Ongoing Supervisions
Blue-biorefinery of macroalgae - improved aquaculture practices and green and innovative extraction methodologies for the production of high-value compounds (ALGREEN)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
There is an increasing trend for revisiting natural sources towards the discovery of bioactive components [1] within the blue-economy, circular economy andbiorefinery concepts. Marine organisms are seen as a promising, almost unlimited source of bioactive and quite exclusive compounds. Algae, and particularlymacroalgae or seaweeds (~10000 specie...Cell4Janus - Engineering self-propelled cellulose-based Janus microrobots (Cell4Janus)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
From Fossil To Forest (FF2F (Biocomposites))

PartnerIndustry National
This Innovation Pact is aimed at developing cellulose-based packaging and products to replace fossil-based plastics. In this context, it comprises the following six work packages: (1) high yield pulp and brown paper; (2) paper with increased mechanical strength; (3) paper with barrier properties; (4) biocomposites; (5) paper sensors for...Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional (RN21)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
A transição para uma economia mais sustentável, oferece inúmeras oportunidades para revitalizar os setores mais tradicionais da economia portuguesa, onde destacamos a produção e transformação da resina natural.O Projeto Integrado RN21 – Ino...Pacto da Bioeconomia azul (BIOECOAZUL (Termoendurecíveis))

PartnerIndustry National
The world needs a new business model capable of economic growth decoupling raw materials from natural resources. Thus the Blue Bioeconomy Pact has embraced the challenge of reindustrialising Portuguese industries with the integration of blue biotechnology solutions in the value chains, enhancing the sustainable use of marine bio-resourc...Pacto da Bioeconomia azul (BIOECOAZUL (Termoplásticos a desenvolver))

PartnerIndustry National
The world needs a new business model capable of economic growth decoupling raw materials from natural resources. Thus the Blue Bioeconomy Pact has embraced the challenge of reindustrialising Portuguese industries with the integration of blue biotechnology solutions in the value chains, enhancing the sustainable use of marine bio-resourc...Pacto da Bioeconomia azul (BIOECOAZUL (Plásticos já existentes))

