Luís António Ferreira Martins Dias Carlos
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
G1 - Porous Materials and Nanosystems;
G4 - Renewable Materials and Circular Economy;
G3 - Electrochemical Materials, Interfaces and Coatings;
G6 - Virtual Materials and Artificial Intelligence;
G2 - Photonic, Electronic and Magnetic Materials;
Synergistic use of Raman and photoluminescence signals for optical thermometry with large temperature sensitivity
De, A; Dwij, V; Sathe, V; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Carlos, LD; Ranjan, RSiderite/Concrete catalysts for H-2-enriched gas production from biomass steam gasification
Ruivo, L; Oliveira, H; Gomes, H; Cruz, N; Yaremchenko, A; Frade, J; Tarelho, LACPhotocatalytic removal of benzene over Ti3C2Tx MXene and TiO2-MXene composite materials under solar and NIR irradiation
Sergiienko, SA; Tobaldi, DM; Lajaunie, L; Lopes, DV; Constantinescu, G; Shaula, AL; Shcherban, ND; Shkepu, VI; Calvino, JJ; Frade, JR; Labrincha, JA; Kovalevsky, AVMicrostructural design of cellular 3 YTZ-Al2O3 ceramic membranes
Ivanova, YA; Lopes, DV; Durana, E; Lisenkov, A; Frade, JR; Kovalevsky, AVSequential recovery of C-phycocyanin and chlorophylls from Anabaena cylindrica
Sintra, TE; Bagagem, SS; Ahsaie, FG; Fernandes, A; Martins, M; Macario, IPE; Pereira, JL; Goncalves, FJM; Pazuki, G; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPMEngineering of Mixed Eu3+/Tb3+ Metal-Organic Frameworks Luminescent Thermometers with Tunable Sensitivity
Trannoy, V; Neto, ANC; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Serier-Brault, HIron-based catalyst (Fe2-xNixTiO5) for tar decomposition in biomass gasification
Ruivo, LCM; Pio, DT; Yaremchenko, AA; Tarelho, LAC; Frade, JR; Kantarelis, E; Engvall, KSustainable Strategy Based on Induced Precipitation for the Purification of Phycobiliproteins
Martins, M; Soares, BP; Santos, JHPM; Bharmoria, P; Acosta, MAT; Dias, ACRV; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPMTheoretical Evidence of the Singlet Predominance in the Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Ruhemann's Purple Tb(III) Complexes
Moura, RT; Oliveira, JA; Santos, IA; de Lima, EM; Carlos, LD; Aguiar, EC; Neto, ANCA new series of 3D lanthanide phenoxycarboxylates: synthesis, crystal structure, magnetism and photoluminescence studies
Sen, R; Paul, S; Sarkar, A; Botas, AMP; Neto, ACN; Brandao, P; Lopes, AML; Ferreira, RAS; Araujo, JP; Lin, ZSeven-Coordinate Tb3+ Complexes with 90% Quantum Yields: High-Performance Examples of Combined Singlet- and Triplet-to-Tb3+ Energy-Transfer Pathways
Aquino, LED; Barbosa, GA; Ramos, JD; Giese, SOK; Santana, FS; Hughes, DL; Nunes, GG; Fu, LS; Fang, M; Poneti, G; Neto, ANC; Moura, RT; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Macedo, AG; Soares, JFMXene-containing composite electrodes for hydrogen evolution: Material design aspects and approaches for electrode fabrication
Sergiienko, SA; Lopes, DV; Constantinescu, G; Ferro, MC; Shchaerban, ND; Tursunov, OB; Shkepu, VI; Pazniak, H; Tabachkova, NY; Castellon, ER; Frade, JR; Kovalevsky, AVSynchronous Temperature and Magnetic Field Dual-Sensing by Luminescence in a Dysprosium Single-Molecule Magnet
