Ongoing Supervisions
EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (3))

PartnerIndustry National
The ECP Pact assumes itself as an integrative and transversal proposal for the Ceramics and Crystal sectors, oriented towards its critical factors of competitiveness and aiming at an improvement of the international positioning.Focusing on 4 core thematic areas - energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital ...Multifunctional bAuXite Inorganic polyMers for acid mine drainage treatment from PortUguese Mines (MAXIMUM)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mines Wastes Wastewater treatment Circular economyCeramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)
PartnerIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...Development of novel inorganic pigments from industrial wastes (PTDC/CTM/72318/2006)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Inorganic pigments Colour development in glazes and ceramic bodies Industrial wastes RecyclingECO-SEE – ECO-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials for a healthier indoor environment (ECO-SEE)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The ECO-SEE project aims to develop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both ch...Eggshell: a potential raw material for CEramic wall tiles (LIFE EggshellenCE)

PartnerEuropean Comission
LIFE EggshellenCE mains to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of using eggshells, as secondary raw material, in the production of ceramic wall tiles. The success of the project will incur in economic benefits, for both the egg transformation and the ceramic industry, and environmental benefits as it will contribute to th...EXREACT-Mitigation of deleterious internal EXpansive REACTions in concrete structures (PTDC/CTM/65243/2006)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Valorização de materiais Subprodutos Reacções expansivas internas Medidas preventivasGEOSULF - Utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials (GEOSULF)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The GEOSULF project aims to sustainable utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials. Three Universities from Finland, Poland and Portugal will develop geopolymerization recipes, geopolymer aggregates and concrete products utilizing sulphide mine tailings provided by Finnish and Polish gold and copper mines. In geopolymerization...INDUCER - Louça Utilitária em Cerâmica para Cozedura em Placas de Indução (INDUCER)
PartnerIndustry National
Este projeto tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de louça utilitária 100% cerâmica compatível com a cozedura por indução. Os produtos, e.g panelas, serão baseados em grés culinário, ao qual serão incorporados materiais cerâmicos ferromagnéticos que permitem o aquecimento do recipiente sob o efeito do campo magnético criado pela placa de indução. ...Industrial ecology: using sludge from wastewater treatment plant of surface treatment as row material for the production of refractories (POCTI/CTA/42448/2001)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Aluminum industrial sludge Recycling Surface treatment processes Al2O3-based refractoriesInnovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...Investigação de Desenvolvimento de Pasta Grés Resultante da Incorporação de Resíduos/Subprodutos Industriais (ECOGRES + NG)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto EcoGrés+NG tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma pasta corada na qual serão introduzidos os resíduos/subprodutos resultantes do processo produtivo da Grestel e resíduos/subprodutos provenientes de empresas de outros sectores nomeadamente da Navigator (cinzas volantes e...Local repairing of glazed ceramics defects on sanitary porcelain products (GlaserFix)
PartnerIndustry National
This project proposes an alternative process to the re-firing step for repairing glazed ceramics defects, using the localized CO2 laser melting of appropriate mixture adds, assisted by other diffused heat sources (ex. IR lamps). This methodology allows controlling the temperature, cooling speed and temperature gradients, consequently avoiding ex...NORM4BUILDING - NORM for Building materials (NORM4BUILDING)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The main objective of the COST Action is the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge and experiences (radiological, technical, economical, legislative, ecological) to stimulate the reuse of NORM residues in new tailor-made sustainable building materials in the construction sector while considering exposure to external gamma radiation and the res...Obtenção e caracterização de blocos isolantes a partir da recuperação de partículas de despoeiramento e granulados de argila expandida rejeitados (PRAI - Obtenção e caracterização blocos isolantes)
CoordinatorIndustry National