PartnerIndustry National
The world needs a new business model capable of economic growth decoupling raw materials from natural resources. Thus the Blue Bioeconomy Pact has embraced the challenge of reindustrialising Portuguese industries with the integration of blue biotechnology solutions in the value chains, enhancing the sustainable use of marine bio-resourc...Valorization of solid residues from the processing of chestnuts: extraction of biopolymers and preparation of biodegradable films (ChestFilm)
Local CoordinatorOther National
O projeto tem por objetivo valorizar os resíduos gerados no processamento de castanha pela indústria agroalimentar para produção de filmes biodegradáveis, através do fracionamento diferencial dos resíduos e da caracterização dos compostos isolados (amido, celulose, compostos fenólicos e lipofílicos).AFORE - Forest Biorefinery: Added Value Chemicals and Polymers by new integrated separation, fractionation and upgrading technologies (AFORE)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The approach of AFORE project is to develop novel, industrially adaptable and techno-economically viable bio-based solutions for the separation, fractionation, and primary upgrading of green chemicals from forest residues, wood chips, and chemical pulping liquors to be used as starting materials for current and novel value-added applications. It...AgroForWealth - Biorefinação de sub-Produtos agrícolas e florestais: uma estratégia de valorização de recursos para o bem estar social e a sustentabilidade (AGROFORWEALTH)
CoordinatorOther National
AgroForWealth aims to develop a strategy for the valorization of a multitude of agro-food and forest residues within the emerging circular economy concept, calling upon a well-defined set of common and integrated biorefinery approaches implementable in a single unit, and easily extended to any type of by-product, and to creat new products with n...Bacterial Cellulose Membranes for Proton Exchange Fuel Cells (EXPL/CTM-ENE/0548/2012)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Bacterial cellulose fuell cells proton exchange membranes in situ polymerization/graftingBIIPP - Biorefinaria Integrada na Indústria da Pasta e Papel (BIIPP)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto tem como aspecto central o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e de processos que possibilitem a produção de biocombustíveis e bioprodutos a partir das correntes processuais e/ou residuais do processo de produção de pasta kraft, visando o aumento do valor acrescentado, através da síntese de produtos de origem renovável, e a r...BIOBLOCKS - Concepção de produtos de base biológica como percursores para a bioindústria de síntese química e de biomateriais a pertir de fontes renováveis lenhocelulósicas (BioBlocks)
PartnerIndustry National
O aumento dos preços de petróleo e uma maior apetência dos consumidores por produtos ecológicos e sustentáveis, têm vindo a viabilizar progressivamente o processo de produção e comercialização de biocombustíveis, bioquímicos e biopolímeros com base em materiais de fontes renováveis alternativos aos de origem petroquímica, permitindo a emergência...Bioeconomia para Têxtil e Vestuário (BE@T)
PartnerIndustry National
Apoiada pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), a indústria têxtil nacional vai investir 138 milhões de euros na bioeconomia sustentável, procurando a mudança de paradigma para o setor e a criação de produtos de alto valor ...Bioinspired nanostructured biocomposites based on proteins and polysaccharides nanofibrils (EXPL/CTM-POL/1802/2013)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Proteins and polysaccharides nanofibrils Nanostructured materials Self-assembly Biomedical applicationsControlled chemical modification of polysaccharides for the development of novel materials (PTDC/QUI/68472/2006 )
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polysaccharides Chemical modification Composites Functional materialsCreating value from bio-wastes: suberin extraction and biotransformation in biocompatible ionic liquids aiming on novel biomaterials and compounds (PTDC/QUI-QUI/120982/2010)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
cork (suberin and extractives) biomaterials biocompatible ionic liquids extraction and dissolutionDeepBiorefinery - Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents: A platform to Boost Eucalyptus globulus and Quercus suber cork integrated Biorefinerie (DeepBiorefinery )
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
natural deep eutetic solvents, biorefinery, green separation processesDesarrollo de una estrategia transfronteriza para la valorización ecosostenible de biomasas residuales del sector vinícola y vitivinícola en biorrefinerías Integrales paea la producción de biocombustibles y bioproductos (BIOVINO)
Local CoordinatorOther National
Development of new polyesters derived from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (PTDC/QUI-QUI/101058/2008)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2,5-furandicarboxylic acid Polyesters synthesis Materials from renewable sources BiorefineryDevelopment strategies in preventing superficial scald and internal browning in Rocha pear and quality assurance in long-term storage (RESTORAGEPEAR)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Rocha pear sector deals with the difficult challenge posed by the European Union that bans the use of antioxidant "diphenylamine" (DPA). Without this antioxidant, Rocha pear (and some varieties of apples produced in Portugal) preservation during storage is reduced to three months, time when the symptoms of visual change of the fruits are more l...ERA-NOEL - Novel Enzyme Tools For Production of Functional Oleochemicals from Unsaturated Lipids (ERA-NOEL)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The objective of the project is to develop enzyme-aided technologies for the upgrading of low cost unsaturated fatty acids to functional oleochemicals to be used as coatings, adhesives, lubricants, plasticizers and natural plastics. A multidisciplinary approach is taken in the project by combining biotechnical expertise to chemical engineering a...Eucaleather- Aplication of Liquid Extracts of Eucalyptus globulus in Leather tanning (EUCALEATHER)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Extraction, fractionation and characterization of polyphenolic compounds from Eucalyptus globulus bark for high value products (iCENTRO - iC-03-01-FDR00150)