Ferreira, RAS; Mamontova, E; Botas, AMP; Shestakov, M; Vanacken, J; Moshchalkov, V; Guari, Y; Chibotaru, LF; Luneau, D; Andre, PS; Larionova, J; Long, J; Carlos, LDEngineering Cytochrome C with Quantum Dots and Ionic Liquids: A Win-Win Strategy for Protein Packaging against Multiple Stresses
Shet, SM; Thayallath, SK; Bisht, M; Pereira, MM; Coutinho, JAP; Kotrappanavar, NS; Mondal, DTar formation during eucalyptus gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Effect of feedstock and reactor bed composition
Pio, DT; Ruivo, LCM; Tarelho, LAC; Frade, JR; Kantarelis, E; Engvall, KSurface Plasmon-Photon Coupling in Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles
Qin, X; Neto, ANC; Longo, RL; Wu, YM; Malta, OL; Liu, XGRedox-Promoted Tailoring of the High-Temperature Electrical Performance in Ca3Co4O9 Thermoelectric Materials by Metallic Cobalt Addition
Constantinescu, G; Sarabando, AR; Rasekh, S; Lopes, D; Sergiienko, S; Amirkhizi, P; Frade, JR; Kovalevsky, AVCellular zirconia ceramics processed by direct emulsification
Ivanova, YA; Freitas, C; Lopes, DV; Kovalevsky, AV; Frade, JREfficient Visible-Light-Excitable Eu3+ Complexes for Red Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Francis, B; Nolasco, MM; Brandao, P; Ferreira, RAS; Carvalho, RS; Cremona, M; Carlos, LDEngineering Quantum Dots with Ionic Liquid: A Multifunctional White Light Emitting Hydrogel for Enzyme Packaging
Shet, SM; Bisht, M; Pramanik, S; Roy, S; Kumar, TS; Nataraj, SK; Mondal, D; Bhandari, SEnvironmentally friendly luminescent solar concentrators based on an optically efficient and stable green fluorescent protein
Carlos, CPA; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Savchuk, OA; Coutinho, JAP; Andre, PS; Nieder, JB; Ventura, SPM; Ferreira, RASIlmenite as low-cost catalyst for producer gas quality improvement from a biomass pilot-scale gasifier
Pio, DT; Gomes, HGMF; Tarelho, LAC; Ruivo, LCM; Matos, MAA; Pinto, RG; Frade, JR; Lemos, FMSLanthanide complexes withN-phosphorylated carboxamide as UV converters with excellent emission quantum yield and single-ion magnet behavior
Pham, YH; Trush, VA; Neto, ANC; Korabik, M; Sokolnicki, J; Weselski, M; Malta, OL; Amirkhanov, VM; Gawryszewska, PNovel trivalent europium beta-diketonate complexes with N-(pyridine-2-yl)amides and N-(pyrimidine-2-yl)amides as ancillary ligands: Photophysical properties and theoretical structural modeling
Lima, GBV; Bueno, JC; da Silva, AF; Neto, ANC; Moura , RT; Teotonio, EES; Malta, OL; Faustino, WMOne-Minute Synthesis of Size-Controlled Fucoidan-Gold Nanosystems: Antitumoral Activity and Dark Field Imaging
Pinto, RJB; Bispo, D; Vilela, C; Botas, AMP; Ferreira, RAS; Menezes, AC; Campos, F; Oliveira, H; Abreu, MH; Santos, SAO; Freire, CSRSilicon Nanoparticle Films Infilled with Al2O3 Using Atomic Layer Deposition for Photosensor, Light Emission, and Photovoltaic Applications
Botas, AMP; Leitao, JP; Falcao, BP; Wiesinger, M; Eckmann, F; Teixeira, JP; Wiggers, H; Stutzmann, M; Ferreira, RAS; Pereira, RNSolar spectral conversion based on plastic films of lanthanide-doped ionosilicas for photovoltaics: Down-shifting layers and luminescent solar concentrators
Cardoso, MA; Correia, SFH; Frias, AR; Goncalves, HMR; Pereira, RFP; Nunes, SC; Armand, M; Andre, PS; Bermudez, VD; Ferreira, RASSpectral converters for photovoltaics - What's ahead
Ferreira, RAS; Correia, SFH; Monguzzi, A; Liu, XG; Meinardi, FTheoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Tb3+ -> Eu3+ Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Cubic A(3)Tb(0.90)Eu(0.10)(PO4)(3 )(A = Sr, Ba) Materials
