alkaline and D0 - process output streams). The new products to be developed are geopolymers, organic geopolymeric mortars and comments, clinker and biochar, while the new technological applications are associated with the removal of halogenated organic compounds (AOX), which at present concentration levels present risks of non-viability in production of new products due to the high levels of corrosion they cause. PROTEUS is an innovative proposal both in concept and in the development of new products and technologies since the starting by-products currently do not have a significant appreciation being, in addition to the associated costs, industrial inefficiency factors. In order to respond to the identified objectives, the project is structured in 7 activities with Portucel SA as the main promoter of the Fabril de Cacia Center, as co-promoters of the Forest and Paper Research Center - RAIZ, the University of Aveiro - UA and VentilAQUA SA and with the collaboration of Saint-Gobain Weber as partner entity.
Main Local Researcher
The Navigator Company
Universidade de Aveiro, Raiz, VentilAQUA S.A.
G4 - Renewable Materials and Circular Economy;
G1 - Porous Materials and Nanosystems;
G2 - Photonic, Electronic and Magnetic Materials;