CoordinatorOther National
FLUI - Sistemas de extrusão duplo paralelo de ácido polilático com injeção modular de compostos bioativos para a produção de filmes flexíveis mono e multi-camada biofuncionais para embalagens de produtos alimentares a partir de resíduos lenho-celulós (FLUI)
PartnerIndustry National
A solução apresentada pelo projeto FLUI visa o sucesso da obtenção de equipamentos inovadores e disruptivos com as soluções presentes no mercado (TRL6) para a produção de filmes flexíveis biofuncionais com flexibilidade, mono e multicamada...GREENPEC - Desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC, de origem animal e livre de ftalatos (GREENPEC )
PartnerIndustry National
O objetivo principal deste projeto, levado a cabo pelo consórcio entre a Sapec Química e a Universidade de Aveiro, consiste no desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC originado a partir de óleos vegetais, os quais são considerados recursos renováveis e agentes de crescimento sustentável. Com o cumprimento destes objetivos, prevê-se...INNOVATE-Implantable Organic Devices for Advanced Therapies (INNOVATE)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Bioelectronica; Transdutores electrónicos implantáveis; Medicina regenerativa; Sinais bioelectrónicosInnovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...PRocesses for Industrial application of natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (PRIDES)
Local CoordinatorIndustry International
The aim of PRIDES is to further develop and optimise the technologies developed in the ISPT DES cluster and to bring the scientific findings in novel lignin dissolving DES,DES regeneration and product recovery to a level that is high enough to be evaluated in relation to the traditional pulping and product conversion processes. For this purpose ...REVERSIBLE DIELS-ALDER FURAN CLICK CHEMISTRY AT THE SERVICE OF NOVEL FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS BASED ON RENEWABLE RESOURCES (PTDC/CTM/67444/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Reversible Diels-Alder Reaction Furanic Polymers Thermally reversible polymers Linear and hyperbranched polymersPublications
Poly(4-styrene sulfonic acid)/bacterial cellulose membranes: Electrochemical performance in a single-chamber microbial fuel cell
Vilela, C; Cordeiro, DM; Vilas Boas, J; Barbosa, P; Nolasco, M; Vaz, PD; Rudic, S; Ribeiro-Claro, P; Silvestre, AJD; Oliveira, VB; Pinto, AMFR; Figueiredo, FML; Freire, CSR
2020, Bioresource Technology Reports, 9, 100376.
Recent trends on the development of systems for cancer diagnosis and treatment by microfluidic technology
Silva, ACQ; Vilela, C; Santos, HA; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR
Asymmetric Monomer, Amorphous Polymer? Structure-Property Relationships in 2,4-FDCA and 2,4-PEF
Nolasco, MM; Araujo, CF; Thiyagarajan, S; Rudic, S; Vaz, PD; Silvestre, AJD; Ribeiro-Claro, PJA; Sousa, AF
2020, MACROMOLECULES, 53, 4, 1380-1387.
Bacterial nanocellulose membranes loaded with vitamin B-based ionic liquids for dermal care applications
Chantereau, G; Sharma, M; Abednejad, A; Vilela, C; Costa, EM; Veiga, M; Antunes, F; Pintado, MM; Sebe, G; Coma, V; Freire, MG; Freire, CSR; Silvestre, AJD
Topical Drug Delivery Systems Based on Bacterial Nanocellulose: Accelerated Stability Testing
Silva, NHCS; Mota, JP; de Almeida, TS; Carvalho, JPF; Silvestre, AJD; Vilela, C; Rosado, C; Freire, CSR
Dual nanofibrillar-based bio-sorbent films composed of nanocellulose and lysozyme nanofibrils for mercury removal from spring waters
Silva, NHCS; Figueira, P; Fabre, E; Pinto, RJB; Pereira, ME; Silvestre, AJD; Marrucho, IM; Vilela, C; Freire, CSR
Nanocellulose-Based Patches Loaded with Hyaluronic Acid and Diclofenac towards Aphthous Stomatitis Treatment
Carvalho, JPF; Silva, ACQ; Bastos, V; Oliveira, H; Pinto, RJB; Silvestre, AJD; Vilela, C; Freire, CSR
2020, NANOMATERIALS, 10, 4.
Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Nanocellulose-Based Composites with Neutral and Ionic Poly(methacrylate) Derivatives Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering and DFT Calculations
Vilela, C; Freire, CSR; Araujo, C; Rudic, S; Silvestre, AJD; Vaz, PD; Ribeiro-Claro, PJA; Nolasco, MM
2020, MOLECULES, 25, 7.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial films based on brewers spent grain arabinoxylans, nanocellulose and feruloylated compounds for active packaging
Moreirinha, C; Vilela, C; Silva, NHCS; Pinto, RJB; Almeida, A; Rocha, MAM; Coelho, E; Coimbra, MA; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR
Pullulan microneedle patches for the efficient transdermal administration of insulin envisioning diabetes treatment
Fonseca, DFS; Costa, PC; Almeida, IF; Dias-Pereira, P; Correia-Sa, I; Bastos, V; Oliveira, H; Duarte-Araujo, M; Morato, M; Vilela, C; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR
Advanced Biopolymer-Based Nanocomposites and Hybrid Materials