O projecto “Obtenção e caracterização de blocos isolantes ou placas isolantes a partir de granulados não conformes de argila expandida, partículas de despoeiramento e lamas argilosas da lavagem de britas calcárias” pretende desenvolver um novo produto a partir de materiais rejeitados, com base nos resíduos gerados na unidade de argila expandida ...Optimisation of the Processing Conditions of Clay-Based Filtration Materials to be Used in Water Purification and Heavy-Metals Removal (POCTI/CTM/11295/2001)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Recycled Waste Materials in Mortars. (RECLAIM)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Reuse and Immobilisation of Industrial Wastes by Geopolymerisation: New Construction Artefacts (POCI/AMB/59408/2004)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Wastes recycling Geopolymers Lightweight expanded clay rejects Immobilisation in construction materialsReutilização de lamas de estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais (PRAI - Reutilização de lamas estações tratamento)
CoordinatorIndustry National
O projecto “Reutilização de lamas de estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais” tem como objectivo central perspectivar a viabilidade técnica e económica de reutilizar as lamas aluminosas, por um lado, como constituinte de pastas cerâmicas destinadas à fabricação de tijolo ou ladrilho e, por outro lado, como matéria-prima base para a produ...SELFCLEAN - Superfícies cerâmicas autolimpantes (SELFCLEAN)
PartnerIndustry National
Este projecto visa o desenvolvimento de revestimentos cerâmicos com funções autolimpantes e purificantes, através da modificação da sua superfície com materiais nanoestruturados fotocatalíticos. Sem detrimento das funções nativas do revestimento cerâmico, estas novas funcionalidades permitirão diminuir os custos de manutenção de fachadas de edif...Smart Geopolymers (SMART-G)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The project aims at the development,production, and demonstration of light weight, fire resistantcomponentsfortheconstructionindustry.Industrialresidueswillbevalorised andviageopolymerizationturnedintofireresistantmaterials.Thewasteenvisionedis 'bauxite residue (or red mud)', bricks and tiles from construction and demolishing waste, and fly ash ...Study of compatible mortars for the preservation of the built heritage (POCI/HEC/57890/2004)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
built heritage mortars adobe conservationStudy of functional mortars for a sustainable construction (PTDC/ECM/72104/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
mortar sustainable construction functional material energy and environmentPublications
Simple and effective route to tailor the thermal, acoustic and hygrothermal properties of cork-containing waste derived inorganic polymer composites
Novais, RM; Senff, L; Carvalheiras, J; Lacasta, AM; Cantalapiedra, IR; Labrincha, JA
Immobilization of Hazardous Wastes on One-Part Blast Furnace Slag-Based Geopolymers
Paz-Gomez, DC; Vilarinho, IS; Perez-Moreno, SM; Carvalheiras, J; Guerrero, JL; Novais, RM; Seabra, MP; Rios, G; Bolivar, JP; Labrincha, JA
2021, SUSTAINABILITY, 13, 23.
Role of waste-based geopolymer spheres addition for pH control and efficiency enhancement of anaerobic digestion process
Gameiro, T; Novais, RM; Correia, CL; Carvalheiras, J; Seabra, MP; Tarelho, LAC; Labrincha, JA; Capela, I
Metakaolin and demolition wastes in eco-based sand consolidated concrete
Lazaar, K; Hajjaji, W; Moussi, B; Rocha, F; Labrincha, J; Jamoussi, F
Graphene-TiO2 hybrids for photocatalytic aided removal of VOCs and nitrogen oxides from outdoor environment
Tobaldi, DM; Dvoranova, D; Lajaunie, L; Rozman, N; Figueiredo, B; Seabra, MP; Skapin, AS; Calvino, JJ; Brezova, V; Labrincha, JA
Efficiency of natural clay and titania P25 composites in the decolouring of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions: dual adsorption and photocatalytic processes
Lazaar, K; Chargui, H; Pullar, R; Hajjaji, W; Moussi, B; Labrincha, J; Rocha, F; Jamoussi, F
CuxO and carbon-modified TiO2-based hybrid materials for photocatalytically assisted H-2 generation
Tobaldi, DM; Koci, K; Edelmannova, M; Lajaunie, L; Figueiredo, B; Calvino, JJ; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
A novel approach for nutrients recovery from municipal waste as biofertilizers by combining electrodialytic and gas permeable membrane technologies
Oliveira, V; Dias-Ferreira, C; Gonzalez-Garcia, I; Labrincha, J; Horta, C; Garcia-Gonzalez, MC
2021, WASTE MANAGEMENT, 125, 293-302.
UV / visible sol gel W-TiO2 photocatalytic coatings for interior building surfaces
Giampiccolo, A; Tobaldi, DM; Jones, E; Labrincha, JA; Kurchania, R; Ansell, MP; Ball, RJ
Effect of Activating Solution Modulus on the Synthesis of Sustainable Geopolymer Binders Using Spent Oil Bleaching Earths as Precursor
Delgado-Plana, P; Rodriguez-Exposito, A; Bueno-Rodriguez, S; Perez-Villarejo, L; Tobaldi, DM; Labrincha, JA; Eliche-Quesada, D
2021, SUSTAINABILITY, 13, 13.
Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering

Pacheco Torgal, F., Labrincha, J.A., Diamanti, M.V., Yu, C.-P., Lee, H.K.
2015, Cham, Springer International Publishing.
Eco-efficient materials for mitigating building cooling needs: design, properties and applications

Fernando Pacheco Torgal; J Labrincha; Luisa Cabeza; Claes G Granqvist
2015, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 1st Edition

F. Pacheco-Torgal; J.A. Labrincha; C. Leonelli; A. Palomo; P. Chindaprasit
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks

Pacheco-Torgal; P.B. Lourenço; J.A. Labrincha; P. Chindaprasit; S. Kumar
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Handbook of Recycled Concrete and Demolition Waste

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Vivian Tam, João Labrincha, Yining Ding and Jorge de Brito
2013, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Luisa F. Cabeza, João Labrincha and Aldo Giuntini de Magalhaes
2013, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient concrete

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Said Jalali, , João Labrincha, and Vanderley M. John.
2013, Elsevier.
Lightweight inorganic polymers: going beyond conventional applications

In Jordan, Vidal Manuel Miguel; Pinet, Olivier; Rincón, Jesús Ma. (Eds.), Vitrogeowastes - Vitrification and Geopolymerization of Wastes for Immobilization or Recycling
R.M. Novais, J.A. Labrincha
2019, 239-257, Universidad Miguel Hernardéz.
General conclusion and the way forward

In Wouter Schroeyers (Eds.), Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction
W. Schroeyers, F. Puertas, K. Kovler, C. Nuccetelli, H. Friedmann, T. Kovacs, J. Labrincha, H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson, R. Wiegers
2017, 301-304, Woodhead Publishing.
From NORM by-products to building materials

In Wouter Schroeyers (Eds.), Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction
J. Labrincha, F. Puertas, W. Schroeyers, K. Kovler, Y. Pontikes, C. Nuccetelli, P. Krivenko, O. Kovalchuk, O. Petropavlovsky, M. Komljenovic, E. Fidanchevski, R. Wiegers, E. Volceanov, E. Gunay, M.A. Sanjuán, V. Ducman, B. Angjusheva, D. Bajare, T. Kovacs, G. Bator, S. Schreurs, J. Aguiar, J.L. Provis
2017, 183-252, Woodhead Publishing.
From raw materials to NORM by-products

In Wouter Schroeyers (Eds.), Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction
T. Kovacs, G. Bator, W. Schroeyers, J. Labrincha, F. Puertas, M. Hegedus, D. Nicolaides, M.A. Sanjuán, P. Krivenko, I.N. Grubeša, Z. Sas, B. Michalik, M. Anagnostakis, I. Barisic, C. Nuccetelli, R. Trevisi, T. Croymans, S. Schreurs, N. Todorović, D. Vaiciukyniene, R. Bistrickaite, A. Tkaczyk, K. Kovler, R. Wiegers, R. Doherty
2017, 135-182, Woodhead Publishing.
An eco-efficient approach to concrete carbonation

Eco-efficient concrete
Pacheco Torgal F, Miraldo S, Labrincha JA, Brito J
2013, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
0 85709 424 6
High volume recycled aggregates HPC: geopolymers vs Portland cement

Handbook of recycled concrete & other demolition wastes
Pacheco Torgal F, Ding Y, Miraldo S, Abdollahnejad Z, Labrincha JA
2013, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Nano-particles for HPC

Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction. Materials, processes and applications
Pacheco Torgal F, Miraldo S, Ding Y, Labrincha JA
2013, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
0 85709 544 7
Ch 4: Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation

In Mahmood Aliofkhazraei (Eds.), Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials; Vol. 4: Properties and Commercialization
D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, C. Piccirillo, P. M. L. Castro, M. M. Pintado, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha
2013, 4, 69-91, New York, Nova.
Plating Sludge Value-Adding by Application of Hydrometallurgical Processes

In Booking EC (Eds.), Trends in Hazardous Materials Research
Silva JE, Paiva AP, Soares D, Labrincha A, Castro F
2007, 1-58, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Sensores de Oxigénio