Neto, ANC; Jr, RTM; Shyichuk, A; Paterlini, V; Piccinelli, F; Bettinelli, M; Malta, OLExperimental and theoretical investigations of the [Ln(beta-dik)(NO3)(2)(phen)(2)]center dot H2O luminescent complexes
Santos, PRS; Pereira, DKS; Costa, IF; Silva, IF; Brito, HF; Faustino, WM; Neto, ANC; Moura, RT; Araujo, MH; Diniz, R; Malta, OL; Teotonio, EES[Ga83+Sm23+, Ga83+Tb23+] Metallacrowns are Highly Promising Ratiometric Luminescent Molecular Nanothermometers Operating at Physiologically Relevant Temperatures
Salerno, EV; Zeler, J; Eliseeva, SV; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Neto, ANC; Petoud, S; Pecoraro, VL; Carlos, LDReal-Time Intracellular Temperature Imaging Using Lanthanide Bearing Polymeric Micelles
Pinol, R; Zeler, J; Brites, CDS; Gu, YY; Tellez, P; Neto, ANC; da Silva, TE; Moreno-Loshuertos, R; Fernandez-Silva, P; Gallego, AI; Martinez-Lostao, L; Martinez, A; Carlos, LD; Millan, AHigh-Quantum-Yield Upconverting Er3+/Yb3+-Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Dual Coatings for Real-Time Temperature Sensing and Photothermal Conversion
Caixeta, FJ; Bastos, ARN; Botas, AMP; Rosa, LS; Souza, VS; Borges, FH; Neto, ANC; Ferrier, A; Goldner, P; Carlos, LD; Goncalves, RR; Ferreira, RASOverlap properties of chemical bonds in generic systems including unusual bonding situations
Moura, RT; Neto, ANC; Malta, OL; Longo, RLFlexible photoluminescent waveguide amplifiers to improve visible light communication platforms
Bastos, ARN; McKenna, B; Silverio, T; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Evans, RC; Ferreira, RASProtein Cohabitation: Improving the Photochemical Stability of R-Phycoerythrin in the Solid State
Bharmoria, P; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Ventura, SPM; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Coutinho, JAPDecoding a Percolation Phase Transition of Water at similar to 330 K with a Nanoparticle Ruler
Brites, CDS; Zhuang, BL; Debasu, ML; Ding, D; Qin, X; Maturi, FE; Lim, WWY; Soh, D; Rocha, J; Yi, ZG; Liu, XG; Carlos, LDDecoding a Percolation Phase Transition of water at ~330 K with a Nanoparticle Ruler
C. D. Brites, B. Zhuang, M. L. Debasu, D. Ding, X. Qin, F. E. Maturi, W. W. Y. Lim, D. W. Soh, J. Rocha, Z. Yi, X. Liu, L. D. CarlosSelf-Calibrated Double Luminescent Thermometers Through Upconverting Nanoparticles
Brites, CDS; Martinez, ED; Urbano, RR; Rettori, C; Carlos, LDLanthanide-Based Thermometers: At the Cutting-Edge of Luminescence Thermometry
Brites, CDS; Balabhadra, S; Carlos, LDSynthesis and Characterization of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids Used in the Disruption of Escherichia Coli Cells
Sintra, TE; Vilas, M; Martins, M; Ventura, SPM; Ferreira, AIMCL; Santos, LMNBF; Goncalves, FJM; Tojo, E; Coutinho, JAPUpconversion Nanocomposite Materials With Designed Thermal Response for Optoelectronic Devices
Martinez, ED; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Urbano, RR; Rettori, CElectrochromic Switch Devices Mixing Small- and Large-Sized Upconverting Nanocrystals
Martinez, ED; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Garcia-Flores, AF; Urbano, RR; Rettori, CTransparent Luminescent Solar Concentrators Using Ln(3+)-Based Ionosilicas Towards Photovoltaic Windows