Armando J. D. Silvestre; Carmen S.R. Freire; Carla Vilela
2021, Basel, MDPI.
Polysaccharide Based Hybrid Materials, Metals and Metal Oxides, Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes

Carla Vilela, Ricardo J. B. Pinto, Susana Pinto, Paula Marques, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Carmen S. R. Freire
2018, Springer.
Deep Eutectic Solvents for Sustainable Separation Processes

In Gyorgy Szekely, Dan Zhao (Eds.), Sustainable Separation Engineering: Materials, Techniques and Process Development
Filipe H. B. Sosa, Mariana C. da Costa, Armando J. D. Silvestre, André M. da Costa Lopes
2022, 605-652, Willey.
Modification of textiles for functional applications

In Md. Ibrahim H. Mondal (Eds.), Fundamentals of Natural Fibres and Textiles
Ana C. Q. Silva, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Carmen S. R. Freire, Carla Vilela
2021, 303-365, Elsevier.
Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Field of Environmental Monitoring

In Płotka-Wasylka, Justyna, Namieśnik, Jacek (Eds.), Green Analytical Chemistry: Past, Present and Perspectives
Cardoso I.S., Pedro A.Q., Silvestre A.J.D., Freire M.G.
2019, 203-240, Singapore, Springer.
Comprehensive Insight into the Elderflowers and Elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.) Mono and Sesquiterpenic Metabolites: Factors that Modulate Their Composition

In Ramasamy Vijayakumar (Eds.), Secondary Metabolites, sources and applications
Ângelo C. Salvador, Armando J. D. Silvestre and Sílvia M. Rocha
2018, IntechOpen.
Furanoate-Based Nanocomposites: A Case Study Using Poly(Butylene 2,5-Furanoate) and Poly(Butylene 2,5-Furanoate)-co-(Butylene Diglycolate) and Bacterial Cellulose

In George Z. Papageorgiou (Eds.), Polymers from Renewable Resources
Marina Matos, Andreia Sousa, Nuno H.C.S. silva, Carmen S.R. Freire, Márcia Andrade, Adélio Mnedes, Armando J.D. Silvestre
2018, MDPI.
Sambucus nigra Berries and Flowers Health Benefits: From Lab Testing to Human Consumption

In Mérillon JM., Ramawat K. (Eds.), Bioactive Molecules in Food
Salvador Â.C., Guilherme R.J.R., Silvestre A.J.D., Rocha S.M.
2018, 1-35, Springer, Cham.
Development and applications of cellulose nanofibres based polymer nanocomposites

In Ehsan Bafekrpour (Eds.), Advanced Composite Materials: Properties and Applications
Carla Vilela, Ricardo J. B. Pinto, Ana R. P. Figueiredo, Carlos Pascoal Neto, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Carmen S. R. Freire
2017, 1-65, Warsaw/Berlin, De Gruyter Open.
Emerging technologies for the recovery of valuable compounds from coffee processing by-products

In Charis M. Galanakis (Eds.), Handbook of Coffee Processing By-Products - Sustainable Applications
Melo M.M., Silvestre A.J.D., Portugal I., Silva C.M.
2017, 141-169, Academic Press.
Environmentally Benign Supercritical Fluid Extraction

In Francisco Pena-Pereira and Marek Tobiszewski (Eds.), The Application of Green Solvents in Separation Processes
de Melo, M.M.R,, Portugal, I., Silvestre, A.J.D., Silva, C.M.
2017, 325-348, Elsevier.
Sambucus nigra L.: A Potential Source of Healthpromoting Components