In Fortes A, Ferreira P (Eds.), Materiais Dois Mil
Marques FMB, Frade JR, Labrincha JA
2003, Lisbon, Ist Press.
Sensores Químicos

In Fortes MA, Ferreira PJ (Eds.), Materiais Dois Mil
Marques FMB, Labrincha JA, Frade JR
2003, 491-498, Ist Press.
Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering

Pacheco Torgal, F., Labrincha, J.A., Diamanti, M.V., Yu, C.-P., Lee, H.K.
2015, Cham, Springer International Publishing.
Eco-efficient materials for mitigating building cooling needs: design, properties and applications

Fernando Pacheco Torgal; J Labrincha; Luisa Cabeza; Claes G Granqvist
2015, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 1st Edition

F. Pacheco-Torgal; J.A. Labrincha; C. Leonelli; A. Palomo; P. Chindaprasit
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks

Pacheco-Torgal; P.B. Lourenço; J.A. Labrincha; P. Chindaprasit; S. Kumar
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Handbook of Recycled Concrete and Demolition Waste

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Vivian Tam, João Labrincha, Yining Ding and Jorge de Brito
2013, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Luisa F. Cabeza, João Labrincha and Aldo Giuntini de Magalhaes
2013, Woodhead Publishing.
Eco-efficient concrete

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Said Jalali, , João Labrincha, and Vanderley M. John.
2013, Elsevier.
Evaluation of the Reactivity of Red Mud-Based Slags for Geopolymers Production
Gameiro, T; Labrincha, J.; Novais, R.M.
Reusing spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst as adsorbent in wastewater treatment applications
Gameiro, T; Costa, C.; Labrincha, J.; Novais, R.M.
Reactivity assessment of red mud-based slags towards geopolymers production
pH control in anaerobic bioreactors using fly-ash based geopolymers as buffer material
T. Gameiro, C. Correia, R. Novais, P. Seabra, J. Labrincha, I. Capela
Crystallization studies on thermal sprayed Mullite and Mullite - YSZ
J. Mesquita-Guimarães, E. Garcia, P. Miranzo, M. I. Osendi
Alkaline activation of inert industrial wastes and clay by-products, process for their implementation and use in construction

Processes National
Batista, João; Ferreira, Victor; Pinto, Amândio; Tavares, Pedro
The present invention relates to articles for the building industry based on inert industrial waste, natural clays or clay by-products, obtained by alkaline activation method. In optimal conditions, bodies with adequate mechanical strength (30 MPa) and increased resistance to salt or acid attack are obtained. These products present a pe...Alumina-based materials obtained by sintering of sludge generated from aluminium anodizing and lacquering processes

Materials National
Batista, João; Boia, Cristina; Pereira, Maria;
The present invention relates to obtaining alumina-based powder or consolidated refractory bodies, processed from sludge generated in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) of surface treatment, anodizing and aluminum lacquering industries.Proper operation and monitoring of WWTP ensures properties reasonable consistency, in term...Ceramic pigments based on industrial waste

Products National
Batista, João; Ribeiro, Manuel; Costa, Maria
The present invention relates to the synthesis of ceramic pigments by solid state reaction from industrial residues: sludges from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) of metallic surface treatment industries (eg.: anodizing, galvanizing processes), blasting steel grits used in the shipping industry, smelting sands and wastes from cutting ...Expanded clay containing sludge from the filtration process and treatment of water for human consumption

Products National
Batista, João
The present invention relates to the use of sludge generated in the filtration process and treatment of water for human consumption, in expanded clay formulations.The proper control of the operation of the filtration system and water treatment ensures reasonable consistency of properties, in terms of chemical composition and...Expanded clay containing sludge generated in the paper pulp production process

Products National
Batista, João; Ferreira, Victor; Correia, António
The present invention relates to the use of sludge generated in paper pulp production process, in expanded clay formulations. The processing conditions control ensures consistency of sludge properties, in terms of chemical composition and particle size distribution. The sludge has a moisture content greater than 50%, which is almost ent...Inorganic pigments based on hibonite structure, synthesis and usages

Materials National
Batista, João; Ribeiro, Manuel; Costa, Maria;
The present invention relates to a blue inorganic pigment which is based on the structure of hibonite consisting of a calcium hexaluminate, with the simplified formula CaAl12O19. The synthesis of hibonite structure with chromophore ions incorporated in the crystal net (eg. Ni), by solid state reaction, partially replacing Al3+ cations, ...Lightweight aggregates exclusively produced from mixes of sludges generated from cutting and polishing of granite rocks and from filtration of potable water

