RMN do estado sólido in situ; Captura CO2 e contaminantes a pressão variável; Materiais híbridos inorgânicos-orgânicos; Industrial flue gas streams
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Instituto Superior Técnico
Unravelling moisture-induced CO2 chemisorption mechanisms in amine-modified sorbents at the molecular scale
Sardo, M; Afonso, R; Juzkow, J; Pacheco, M; Bordonhos, M; Pinto, ML; Gomes, JRB; Mafra, LWhat Is Being Measured with P-Bearing NMR Probe Molecules Adsorbed on Zeolites?
Bornes, C; Fischer, M; Amelse, JA; Geraldes, CFGC; Rocha, J; Mafra, LWater-Soluble Polymeric Carbon Nitride Colloidal Nanoparticles for Highly Selective Quasi-Homogeneous Photocatalysis
Krivtsov, I; Mitoraj, D; Adler, C; Ilkaeva, M; Sardo, M; Mafra, L; Neumann, C; Turchanin, A; Li, CY; Dietzek, B; Leiter, R; Biskupek, J; Kaiser, U; Im, C; Kirchhoff, B; Jacob, T; Beranek, RQuantification of Bronsted Acid Sites in Zeolites by Water Desorption Thermogravimetry
Bornes, C; Amelse, J; Peacock, M; Marshall, CL; Schwartz, M; Geraldes, CFGC; Rocha, J; Mafra, LHydrogen bonding networks in gabapentin protic pharmaceutical salts: NMR and in silico studies
Martins, ICB; Sardo, M; Cendak, T; Gomes, JRB; Rocha, J; Duarte, MT; Mafra, LEnhancing Adamantylamine Solubility through Salt Formation: Novel Products Studied by X-ray Diffraction and Solid-State NMR
Martins, ICB; Sardo, M; Alig, E; Fink, L; Schmidt, MU; Mafra, L; Duarte, MTSynthetic and Catalytic Potential of Amorphous Mesoporous Aluminosilicates Prepared by Postsynthetic Aluminations of Silica in Aqueous Media
Locus, R; Verboekend, D; d'Halluin, M; Dusselier, M; Liao, YH; Nuttens, N; Jaumann, T; Oswald, S; Mafra, L; Giebeler, L; Sels, BAmine functionalized porous silica for CO2/CH4 separation by adsorption: Which amine and why
Mafra, L; Cendak, T; Schneider, S; Wiper, PV; Pires, J; Gomes, JRB; Pinto, MLDetecting Proton Transfer in CO2 Species Chemisorbed on Amine-Modified Mesoporous Silicas by Using (CNMR)-C-13 Chemical Shift Anisotropy and Smart Control of Amine Surface Density
Cendak, T; Sequeira, L; Sardo, M; Valente, A; Pinto, ML; Mafra, LBoron removal and reinsertion studies in B-10-B-11 exchanged HAMS-1B (H-[B]-ZSM-5) borosilicate molecular sieves using solid-state NMR
Hough, A; Routh, AF; Clarke, SM; Wiper, PV; Amelse, JA; Mafra, LA supramolecular strategy based on molecular dipole moments for high-quality covalent organic frameworks
Salonen, LM; Medina, DD; Carbo-Argibay, E; Goesten, MG; Mafra, L; Guldris, N; Rotter, JM; Stroppa, DG; Rodriguez-Abreu, CSponsors