In Atta-ur-Rahman (Eds.), Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry, Volume 2
Ângelo C. Salvador, Armando J. D. Silvestre and Sílvia M. Rocha
2016, 343-392, Bentham Science Publishers.
Polyethylene Terephthalate: Copolyesters, Composites, and Renewable Alternatives

In P. M. Visakh Mong Liang (Eds.), Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) Based Blends, Composites and Nanocomposites.
Andreia F. Sousa, Carla Vilela, Marina Matos, Carmen S.R. Freire, Armando J.D. Silvestre, Jorge F.J. Coelho
2015, 111-139, Elsevier Science Ltd.
Recent advances on the development of antibacterial polysaccharide-based materials, Chitosan, cellulose and starch

In Ramawat, Kishan Gopal, Mérillon, Jean-Michel (Eds.), Polysaccharides: Bioactivity and Biotechnology
V. Coma, C.S.R. Freire and A.J.D. Silvestre
2015, 1751-1803, New York, Springer International Publishing.
Polyethylene Terephthalate: Copolyesters, Composites, and Renewable Alternatives

Andreia F. Sousa, Carla Vilela, Marina Matos, Carmen S.R. Freire, Armando J.D. Silvestre, Jorge F.J. Coelho
2015, Elsevier Inc..
2 Bacterial Cellulose-Based Nanocomposites: Roadmap for Innovative Materials

Nanocellulose Polymer Nanocomposites: Fundamentals and Applications
A. R. P. Figueiredo, C. Vilela, C. Pascoal Neto, A.J.D. Silvestre and C.S.R. Freire
2014, Scrivener, Willey.
Chapter 12. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Oil and Bioactive Compounds from Grape Residues: Experimental Optimization, Modeling and Economic Evaluation

Grapes: Production, Phenolic Composition and Potential Biomedical Effects
Marcelo M. R. de Melo, Armando J. D. Silvestre and Carlos M. Silva
2014, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Enhanced technologies for the valorization of waste and side vegetable produts using supercritical fluids

Recent Research Developments in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7
Marcelo M.R de Melo, Armando J.D. Silvestre and Carlos Manuel Silva
Elderberry Juice Composition and Health Benefits

Fruit Juices: Types, Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits
Robert E. Smith, Kevin Tran, Kristy M. Richards, Sean Ryan, Rensheng Luo, Ângelo C. Salvador, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Sílvia M. Rocha, Park University, Parkville, MO, USA, and others
2014, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Carbamates: Human Exposure and Health Effects

The Impact of Pesticides
Freire CSR, Fernandes SCM, Silvestre AJD, Neto CP, Gandini A
2011, Servia, AcademyPublish.
Terpenes: major sources, properties and applications

In Belgacem MN, Gandini A (Eds.), Monomers, oligomers, polymers and composites from renewable resources
Silvestre AJD, Gandini A
2008, 17-38, Oxford, Elsevier, lda..
Rosin: sources, properties and applications

In Belgacem MN, Gandini A (Eds.), Monomers, oligomers, polymers and composites from renewable resources
Silvestre AJD, Gandini A
2008, 67-88, Oxford, Elsevier, lda.
Chemical composition and lignin structural features of banana plant leaf sheaths and rachis

In Thomas Q. Hu, Blackwell (Eds.), Characterization of Lignocellulosic Materials
Oliveira L, Evtuguin DV, Cordeiro N, Silvestre AJD, Silva MAS
2008, 171-188, Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Ltd..
Cork and suberins: major sources, properties, applications

In Belgacem MN, Gandini A (Eds.), Monomers, oligomers, polymers and composites from renewable resources
Neto CP, Silvestre AJD, Gandini A
2008, 305-320, Oxford, Elsevier lda..
Advanced Biopolymer-Based Nanocomposites and Hybrid Materials

Armando J. D. Silvestre; Carmen S.R. Freire; Carla Vilela
2021, Basel, MDPI.
Polysaccharide Based Hybrid Materials, Metals and Metal Oxides, Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes

Carla Vilela, Ricardo J. B. Pinto, Susana Pinto, Paula Marques, Armando J. D. Silvestre, Carmen S. R. Freire
2018, Springer.