Frias, AR; Cardoso, MA; Bastos, ARN; Correia, SFH; Andre, PS; Carlos, LD; Bermudez, VD; Ferreira, RASR-phycoerythrin extraction and purification from fresh Gracilaria sp. using thermo-responsive systems
Vicente, FA; Cardoso, IS; Martins, M; Goncalves, CVM; Dias, ACRV; Domingues, P; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPMOdd-Even Effect on Luminescence Properties of Europium Aliphatic Dicarboxylate Complexes
Assuncao, IP; Neto, ANC; Moura, RT; Pedroso, CCS; Silva, IGN; Felinto, MCFC; Teotonio, EES; Malta, OL; Brito, HFBandgap Engineering and Excitation Energy Alteration to Manage Luminescence Thermometer Performance. The Case of Sr-2(Ge,Si)O-4:Pr3+
Sojka, M; Ramalho, JFCB; Brites, CDS; Fiaczyk, K; Carlos, LD; Zych, ELuminescence Thermometry on the Route of the Mobile-Based Internet of Things (IoT): How Smart QR Codes Make It Real
Ramalho, JFCB; Correia, SFH; Fu, LS; Antonio, LLF; Brites, CDS; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LDAggregation-induced heterogeneities in the emission of upconverting nanoparticles at the submicron scale unfolded by hyperspectral microscopy
Gonell, F; Botas, AMP; Brites, CDS; Amoros, P; Carlos, LD; Julian-Lopez, B; Ferreira, RASSustainable Liquid Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Frias, AR; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Ventura, SPM; Pecoraro, E; Ribeiro, SL; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Coutinho, JAP; Carlos, LDLanthanide-based downshifting layers tested in a solar car race
Correia, SFH; Bastos, ARN; Fu, LS; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RASExtraction of recombinant proteins from Escherichia coli by cell disruption with aqueous solutions of surface-active compounds
Martins, M; Ooi, CW; Neves, MC; Pereira, JFB; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPMLarge-Area Tunable Visible-to-Near-Infrared Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Correia, SFH; Frias, AR; Fu, LS; Rondao, R; Pecoraro, E; Ribeiro, SJL; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LDWidening the Temperature Range of Luminescent Thermometers through the Intra- and Interconfigurational Transitions of Pr3+
Brites, CDS; Fiaczyk, K; Ramalho, JFCB; Sojka, M; Carlos, LD; Zych, EOdd-even effect on the formation of aqueous biphasic systems formed by 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids and salts
Belchior, DCV; Sintra, TE; Carvalho, PJ; Soromenho, MRC; Esperanca, JMSS; Ventura, SPM; Rogers, RD; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MGSustainable luminescent solar concentrators based on organic-inorganic hybrids modified with chlorophyll
Frias, AR; Pecoraro, E; Correia, SFH; Minas, LMG; Bastos, AR; Garcia-Revilla, S; Balda, R; Ribeiro, SJL; Andre, PS; Carlos, LD; Ferreira, RAS[INVITED] Luminescent QR codes for smart labelling and sensing
Ramalho, JFCB; Antonio, LCF; Correia, SFH; Fu, LS; Pinho, AS; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RASUpconversion thermometry: a new tool to measure the thermal resistance of nanoparticles
Savchuk, OA; Carvajal, JJ; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Aguilo, M; Diaz, FRadiation-to-heat conversion efficiency in SrF2:Yb3+/Er3+ upconverting nanoparticles
Balabhadra, S; Debasu, ML; Brites, CDS; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LDSponsors