Products National
Batista, João; Pereira, Fabiano; Monteiro, Miguel
The present invention relates to the use of sludge generated in the granite rocks cutting process and in the filtration and treatment of water for human consumption process in lightweight aggregate formulations. The stable formation of the granite rocks composition and the correct control of the operation of the water treatment system e...Mortars containing phase change material microcapsules, their preparation process and use

Products InternationalNational
Lucas, Sandra ; Ferreira, Victor ; Aguiar, José; Batista, João
The present invention relates to a mortar for use in the interior and exterior coating of construction systems, comprising phase change material (PCM) microcapsules together with a lime binder and other auxiliary materials. The invention also concerns a process for the preparation of these mortars by blending the PCM microcapsules with ...Procedure for the production and use of porcelain stoneware tiles with antibacterial activity

Processes InternationalNational
Seabra, Maria; Batista, João; Grave, Cristina
The present invention describes the production process to obtain porcelain stoneware tiles with antibacterial action. The material promotes the bacteria’s death, while all the other required technological characteristics, particularly the chemical resistance and anti-staining properties, are assured. The product is made from a...Process to obtain red clay ceramic by incorporating sludge from effluents treatment generated in metal surface treatment operations, or sands or smelting sand fines, and resulting products

Processes National
Batista, João; Silva, Rui; Castro, Fernando; Figueiredo, José
The present invention relates to the manufacture of red clay ceramic products, containing sludge from treatment of effluents generated in metal surface treatment operations. The optimization of the processing conditions, particularly the mixing of sludge with the clay matrix, had by reference the minimum deviation from the n...Production of extruded ceramic floor tiles fully based on wastes

Processes National
Batista, João; Ribeiro, Manuel; Boia, Cristina
The present invention relates to obtaining a recycled ceramic formulation to produce extruded floor/coating by combining ceramic sludges, glass cullet and aluminum anodizing sludges. Careful separation process of impurities and of treating glass and anodizing wastes, and use of ceramic sludges properly handled and re...Production of Mixed-Metal-Oxide Inorganic Pigments from Industrial Wastes such as Slimes from Metal Winning and Processing

Products InternationalNational
Batista, João; Peixoto, Manuel; Cordeiro, Maria
The invention relates to the production of mixed-metal-oxide black inorganic pigments cobalt-free, using industrial waste as raw materials such as a galvanizing sludge from Cr/Ni plating and Fe2O3-based sludge generated from steel wiredrawing. The industrial wastes were collected, analysed, treated and the formulation were prepared by t...Reuse of aluminous sludges in the manufacture of mullite-based ceramic bodies

Processes National
Batista, João; Ferreira, José; Ribeiro, Manuel
The present invention relates to the obtainment of refractory ceramic bodies through different conformation processes, from aluminous sludge from waste water treatment plants (WWTP) of surface treatment, anodizing and lacquering aluminum industries.The sludge, as it exits the WWTP, can be used as raw material in the formulat...Screen printing of titanium and zinc oxides layers in glazed ceramic pieces showing photocatalytic activity to degrade organic dye solutions

Processes National
Batista, João; Marcos, Pedro; Marto, John
The present invention relates to deposition, by screen-printing, of oxides layers such as TiO2 and ZnO on glazed ceramic pieces, to promote organic dyes degradation by photocatalysis in an aqueous medium. Deposition conditions optimization and subsequent heat treatment of the obtained layers, as well as the oxide/dye concentrations rati...Turquoise ceramic pigment free of cobalt, vanadium and zirconium containing chromium/nickel plating sludge

Products National
Batista, João; Ribeiro, Manuel; Costa, Maria; Trindade, Tito;
The present invention relates to the synthesis, by solid state reaction, of a turquoise ceramic pigment, free of cobalt, vanadium and zirconium. This pigment comprises calcium oxide, silica, alumina, tin oxide and nickel oxide, being this the chromophore component. One of the formulations uses sludge from wastewater treatmen...Use of sludge generated in the water filtration process as workability adjuvant of single coating mortars

Processes National
Batista, João
The present invention relates to the use of sludge generated in the process of filtration and treatment of potable water as a workability adjuvant (setting retarder) of industrial mortars, in replacement of bentonites with a high commercial value. The proper operation control of water treatment system ensures reasonable consistency of p...